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Do S And Don Ts In Dating Russian Brides

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Do's And Don'ts In Dating Russian Brides

Dating over the Internet has been one of the most popular way of meeting your life partner. There are a lot of websites that profile women of different age and background that you can choose from. And one of the most popular women that marriage agencies feature are from Russia.

So, if you are up to dating a Russian woman, establishing a long-term romantic relationship with her and eventually, spending the rest of your life with her, then, here are some facts about Russian Brides in terms of the qualities that they are looking for in a man, their motivation for marriage as well as other dating habits.

More and more Russian Brides are highly educated. Thus, they are able to grasp the English language and adapt to a different culture. And like other women who are serious about looking for love, Best Russian Girls are not there to marry foreign men just to get a green card or to better her own life. More and more educated Russian Brides are able to look for work, though there is only about twenty five percent who are able to get a job that is related to their degree.

At the same time, Russian Brides are wise in choosing their potential partner. They are not out there to marry loser men as Russian Brides are searching for good-looking, financially stable and sound men.

Russian Brides deem love and security important in a marriage or in any romantic relationship. In fact, there are about thirty percent Russian Brides who are ready to marry men who they are in love with. Also, Russian Brides these days are very practical so, they search for men who are financially capable but the women do not force their husbands to support them solely.

Best Russian Girls prefer older men who are five to fifteen years older then them. This is the case as Russian Brides firmly believe that older men are more emotionally mature and they are able to raise a family.

If you want to get in touch with a Russian woman, state it in your first letter to her in the middle of yoru message and attach your recent photo. This way, she would immediately get to know you and she can decide if she is attracted to you or otherwise.

Also, handwritten letters are better than E-mail, though the latter is the easiest way to correspond with a Russian woman. And you can send in, let's say, a gift to a Russian woman that you find attractive in order to impress her and she would think how thoughtful you are.

Lastly, while Russian dating is easy but you must always ensure that when you do correspond with not just a Russian woman but with other women, you must always reveal your true self. If you are not able to do so, this would backfire in a big way since there would come a time that the woman will ask you to meet her in person. If you said that you have the height and the built of Brad Pitt but you are the complete opposite, then, that is not very nice.

Anyway, it is in the writer's hope that you will find your perfect Russian woman. Good luck in your search!
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BONUS : Does Marriage Counseling Work?

When considering marriage counseling, it's difficult not to wonder whether seeing a marriage counselor will actually work. This article provides some objective information based on data obtained from a national survey of marriage and family counselors and their clients. Also presented are several interesting opinions provided by individuals who have actually been through marriage counseling and were asked to comment on whether or not seeing a marriage counselor proved effective in helping their relationship.

An honest marriage counselor would agree that the motivation of a couple may be the single most important factor in determining the success of marriage counseling. It's unlikely that even a brilliant counselor would be able to save a marriage where one spouse has already decided upon a divorce, and a mediocre marriage counselor can probably help a couple who are utterly committed towards making their marriage work. With this in mind, research has been made in an effort to determine, on a more scientific level, the effectiveness of couples counseling.

In an article published by Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, clients of marriage and family counselors from 15 different states reported on their experience with counseling. The findings indicated that marriage and family counselors treated a wide range of issues in relatively short-term fashion, couple and family therapy are briefer than individual therapy, and that client satisfaction and functional improvement are quite high.

(*) Specifically, of clients from 526 marriage and family counselors in 15 different states:

98.1% rated services good or excellent
97.1% got the kind of help they desired
91.2% were satisfied with the amount of help they received
93% said they were helped in dealing more effectively with problems
94.3% would return to the same therapist in the future
96.9% would recommend their therapist to a friend
97.4% were generally satisfied with the service they received
63.4% reported improved physical health
54.8% reported improvement in functioning at work
73.7% indicated improvement in children’s behavior
58.7% showed improvement in children’s school performance
(*) Excerpted from "Clinical Practice Patterns of Marriage and Family Therapists: A National Survey of Therapists and Their Clients", Journal of Marital and Family Therapy--Volume 22, No. 1

While the above study provides raw data that supports the effectiveness of marriage and family counseling, a very interesting discussion on the question "Does Couples Counseling Work" from a public forum devoted to this topic offers a less clinical, but still positive view. Based on what seems to be a very honest and frank discussion among couples "who've been there," the answer to the question of whether or not marriage counseling is effective is a positive one. Read these posts on the Berkley Parents Network.

Regardless of the studies and opinions which seem to support the effectiveness of marriage / couples counseling, there are those who question it's effectiveness. An article on the portal, had this to say:

The science of marital counseling is being studied in great detail these days. Research is showing that it is not as effective as people think, that women seem to get more from it than men, and that it might not have a lasting effect on the couple's marriage.

What type of couple gets the most from couple therapy? The answer is young, non-sexist, still in love, open couples.

Which couples receive the least from therapy? Some factors that can make couple therapy unsuccessful include couples who wait too long before seeking help, and often one or the other is set on getting a divorce and is closed to any suggestions that may save the marriage.

Excerpted from the portal

Unfortunately, the data supporting the above-mentioned research is not specifically cited in the article. The article seems to imply that couples who seek counseling because they want their relationship to work are more likely to succeed with marriage counseling than are those who enter into counseling with the (perhaps hidden) truth that they already want out.

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