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Nlp Coaching Goal Setting For Success At New Year Resolutions

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Nlp Coaching Goal Setting For Success At New Year Resolutions

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This article is about the many different ways we can trip ourselves up in setting goals, particularly with New Year Resolutions and what you can do to change.

Many people evaluate their lives and set new patterns around the New Year. There are several ways that this can deliberately set you up to fail.

Often this is done because there is an expectation from others that you should set resolutions at this time of year. Also there is often a sense of giving things up or a ...

coaching, nlp coaching, life coaching, business coaching, executive coaching, nlp, nlp training,

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This article is about the many different ways we can trip ourselves up in setting goals, particularly with New Year Resolutions and what you can do to change.

Many people evaluate their lives and set new patterns around the New Year. There are several ways that this can deliberately set you up to fail.

Often this is done because there is an expectation from others that you should set resolutions at this time of year. Also there is often a sense of giving things up or a judgment about not having succeeded the previous year. Typically these type of resolutions have the word ‘must’ associated with them. Here are a few examples I have collected over the years as an NLP Coach:

I must change jobs
I must be able to get into this new dress by February
I must do this, give up that...and so on. IÂ’m sure you get the idea.

This approach has a few pitfalls. How committed is the person to their goals if they feel forced in to them? The judgments and the sense of giving things up attaches negative emotions to the goals so they donÂ’t seem like fun or excitement. Is it any wonder that so many people fail with New Year Resolutions before the end of January?

NLP Techniques – A Solution

Three elements of NLP Techniques include examining intention behind behavior, emotional state and belief changes. By taking these three elements we can start looking at our New Year Resolutions differently.

Goal Setting and Intention

By examining what we gain from our goals, who they are actually for and why we want them some interesting things sometimes fall out. The motivation to succeed or not comes from this element.

Emotions – The Secret to Success

Have you ever seen or experienced the situation where the closer you got to success the more anxious you got about it? And then possibly fell at the last hurdle? The problem with being too emotionally attached to your goals might lead to failure. How well would your crops grow if you were constantly digging them up to see how far they had got?

NLP Techniques – Belief Changes

What you believe about yourself and the world around you will determine your success or failure. Any NLP Practitioner Training will show you a whole number of techniques for changing beliefs, letting go of limiting beliefs and installing empowering one.

Using these NLP processes you can ensure that the goals you set and the New Year Resolutions that you take on are meaningful and that you will succeed. But the real power for making big sweeping changes to your life comes from NLP Coaching Systems.

NLP BreakThrough Coaching Process

Many coaches are also NLP Practitioners and they have integrated some powerful tools into their coaching practice. But there are a few very skilled Hypnosis and NLP Trainers that have developed the NLP BreakThrough Coaching Process that can help in making serious and deep changes in a personÂ’s life.

This highly specialized NLP Coaching process starts by examining your goals, expectations, unconscious behaviors and repeat patterns of behaviour. Through this we can determine the key limiting beliefs and negative emotions that will let you really achieve anything you want. Then through systematic Interventions you can let go of the past and embrace powerful new ways of being. The whole process usually takes as little as three or four hours. Many people that are serious about their goals and achievements have taken this route to success.

When you think about how you and the people around you set their New Year Resolutions you might be considering doing things differently. A little imagination and creative thought might give you the opportunity to achieve more in the next twelve months than you have in the last twelve years. How much of a result would that be for you?

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BONUS : Title:
Obstacles or Stepping Stones?

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The road of life is not paved with gold. There are many set backs that can catch us off guard at times. These set backs can send us on a downward spiral of despair or they can lift us up and over the obstacles, depending upon how we choose to view them.

How do you view your set backs? Are they obstacles or are they stepping stones?

Someone once wisely said, “Obstacles are those ugly things that appear before us when we take our minds off of our goals.”

obstacles, stepping stones, detour, success, goal, goals, goal setting

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The road of life is not paved with gold. There are many set backs that can catch us off guard at times. These set backs can send us on a downward spiral of despair or they can lift us up and over the obstacles, depending upon how we choose to view them.

How do you view your set backs? Are they obstacles or are they stepping stones?

Someone once wisely said, “Obstacles are those ugly things that appear before us when we take our minds off of our goals.”

If you donÂ’t know which road youÂ’re taking, you will never know if you have arrived. In life we must set goals in order for us to be successful. If we do not set these goals we will end up running into all kinds of obstacles and detours on our road to success.

Do you have a plan for your life? Do you know where you want to be this time next year? How about in 5 or 10 years, have you set goals for the future?

If you have not set goals for yourself you are like a man driving without a roadmap. You have no idea where you are going. Perhaps you like being in the passenger seat and just taking in the view along the way, but sooner or later you may find yourself in a place you didnÂ’t want to go.

Take a look at your life right now. You are where you are in life because of choices you have made in the past. You and you alone have bought you to the place you are right at this moment in life. Are you happy where you are? Do you have any hopes or dreams for the future? Or do you prefer to stay exactly where you are? Remember, that a rolling stone gathers no moss. If we are not moving forward we are drifting backward and we start to gather moss and deteriorate.

Hopefully, at this moment, you want to go forward in life and find all the wonderful things that life has to offer you. In order to do this you must set a goal. Pick any goal you wish. Start by thinking about where you would like to be 6 months from now. Take it a step at a time.

Once you have decided on what you would like to see in your life 6 months from now it is time to break it down into bite size pieces. Say to yourself, “I want to be _________ in 6 months. In order to get there I must do _________________ .”

As you look down the road ahead, you can picture in your mind your goal as an achievement. In order to achieve this goal you must think about what obstacles may show up along the journey from point A to point B.

It is important that you plan what you are going to do with the obstacles that show up on the pathway. If you are prepared for them before hand they will not loom so large and you will be able to cope with them before they rear their ugly heads.

Have a plan of action. There are many roads that may lead to your desired goal. Be sure to have plan A, B and C just in case something comes along to detour you.

It is certain that obstacles will come, the question is, will you look at them as something to bring you discouragement or will you look at it as a stepping stone to help you fine tune your goal.

For every problem there is a solution. DonÂ’t let yourself become dismayed when plan A doesnÂ’t work the way you wanted it to. Try to be clear headed and look at other possibilities. Use your obstacles to bring you to a higher plane where you can see clearly where you want to go.


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