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Advice To Help People To Attain Their Goals In Life

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Advice To Help People To Attain Their Goals In Life

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It is important that we set ourselves goals in life, these can be short term, over a longer period of one to five years and also lifetime goals. It is one thing setting yourself these targets, however it is another thing to actually achieve them. In this article I give advice and tips on how to successfully attain the goals you set. These goals when achieved can help to improve our lives and also helps us to become happier and more self fulfilled.

goals, targets, self-confidence, uplifted, achieve, lose weight, rowing, success, positive

Article Body:
It is important that we set ourselves goals in life, these can be short term, over a longer period of one to five years and also lifetime goals. It is one thing setting yourself these targets, however it is another thing to actually achieve them. In this article I give advice and tips on how to successfully attain the goals you set. These goals when achieved can help to improve our lives and also helps us to become happier and more self fulfilled.

Write down your goals

I have always wanted to be a success and to have a happy life, I am sure this is the same for most people. In the early part of my life I was unable to achieve both of these aims. In my early to mid twenties I decided to attempt to learn about ways in which I could ensure that the future would be a lot better, than what the past had been. I started to read many books about these topics and also about people who I considered to be successful.

I soon realised the importance of setting goals and targets. I thought about what I wanted to be and which course I wanted my life to take. I wrote out three different lists of my aims for the future.

The first list included what I wanted to achieve within the next twelve months. The second list contained what I wanted to achieve within five years and the third list was my lifetime goals.

I feel it is important to write down these targets as it helps you to keep a kind of focus of what you are attempting to do.

Invest time and money to reach your goals

I now had a determination to succeed and was willing to work hard to achieve my goals. To achieve anything in life takes time and dedication. One of my aims was to reduce my levels of stress. To do this I had to learn the art of relaxation, I have always been very hard on myself and had spent most of my life worrying about things that may happen in the future. I decided to ease up on myself and to even have monthly treats to keep me and my body happy. I did this by attending reflexology sessions and for a short period I tried aromatherapy.

I also made my home more of a comfort zone by buying some nice scented candles and some new furniture. These minor changes had a huge impact as it made the house more relaxing and I always work better in this type of environment.

One of my goals was to lose weight. To help me in this quest I purchased a rowing machine and decided to wake up half an hour earlier in the morning to use it. I would sit and row at various times of the day which I would try to stick to. Always in the moring and always before bed, wherever possible of course. I would also use the machine at times when I was becoming a little stressed or a bit lethargic. This really helped me as after I had rowed for around twenty minutes, I would feel really uplifted and full of confidence. I would also feel a sense of pride that I had battled against the negative side of brain and was sure that I would soon gain the benefit of a reduced weight.

Avoid negative people

There are people out there who try to bring me down. They attempt to do this by off the cuff comments they make or just by the way they seem to look down on me. They look at me as If I am worthless and some kind of loser. These type of people have caused me many sleepless nights and have had a negative affect on my self-confidence.

Quite simply the answer to this problem is to stay away from them, this is not always easy however. These people used to make me feel angry but I now feel sorry for them. I am happy despite what they may think and I have even learned to not care about their opinion of me.

There are two types of person in life, negative and positive. I now steer clear of negative people as that is what I used to be and I do not want to go back there. They try to get me back into their clan by the comments they make and try to convince me that all is not well.

Negative people tend to have negative lives where as positive people tend to have positive lives. I want to be, as already stated, happy and successful therefore I need to continue to think in a positive way.

The above advice is how I now live my life. At times I feel down like everybody does and this of course is when I use the rowing machine. I have now lost my excess weight and am very happy. I hope this article helps you to.

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Alvin Donovan Managing Goals by Alvin Donovan

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Alvin Donovan Managing Goals by Alvin Donovan
Through his seminar presentations Alvin Donovan has been able to meet and interview some of the most successful people in the world. What Alvin Donovan has discovered is that they all manage goals better than others.

Alvin Donovan Alvin Donovan

Article Body:
Alvin Donovan has presented seminars in many different countries and this has given him the opportunity to meet and interview some of the most successful people in the world. What Alvin Donovan has discovered is that they all manage their goals to make themselves more successful than the rest. They are strategies you can use easily and naturally to begin to Make More Money NOW:

Managing Goals: Outcome Determination, Generation and Realisation

Outcome Determination Procedure-
Benefits of this article by Alvin Donovan:
* Motivate yourself for action and avoid procrastination.
* Establish your position and direction.
* Achieve and enhance your peak personal performance.
* Designing and engineering your future.

Would it be helpful to have a way to always keep on track to your outcomes?
Alvin Donovan has always divided people up into two categories, winners and losers. Others divide people into three categories:
1. Those who make it happen
2. Those who watch it happen
3. Those who wonder what happened

Alvin Donovan always asks “what kind of a person do you choose to be?”
Because regardless of who you want to be, the device of outcome is how you get become what you want to be. The way outcome works is the stronger you determine your outcome and know your outcome the more sure you are to achieve it.

