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The Power Of Positive Thought

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The Power of Positive Thought

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Is it possible that the world’s greatest achievers think completely differently from the majority?

Positive thinking, self help, manifestation, mind, goals

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Is it possible that the world’s greatest achievers think completely differently from the majority?

Do you think the Wright brothers could ever have achieved what they did if they hadn’t believed it could be done? Was Mark Spitz’s seven gold medals in swimming a result of I can’t do this? Not to mention Christopher Columbus – imagine that!!!!

Have you ever thought that success in any chosen subject be it financial, political, sporting or in anything for that matter could be and was achieved whilst the individual was in a state of negativity. i.e. I can’t do that - That’s not possible – It will never work.

I myself have been in the company of negative thinkers and let me tell you that their influence if allowed to go unchecked is very powerful and destructive.

“Look at what happens if you place a piece of rotting fruit in a bowl of fresh fruit”

That is why it is paramount that if you want to be successful in life, you must surround yourself with positive thinking individuals and to share your positive thoughts and attitudes with like minded people.

It is also equally important that you write your goals down and place them in a position where you can see and read them on a daily basis.

In the late 1950’s, 1500 students of Yale University were sent a questionnaire with topics ranging from the quality of food being served in the canteen to how easy it was to get books out of the library. However, it is the last two questions which I would like to dwell on.

1) Do you have an ambition in your life?
2) Have you written it down?

Twenty five years later, a postgraduate on discovering the existence of the questionnaires decided to carry out further research on the last two questions. Here are the results of his findings.

Over 75% of the students who completed the questionnaire had ambitions for their lives.
Only 3.3% had actually written their ambitions down.

After tracking down as many of the 3.3% (51 students) as he could he found that all of them had gone on to realise their dreams – in commerce, in government and in the professions.

Of the others he had managed to contact, they told him that most of what they had achieved had happened more by chance than design. They had ended up in careers they hadn’t planned for because they didn’t define what it was they were actually seeking to do.

Is it therefore conclusive that by writing your goals down you are actively programming or reprogramming your brain to change the way you subconsciously perceive?

“Formulate and indelibly stamp on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade – and your mind will seek to develop the picture.”
Norman Vincent Peale (1898-1993),
positive thinking guru

Not having been party to the experiment which was carried out at YALE, I can neither confirm or deny it. However, I would like to carry out my own mini experiment to try and prove / disprove the power of positive thinking.

On my website at I have created a blog with the first item being a positive thought I am going to picture in my mind over the next 12 months and on the anniversary I will report on my blog what has actually happened.

I would like as many people to participate in this project and I would therefore ask if you would be so kind as to visit my site and to note along with your details a goal which you would like to achieve and confirm that you will do what Norman Vincent Peale suggested over the next 12 months. Please also ask as many of your friends, colleagues and associates to do likewise.

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Combining the key strategy of storytelling along with the correct mindset, you can achieve your wildest dreams!

Presentation, Storytelling, Interest

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Each and every day as we are building our businesses, we all know the key to a successful presentation is a product being sold to the end-line consumer and/or sponsoring a new person. In an upcoming issue, I am going to write about the difference between making a sale and having customer loyalty in the sales process. In the sales process, you are fighting many different types of animals. For most of us who are in direct sales, you have 45 minutes to present a product/business concept and make a person believe in you, your product, and more importantly have them make a decision that they want what you are offering.

When you are presenting the business, it is very easy for you to get very factual and completely lose the interest of your prospect. When you tell a story about the success of someone who is using the product or have a person give a live testimonial about how much they love being a distributor, you will keep the interest of new people who are listening for the first time.

For most of us, the first time in our lives that we were ever presented with the concept of a live audience was back in kindergarten when we played "show and tell". Everyone was always interested in what you were saying because you were simply telling a story. We have all heard of the famous K.I.S.S. rule: Keep It Simple Stupid. When presenting your business or product, the key play is to tell a story and keep it simple. Everyone can relate to the grandmother, who can talk about their grandchild as the most beautiful, precious child in the world. She will make you feel as if her grandchild would be such a gift to own as your own. You need to take that same simplicity and utilize it during your presentation and create the same result - ownership of your product.

As you tell stories, people will remember those stories versus all the facts in the world. "FACTS TELL, BUT STORIES SELL." They should want to get involved in your business or purchase your product because all of the success stories that you told. People love to be part of a winning team. Storytelling keeps people tied into you and your presentation. I always say when in doubt during a presentation, tell a story in order to bring people's attention back to you. When I present, I ALWAYS tell many stories because when I was first introduced to direct sales, what perked my ears was a story of a young lady who had a lifestyle I wanted. The personal story of her lifestyle is what made me decide to get involved in the business. In that business, I went on to build an enormous organization and all I did was tell my story and tell the company's story over and over!

Combining the key strategy of storytelling along with the correct mindset, you can achieve your wildest dreams!

Find your WHY and Fly!

John Di Lemme


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