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Ingredients That Make A Winner

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Ingredients That Make A Winner

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What separates the haves from the have-nots? Nothing, but your own fear and insecurities.

goal setting

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Whether we like to admit it or not, other people’s opinions of us really do matter. The opinions we have of ourselves, matters even more. Think about this for a minute. What separates the haves from the have-nots? Nothing, but your own fear and insecurities.

It has been said many times that Americans love a winner and that nobody remembers who came in second. The truth is like the joke that goes; this guy was praying to God everyday to win the lottery. After weeks and weeks of prayer the guy asked God why his prayers were going unanswered. God replied; you need to at least meet Me halfway and buy a ticket!

Wishing doesn’t always make it so not without applied effort. You need to take a gamble on yourself, a leap of faith if you will, and you will learn that the only difference between the haves and the have-nots is the overcoming and mastering of these fears.

Nothing comes your way without effort. I’m from the old school of thought that also teaches that if you didn’t earn it, it won’t mean as much to you as if you did. Expect the same in business. It may take you several attempts before you find just the right combinations of things that work for you. Just because the first couple or so didn’t work out mean that you’re a loser it means you’re a do’er, someone who’s willing to go out on a limb, someone who’s confident in there ability to stand and deliver when things may rise up against you.

These are the real winners not because they necessarily succeed but because they tried.

Sometimes when starting a new business or venture everyone, at one time or another, will have their fair share of nay sayers Just don’t you be one of them! It would be all too easy to say I can’t do this and I can’t do that, but why?

Don’t ever give up or cave in to outside pressures or you will always be asking yourself what if and I wonder. No one ever looses who honestly tries. If you have a dream or vision for yourself, you owe it to yourself to a least try. In my experience most of the people I know who have been the nay sayers are those who have settled for second best or have given up altogether.

Today I want to start my own internet company and compete with the Fortune 100 company’s! Pretty simple statement right? You bet! Why not? Realistically, what do we need? While these examples are but the tip of the iceberg, they’re a good place to start;

A willingness to succeed
The ability to see loss as a stepping stone to success

Internet businesses are great places for people to latch onto their piece of a dream and the only place I know of where you can compete with corporate America equally everyday.

The only thing that can get in your way from realizing the dream is YOU coupled with your uncanny ability to shoot yourself in the foot. We have no enemies in business but ourselves and those nasty little voices we carry around that tell us we’re failures.

I don’t make a practice of using quotes but I stumbled across this one and I found it highly appropriate. The late great football coach Vince Lombardy was asked by a sport reporter about a loss his team had just suffered. The Coach replied; we didn’t lose, we just ran out of time.

Tell yourself something long enough and you begin to believe it. Have other people tell you something long enough you’ll not only believe it, but you’ll magnify it as well! You do not have to know everything there is to know. Surround yourself with those who can bring to the table an asset that your business needs and one that you do not posses. This worked for Andrew Carnegie and will work equally well for you.

Failure and defeat provide the fire we need to forge our will to achieve success. So rather then let defeat beat us down or call us a loser, embrace it, welcome it as a teacher and then move on never forgetting the lesson learned.

You are only a loser if you believe you’re as loser.

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BONUS : Title:
Intentional Focus: Your Happiness, Your Success, and the Law of Attraction

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What have you been focusing on lately? Most people spend much of their time thinking about their problems and wondering how they are going to solve them. The more you give your energy to one thing, the more that thing has a possibility of happening.

Law of Attraction, Intention, Focus, Goals, Happiness, Success, Positive, Outcome, Stress, Energy

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What have you been focusing on lately? On how well life is going for you? Or on how much business you’ve been doing compared to last year, or how well your superiors have been rating you? Or on how much your partner loves you and how much you revel in the relationship you’re having? On the excellent state of your bank account? On your ever-present good health and slim and trim physique? Or on the joy you experience each time you sit down to dinner with your teenage children? On the wonderful vacation you came back from recently and the even more exciting one you are planning for the near future? Or on the good way you feel about yourself and all the things you are creating and doing with your life?

What You Think is What You Are

I can just hear you spluttering. “What kind of romantic thinking is this? Where do these ideas come from? I don’t know anybody who thinks like that.”

True. Most people don’t think like that. In fact, most people think the exact opposite of that. Most people concentrate on all the things that are going wrong with their lives. Most people spend much of their time thinking about their problems and wondering how they are going to solve them. Most people think about all the things that could go wrong with their lives or about the people or events that stand in the way of their success. Most people think and think and think about whatever it is that worries them, because they believe that that is the way to resolve the problem. The fact is that most people focus so much on what they are afraid of, or what bothers them, or what stresses them, or what they don’t know how to solve, that they are giving all or most of their conscious and subconscious energy to a negative outcome – the problem.

What Kind of an Outcome Do You Want?

Consider this: the more you give your energy to one thing, the more that thing has a possibility of coming into being. If you concentrate on getting a university degree, you will most likely achieve that goal. If you concentrate on writing a book, you will again probably achieve that goal. But what happens if you continually tell yourself, while you are concentrating on getting the degree, that you are not intelligent enough to pass the exams, or that you simply are incapable of understanding the course material? And what happens, if you continually tell yourself while you are concentrating on writing the book, that you will never be able to write well, or that your story is not good enough? Obviously you are not only undermining yourself and sabotaging your desired outcomes, but you may also be creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Focus and Intention

So what can you do? Let’s assume you are convinced that you lack the intelligence to pass the exams. Or that you are convinced that you will never write well. You have a goal, and that goal is to get a degree or to write a book. In order to focus on that goal, your mission is to ensure that your thoughts are aligned with – or intentionally focused on - that goal. Therefore, whenever your thoughts stray from the goal into negative territory, you need to pull them back into the arena of positive results.

Goals and Fears

But focusing on a desired goal is very hard for a very simple reason: we are far too used to focusing on the fears surrounding the goal (I am so afraid I will never have a great relationship, rather than imagining in your mind’s eye the great relationship in the way you want it to be; or how will I ever get that promotion rather than imagining in your mind’s eye the way you will feel when you do get the hoped-for promotion).

How to Focus

So how do you focus? When you worry, and your mind goes around and around a problem, or some stress in your life, you are very focused on the problem. It is exactly at that moment that you need to re-focus and see your desired goal or outcome in your mind’s eye, rather than all the problems you associate with it. The more time you spend on whatever it is you want to have in your life – whether this is a material goal, a professional goal, a relational goal, or whatever – makes absolutely no difference, the more you will be in a position to achieve it, to attract it into your life. The more you think – and focus – on that goal in a positive way, the more you allow yourself to "feel" the way you would feel if you already had the results, the more likely it is that you will attain your desired outcome. This is the Law of Attraction.

Intentionally Re-focus on the Positive

Remember: the time you spend worrying about the desired outcome is time spent focusing on the opposite of what you want, so become very aware of all your thoughts and focus them in the right direction. Do this consistently each time you catch yourself thinking the negative version of your goals until intentionally re-focusing on the positive becomes second nature. This habit is like strengthening a muscle, if you do it every day, it will happen more and more frequently and naturally, and soon you will find that not only do the majority of your thoughts and feelings focus on the positive direction of your goals, but that those positive goals become part of your reality.

As A Man Thinketh

Make time to read a complimentary copy of the e-book version of James Allen’s classic As A Man Thinketh by signing up for my free monthly e-zine and begin to understand how your thoughts and your feelings contribute in immeasurable ways to the fulfillment of your goals and dreams. How they create the very fabric of your life. And how you – by taking charge of your thoughts and feelings, and by focusing with clear intention can make a very different life than the one you may currently have.


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