No matter what you lot in life you must always strive to improve it. Complacency will only get you behind, not ahead. So from now on, always, before everything you do, determine the outcome you desire before you do it. The reason is because the more strongly you determine your outcome, the more you get it.

Alvin Donovan makes the point “The more you think, work, see, hear, feel and make sense of things in terms of outcome the more likely you are to achieve your goals.”
What you need to do is cut grooves in your brain that lead you towards achieving the goals you want to achieve. A way that is very useful to me is to go through a certain refocusing on a daily basis. Depending on your time schedule and your desire for results, you can do these procedure from 1 minute to 15 minutes per day.

Alvin Donovan New outcome generator

A) Prime the pump. Let us get things started by determining exactly what you want and establishing how you will know when you have it. You need to establish goal posts along the way to your outcome so you know you are moving in the right direction and also when you get where you want to go. How about you start with the outcome you have for reading this article?

If you could wave a magic wand, what would happen, what would you achieve after reading it? For a moment, let your imagination run wild! Dare to dream up the most exciting, wonderfully fulfilling fantasy that could ever be!

Now, I want to issue a word of warning. Make sure that what you wish for is what you actually want, what will make you really happy. Don’t be too surprised too soon when these wishes actually come true. Alvin Donovan wants only happy surprises.

1. Now it is very important to state the outcome in terms of what you actually
want instead of what you want to avoid or discard. The reason for that is if you state something like I don’t want to make sales calls where I lose the deal, then in order for your mind to understand that statement, you have to imagine losing the deal and then cancel that picture out.

On the other hand, when you state something like, I want to make the deal on every sales call I make. You make a picture of doing so and just follow along that mental track unimpeded. Write down your outcome in terms of what you want to achieve.

2. Before you start the generator, you need to define and establish some sensory-based evidence. i.e.:

How would you know that you could accomplish the goal in that situation or with that person? What would be there? What would you need to see, hear, feel and make sense of?

Have you done it before? Have you accomplished this goal or something like it? What did it feel like? Pay particular attention to the feelings you have had as you achieved that other goal. Really get in touch with that feeling and note exactly where it is in your body and what it feels like so that you can remember it easily. Specify that feeling of success. Now. Write it down.

Now you are ready to begin:

New outcome generator Stage 2

1. Ask yourself, "If I could already achieve my new goal, what
would I look like? (Put your eyes and head down and to
the left.)

2. Picture yourself achieving your goal as if you are watching
yourself in a movie. (Look up and to the right.) Make the picture
bigger, clearer, closer, brighter, add colors.

3. Step into the picture so you feel yourself doing what you
pictured. (Put your eyes and head down and to the right.)

4. Compare these feelings to those feelings from a similar past
success. (Keep your eyes and head turned down and to the

5. If it does not feel the same, find what is missing and add it. Redo the

So, let us use the example of making every sales call. Alvin Donovan writes down that he wants to make a deal on every sales call he makes. Alvin Donovan remembers what it feels like to make a deal and really pay attention to the feeling that it produces, makes a note of that feeling.

Next, Alvin Donovan will put his eyes and head down and to the left. He asks hisself “if I could already make the deal on every sales call I make, what would I look like?”

Next, Alvin Donovan puts his eyes and head up and to the right and watch hisself making the deal on every sales call as if he is am watching a movie with me as the actor in the movie. He makes sure the movie has color, is bright enough, close enough and big enough to make a real impact.

Next, Alvin Donovan puts his eyes and head down and to the right, he steps into the movie so that he becomes the actor in the movie and he compares that feeling to the feeling of the past success above.

How did that feel? Just for the fun of it, redo the process again doing the opposite of what is written. On step 1 turn your eyes and head down and to the right. On the rest of the steps put your eyes and head to the left. Notice which one felt better.

We have done an exercise, you have learned something, now it is time to think how you can put it into practice. Write below here with the intention to use this: What are some of the many ways that I can use and apply this in the real world?

Now most people have no challenge to move their eyes and head in the right direction. The key is to ask the right question, make the pictures and pay attention to the feelings inside. This is something that comes naturally with practice. Practice this over and over again. What you will find is that as you go out and begin to use this and as you come into persuasion situations you will discover that this really works to more readily achieve your outcomes.

You will more readily achieve your outcomes and when you use this frequently it will cause you to get more sales. You will get more sales which will give you the income you desire because the more sales you make the more money you make.

Assignments: Twice a day, you must rehearse and emotionally enjoy the experience of achieving each one of your most valued goals. Right now take immediate action.

Alvin Donovan, founder of the investment bank, has presented his Make More Money NOW seminars all around the world and has co-authored a book of the same title. Alvin Donovan has also been a consultant/faculty member for several of the world’s largest management institutes, including the American Management Association and the National Management Association in the USA, the Management Centre Europe in Belgium, and IMI in Dublin


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