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Monitoring Goals Online

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Monitoring Goals Online

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Everyone sets some goal to accomplish in life. This article tells you, how to monitor your goal online especially in the circumstances where everything is virtual and exists within the real world. After reading this article you will be able to monitor your self esteem and may become your own master. Remember, your brain will not hold everything and hence you need to monitor your goal online.

monitoring goal, monitoring goals online, self esteem, become a master

Article Body:
Everyone has goals in life; whether it ranges from owning a bigger television set to becoming a president of an important everyday multi-million dollars business, these goals need to thoroughly thought, defined and written down. Thinking about them is just not enough, they need to be put in motion; everyday, you need to set your steps down so that you walk closer and closer to your final goal. The path of achievement may only be part of the battle, but you will soon discover that you do not need to be a genius to be efficiently planning your goals.


It may sound like a corny and simple way to start the article, but this does not make the lesson of Self-Esteem less valuable. If you do not believe that you can achieve extremely impressive goals, then the chances are that you will indeed fail, since you didn’t even believe in yourself. A good portion of the fight to the top requires you to actually rage war on the mental side of your very own brain; you do need to believe that you can achieve your goal. If you want to have a fighting chance, you do have to start believing that you are wise enough and well prepared, if you do not believe that you can do it, then you will never be able to have the drive nor the strength to carry yourself until the end of your journey. Furthermore, if you are not even interested in your own projects and that your goals require you to impress or recruit other people then how are they supposed to be interested in them?

Becoming your own Master

This title does not imply quitting your job and becoming self-employed. Unless your goal does target becoming self-employed, this article is in no way telling you to quit it. What the title “Becoming your own Master” means, is simply another extension to the previous paragraph. If you have the self esteem required to continue on, you still need to get a grip on your life. If your goal is quite big, then you should be aware that your everyday routine is not-good; you need to become the master of your life and routine and not have the routine be the master of you. You need to take the initiative, and start walking toward your goal instead of thinking that your goal will magically come closer to you, if you stay there doing nothing.

Your Brain Will Not Hold Everything

Even if you are the world’s most intelligent man, you cannot assume and believe that your entire plan will be perfect if it stays within your own brain. You should be writing down as much as you can; whether material came from some random brainstorming sessions or generic everyday talk with your coworkers, chances are that it is too much to remember, and you should definitely write it down. This is where a compute comes extremely handy. If you look at the right place and buy the right pieces of software, you can have a mighty arsenal at your disposal. If you are not very inclined technologically, you should know that the marvels of computers have gone further than simple word processors. Do look on the internet, search engines or other known sources, for templates and business-oriented software. Some software will allow you to design business plan as well as give you hint, tips, and general rules on how to create and manage them. You will soon realize that your productivity will have exponentially increased if you use software that was built for the sole purpose of helping those with big goals.

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Motivation and Setting Your Goals

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Goal setting is the true secret to success in any area of life. But although setting a goal may seem simple, achieving it is usually another question altogether.

goal setting

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Goal setting is the true secret to success in any area of life. Setting your goals may seem simple, achieving them usually is another question altogether. Why is that?

Because you will never achieve your goals unless you:

(1) know exactly what you want,

(2) are passionate about your goal, and

(3) have a solid, realistic plan of action.

This is what marks the difference between nebulous dreams and wishes - and truly achievable goals!

Here are 5 time-tested methods that will help get the success you deserve.

1. Know exactly what your goal is

Your first job is to discover exactly what your goal is. What will achieving that goal really look like? Be as specific as possible about exactly what your desired end result is. Your success will be a measure of your clarity - since an achievable goal plan cannot be created around a nebulous "dream."

If your goal is to create a more successful business, what will that look like? Are you thinking in terms of simply hiring someone else to give you more free time? Are you looking for a very specific monthly profit? Or can your goal be best expressed in terms of a certain lifestyle? Regardless of what you want, the best way to get it is to first clarify exactly what you want in as much detail as possible. This can be hard work. But without a clear mental picture, you'll never have the focus required to achieve your goal.

2. Be willing to pay the "entry fee"

Success takes dedicated planning and effort. In a way it's like building a house. In the beginning all you have is a rough concept. But there's always an *entry fee* to be paid for success.

The entry fee?

Creating more success in your business may mean less recreational time. Writing your own book may require less TV. Being closer to your children may require adjusting your work or social activities.

3. Focus on your goal every day

Consistent daily focus is absolutely necessary to "burn in" the new neural pathways you need to create your new goal. Without daily focus, the old mental habits that have kept you from your goal will continue to take over.

That's why success is an every-day event. Re-commit to your goal every day. Don't let your goal take a back seat to the daily tasks and distractions that will try to take over. Life WILL try to get in your way. Just get, and stay, on course every day. Focus on your goal, and on success!

4. Get passionate

One of the most powerful tools in your "success tool box" is having real passion for your goal. Why passion?

Because intense passionate desire for your goal will help you burn in those new neural pathways even faster. Many, many scientific studies have shown that intense emotion (passion) is a key success tool.

5. Take consistent action

In many ways, actually taking action can be the most difficult step. Successful goal achievement is built by taking one small action after another.

The word is ACTION!

If you commit to take at least one small action each day, your actions WILL add up and make a difference. So avoid sitting back waiting for that big second when everything will magically "just happen."

You CAN create whatever you want in life. The secret is to determine exactly what you want, then pursue it passionately. But remember -- in the end, only action counts! You can't just dream about it! You have to DO IT!


"Développez Votre Efficacité en 5 Jours"
de Christophe MONGREDIEN

"Les Secrets de Ceux Qui Ont Plus de Temps"
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