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Climb And Summit Mt. Goals

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Climb and Summit Mt. Goals

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Are you trying to reach a goal that feels like a large mountain to climb?

Climbing a mountain is much easier than one would think. You start at the bottom, you progress towards base camp, you hit the middle of the mountain, and then you reach the summit.

Goal-Setting, Goals, Success,Achievement, Motivation, Inspiration

Article Body:
Are you trying to reach a goal that feels like a large mountain to climb?

Climbing a mountain is much easier than one would think. You start at the bottom, you progress towards base camp, you hit the middle of the mountain, and then you reach the summit.

As climbers ascend, they come into contact with different elements such as thinner air and colder temperatures. If they climb the mountain too quickly, they will not be used to the new environment, and they will be out of their comfort zone. The same principle holds true for those of you who are climbing your own mountains, and striving for goals. As you climb higher to reach your goals, you will experience a different feeling.

You may feel anxious, like the mountaineer feels at the bottom of the mountain, knowing that his journey has only begun. You may feel overwhelmed like the mountaineer who is at base camp, knowing that he has many steps to climb. You may feel excited, like the mountaineer who has just hit the middle of the mountain, knowing that the peak is within reach. You may feel proud of yourself, like the mountaineer who has reached the summit, knowing that he obtained his goal.

So, How Can You Climb The Mountain To Your Goals?

1. Start at the bottom – establish what your goals are.

* Write down your goals.

* Avoid generalizations such as I want to be happy or I want to be rich. WHAT would make you happy or WHAT would make you rich?

* If you want to be happy, write down how you will accomplish this. Will you take up a new hobby? Will you go back to school? Will you spend more time with friends or family? The more specific you can be, the better your chances of achieving your goal.

* If you want to make more money, list details such as wanting to increase your income by 10% next year.

2. Climb to Base Camp – devise a plan to obtain your goals.

* Set a specific time period in which you want to obtain your goals – not just someday because someday leads to a town of somewhere.

* If you want to earn a degree, knowing how long the program is and how many courses you need to take each semester is a great start.

3. Take steps to reach your goals

* What steps would you take to earn a degree?

* Perhaps taking one to two classes to begin with would give you a good idea of what to expect.

* Knowing what courses are offered indicates if the program is for you or if the classes you would be taking would interest you.

4. Achieve your goals – reward yourself!!

* Once you’ve earned (or achieved) your goals, be good to yourself. You’ve earned it!!!

* If there’s something that you’ve always wanted to do or wanted to buy, do it now!!

* Be proud that you achieved your goals. This is quite an accomplishment.

Just like climbing a mountain, realizing goals will not happen in one day. But, you can realize them over time. Although your summit may seem too high to climb at the moment, know that starting will be the hard part, and reaching the summit will be your reward.

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BONUS : Title:
Combining the Mind and Effective Goal-Setting

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You need goals in your life in order to achieve your dreams and have the success you desire. Many of us spend our lives without any definite purpose, simply drifting from place to place. Setting goals help us to focus our lives and to advance confidently in a definite direction. Believe it or not, but intelligence really has nothing to do with success and financial acumen but goal-setting does! Set goals, follow them and achieve the success you deserve!

goal setting

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Goals are of vital importance in our lives. Many of us spend our lives without any definite purpose, simply drifting from place to place. Setting goals help us to focus our lives and to advance confidently in a definite direction. Without them, I don't think our lives can truly be complete.

If you are looking for proof of the importance of goals, you need not look any farther than two pivotal studies on success and goal-setting, one completed by Yale University and the other by Dr. Lewis Terman of Stanford University.

In the first study, Yale University kept track of their graduates during a 20 year period and found that the 3% who set goals were worth more financially than the entire 97% of the students who did not!

In the second study, Dr. Terman of Stanford conducted a study of 1,528 students all with IQ's above the genius level. His study found that intelligence had nothing to do with success and financial acumen but that goal-setting did!

So now we know that goal-setting is vitally important to our success, but how do we do it? I first recommend that you take a day or two (longer if needed) to spend some time meditating about your passions in life. Start to make a list. Some wise men recommend that you try to write down 100 goals for your life. Lou Holtz, the tremendously successful football coach at Notre Dame and more recently at the University of South Carolina, said that while still in his teens he wrote down over 100 goals for his life (one of which was to coach a college football team to a National Championship - which he did). A few years ago at about the age of 60, Coach Holtz had achieved every single goal he had written down. So he had to write another 100 goals and I'm sure he'll get those before long too!

I recommend that you try to write 100, write them out and break them out into long-term, mid-term, and short-term goals. You can write your own definition of the time periods involved, but I would recommend that short-term is up to 5 years from now, mid-term is 5 to 15 years from now, and long-term is 15+ years.

Now that you have goals, you need to start taking advantage of them! This is where most would-be goal-setters fail. Anyone can write a goal, but I'd wager that if you asked 10 goal-setters what their short-term goals were after a week of setting those goals, that 9 out of 10 would not be able to answer!

You need goals in your life in order to achieve your dreams and have the success you desire. But just as important is a system for keeping your goals constantly in your mind. We're back to using affirmations and mind-imagery!

After you've written out your 100 goals, take all of them and write them in the form of 100 affirmations. Example, if your goal is to earn enough money to take your wife on a second honeymoon to the Caribbean, then you could write: "I am enjoying the company of my wife in the Caribbean sun by January 1, 2009 with the money that I gladly save and invest for my benefit!"

Then, follow the advice of Rod Moore of Self Management Systems who said: "Each morning, the first thing you should do is spend 5 - 10 minutes and invest it in programming your mind to go get the goals you have set for yourself. By doing so, you are imprinting or programming your mind each day to focus on what you want. By doing this consistently your sub-conscious mind will begin to manifest your desires into your life."

What I've found works best for me is to review my short-term goals daily, and then once a week review the mid-term and long-term goals making adjustments as necessary to the term of specific goals. I find that this keeps me focused on achieving the goals with the shorter term without forgetting about the goals on the horizon.

I want you to be tremendously successful and I believe that you will be with the techniques and exercises that we've discussed. Be a goal-setter, but don't just set them and walk away. Set them and follow them and achieve the success you deserve! Until next time!


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