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Positive Thinking Even The Doubters Use It

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Positive Thinking - Even The Doubters Use It

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You've all heard about positive thinking and how it can help us turn our lives around. You may scoff at it and call it a con but deep down you know it's really the truth.

Why? Let me explain.

If you really think about we all assume were going to wake up tomorrow morning, right? Or if we're going through a stressful time we all know and have used the saying there's light at the end of the tunnel, right? Or when this life is over, you will go on to a better place?

Is t...

self help,self improvement,motivational

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You've all heard about positive thinking and how it can help us turn our lives around. You may scoff at it and call it a con but deep down you know it's really the truth.

Why? Let me explain.

If you really think about we all assume were going to wake up tomorrow morning, right? Or if we're going through a stressful time we all know and have used the saying there's light at the end of the tunnel, right? Or when this life is over, you will go on to a better place?

Is this not also positive thinking?

While you mightn't believe some of the hype or teachings of a guru that came seem far fetched or airy fairy but deep down you do feel that there is something there working for you and guiding you in your life.

Norman Vincent Peale wrote in his book the Power of Positive Thinking that positive thinking is synonymous to faith. "Positive thinking," as described by Peale could be broken down into a three step process of practicing repeated self-hypnosis, attaining "divine" or God's power to use for oneself, and eliminating and avoiding all negativity in life.

Peale wrote that Positive Thinking was simply how you believed in something, you could make it happen. This power of positive thought is really only the power of faith used in conjunction with your actions.

It also makes use of the Law of Attraction which is the most powerful scientific law ever discovered. What you think about you attract into your life. Thoughts are where your power comes from. But the thing is you have to be in control of them instead of then being in charge of you.

Even professionals and business people use the power of positive thought to develop personal power or gain a competitive edge over the marketplace. Take example Richard Branson and all the many businesses he has. How would you say he thinks everyday "Positive" or "Negative"?

Do you think someone like him just sits in the corner sucking his thumb thinking negatively wondering if his new idea is going to work? Or does he just go for it with a positive attitude?

Now you may think that he because he's successful now he can afford to make mistakes and it won't matter. But how did he and other people get to the top when they started off with nothing?


Because all they had in the beginning was positive thinking to get the momentum going. Nothing, but them and their thoughts.

You may be thinking that all sounds so easy, so why isn't everyone doing it. But the thing is when we're surrounded by TV, movies and other things pumping all the negative things to us. It's easy to take all this is and think the worlds going to hell in a handcart and start thinking negatively.

How can you be more positive today?

Try to constantly fill your mind with positive powerful thoughts. The power of thoughts is a mighty power that is always shaping our life whether you want it to or not.

Negative thoughts just chip away at your self-esteem leaving you feeling vulnerable, powerless, and susceptible to yet more negative thinking and this brings you further and further down.

Remember people always appreciate being around a positive person nobody wants to be around a complainer and a negative thinker. Deep down we know that's not the way we were meant to be.

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BONUS : Title:
Positive Thinking - What Can It Do For You?

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Positive thinking is an amazing tool, but without action it's a waste of time. Rather than just having a momentary thought it's more of a way of life. It's a technique that you use to create positive affirmations that can counter negative thoughts and doubts by neutralizing them and building the self-confidence you need for whatever you want to achieve.

Thinking this way is a skill you can learn and develop with consistent practice, but it is worth it to create a habit of ...

positive thinking,motivation,self help,self improvement

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Positive thinking is an amazing tool, but without action it's a waste of time. Rather than just having a momentary thought it's more of a way of life. It's a technique that you use to create positive affirmations that can counter negative thoughts and doubts by neutralizing them and building the self-confidence you need for whatever you want to achieve.

Thinking this way is a skill you can learn and develop with consistent practice, but it is worth it to create a habit of positive thinking?

In some circles positive thinking is sometimes cynically referred to as pollyannaish, a naive and overly optimistic view of life by overlooking the things we don't like and focusing only on the good.

So how about you?

How do you view things, negatively or positively? It can be easy for all of us to focus only on the negative but it's usually as easy to look for a positive angle to things as it is for a negative angle.

By looking on the positive side we can affect our subconscious mind as we invoke the law of attraction and we can then attract a better set of circumstances into our life. Remember concentrate on the positive and expect a positive result but did you know that it takes as much effort to think about the negative as it is for the positive.

In some ways positive thinking is infectious and can lead to a 'can do' attitude within an individual, a team and an organization. It's been said that the only difference between a success and a failure is the attitude of mind the person had before they entered that task.

One cannot pay lip service to positive thinking. You need to practice and make positive thinking your prevailing attitude towards life. The very feel of positive thinking itself will help you to feel confident and move towards your goal.

In order to acquire the great status of positive thinker, we must realize what positive thinking is all about and what it is not. Our usual misconceptions about positive thinking are that money will drop out of the sky; GOD will come on a chariot to take away the sufferings and pains and lot more imaginations, while this would be great unfortunately it won't happen but by staying positive you remain open to new directions and guidance rather than just shutting down and giving up.

Attitude forms an important part of positive thinking whereas thinking contributes lot to the attitude. It's kind of like the chicken and egg, which came first? If you have a bad attitude you'll never consider changing how you think but can positive thinking change your attitude.

How you answer this age-old question about positive thinking and attitude may reflect your outlook on life, your attitude toward yourself, and whether you're optimistic or pessimistic.

A positive attitude and optimistic thinking are healthy. When you wholeheartedly adopt a 'with all your heart' attitude and go all out with the positive principle, you can do incredible things. Happy, optimistic people are usually described as having positive attitudes and expressing positive thoughts.

Positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts, words and images that are conductive to growth, expansion and success.

After Christopher Reeve's accident in 1995, I was so deeply touched by his attitude. Of course he could have given up and cursed life for giving him a raw deal but he didn't. But consider this if hadn't have been so brave and positive do you really think he would have survived for so long as he did? And deep down we all admire him for having such a positive attitude and inspiring us all.

As I finish this article, no matter what happens to us, we can choose positive thoughts and choose a positive attitude. It may not be something that we were all born with but it's a way of looking at the brighter side of life that helps us build the life we want.

You could sum it up in one word, and that one would be "Faith".


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