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Considering A Stag Weekend In Cardiff?
Cardiff is Europe's youngest capital, making it the freshest and most modern of the lot! Boasting around 400 bars and clubs, thanks to a multi-million pound makeover, Cardiff can give you a amazing weekend.
Start your stag do in the bars along Cardiff Bay then get to the city centre clubs and do as the Welsh do, party, sing and generally have a memorable night. You will have no worries, as we can personally organise every item of your evening or daytime activities, from exclusive entry to the hottest nightclubs with reserved tables and free drinks to paintball in the Welsh countryside.
Cardiff has so much more to offer than Charlotte Church and Catherine Zeta-Jones, it's a Stag Do's paradise. With more activities than any other city there is loads to keep your whole Stag Party entertained throughout your weekend. Cardiff's close layout of superb bars, dance clubs casinos and even takeaways means that everything is in walking, or crawling, distance of each other.
Our team has hand picked and tested all Cardiff has to offer, we pride ourselves on our top quality activities so we can guarantee you that Cardiff is the ultimate Stag experience!
We aim to take all the work out of organising a Stag night. Everything about your Stag night will be customised to fit your exact needs, so if you need any more information on your Cardiff stag night don't hesitate to give us a call.
BONUS : Considering Marriage Advice For The Newly-hitched!
Theres a big step from engaged to married. Its not just exchanging rings and wedding vows, its exchanging one lifestyle for another. Even as an engaged person you had a certain independence that meant you had some space of your own. There was a part of your day or night that you were your own person. In a marriage this more or less disappears completely.
No matter how much freedom you have in your marriage, how flexible the boundaries you still have to remember that there is now someone else that you must keep 100% in your life-loop! If youre going to be late from work, you need to make sure your husband/wife knows. If you arent going to be home for supper, they need to know. If you arent going to be able to get the dry cleaning on the way home, and its needed for the next day, they need to know so they can go get it! This is a major life change. At first it feels as if you are back answering to your parents! You may even rebel against the idea. But think about it for a moment. Your husband/wife always walks through the door at 6.52pm give or take 4 minutes. You have supper waiting on the table. At 7.20pm supper is cold, and they still havent arrived. 8.25pm when they walk through the door, youre halfway through dialing the number for the local hospital because youre sure somethings happened to them. They smile and apologize for being late but they got caught up in a last minute meeting. No thought to the anguish youve been through picturing them hurt or worse! You dont want to be the one feeling this way, and so make sure you dont do the same kind of thing to your beloved! Letting your partner know your schedule is a sign of consideration. Of acknowledging that this other person cares about you and will worry if you are not where youve said youll be at the time you said youll be there.
Gone too are the days when you could say Sure, Ill come for pizza tonight! to work colleagues without even thinking about it. First of all you need to call your partner and tell them that this is what youre planning, and making sure that theyre ok with it. Yes, I know, too bad if they arent, but they may have made other plans for the evening that you dont know about and so it is worth checking first!
Consideration for your new husband or wife is the first and most important aspect of your marriage during the early days because its the thing thats most difficult to adjust too. Is your music too loud? Does your partner want to watch a different channel? Do you take all the blankets in bed? Do you snore? You dont check these things because you benefit, nor as a partner would you usually complain about them, but you do them because you want your marriage to be a partnership with two equal partners. If you argue about something, find common middle ground. There should be no power struggle if both parties respect each other enough to accept that both people are entitled to hold differing viewpoints. Dont back down from confrontation, dont press forward your advantage, be considerate towards each other and negotiate a situation you can both agree to.
In the early weeks and months of marriage, youll find many things new and sometimes not exactly the way you thought theyd be, but if both parties add consideration to their menu of love, trust and respect, then married life will soon settle down and youll become accustomed to doing things without resentment or obligation. Youll do them because you want too.