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Choosing A Unique Wedding Band

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Choosing A Unique Wedding Band

Styles and choices in wedding bands have changed drastically over the past few years. Because everyone seems to be looking for something that is unique and different, jewelers are offering more choices than ever before. This leads to a small dilemma, however. With so many different styles now being offered, how do you know whether the band you choose is truly unique? People don’t want something that is just a non-traditional style anymore. People want something that no one else has anywhere. This can be a tall order to fill. Still, even if you can’t manage something completely unique, at least you can find a wedding band that is different enough it will get attention and possibly turn a few heads.

Custom Ordering

This is perhaps the best way to find a truly unique wedding band. It is also one of the most expensive. Although the Internet makes custom ordering much more accessible than it ever was before, you can still expect to pay more for your custom ordered band than you would for any other type of wedding ring. If you are completely set on having a truly unique wedding band, however, this is the way to go.

Tension Set bands:

A very interesting style of wedding band that has started becoming popular is the tension set wedding band. These rings are not a traditional solid circle but instead have a split in the design. In this split a stone is set so that it is held in place by the tension of the opposing ends of the ring. There are positive and negative aspects to choosing a ring with a tension setting, but it is a design that gets noticed. Tension set wedding bands can be custom ordered as well, so the opportunity is still there for something truly unique.

Celtic Wedding Bands:

Wedding bands with attractive Celtic design patterns have been rising in popularity, but are still far from the norm. With so many different Celtic braid and weave designs available, it is easy to have a ring that at least appears to be unique. There are a lot of companies that can do Celtic designs according to custom specifications as well and, because these companies specialize in this type of work, a custom ordered Celtic wedding band is often less costly than other types of custom bands. When looking for a unique wedding band, a Celtic design may be the way to go.

It is often said that there is nothing new under the sun. This old adage may be true, but there are at least options in every situation. The search for a unique wedding band need not be fruitless. Even if you can’t find or afford a true one-of-a-kind ring, the options and differences in styles available will at least help you find something that is unique to you. And isn’t that really all you could ask for? If your wedding band is consistently admired and you hear the question “Where’d you get that” quite often, you can feel satisfied that you’ve found a unique wedding band.
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BONUS : Choosing Stunning Wedding Graphics

Our modern technological age has changed the ways in which we do numerous things in our lives. One thing that has changed drastically in the new millennium is how we present and preserve our weddings and the photographs, videos, and other memories from those events. Even just five years ago it was almost completely unheard of for people to create interactive and graphical web sites announcing their weddings, stating where they’re registered, and then uploading the photographs and videos to the site after the event so Great Aunt Agnes can see the wedding pictures without having to leave her trailer in Duluth. Today it is so common that everyone’s doing it and the practice is being popularized even further by celebrities like Star Jones. Additionally people are now using their computers to cut wedding costs by designing their own invitations and thank-you notes and printing them at home. It’s fun, cost effective, and allows a person to really let their creativity shine. It’s easy to jump on the do-it-yourself wedding bandwagon if you have a PC and a connection to the Internet. To do so one of the things you’ll definitely need to get a hold of are some impressive wedding graphics.

The Internet can be your best friend when searching for wedding graphics. There are many sites that specialize in low or no cost graphics. Most of these feature wedding graphics and include directions on downloading the images to your own PC, allowing you to get to work immediately being a computer wizard.

In order to start producing your web site or invitations you’ll need a decent graphics editing software. Adobe Photoshop is the application of choice for most digital artists and graphic designers, but if you’re not expecting to launch a graphic design company of your own you may find Photoshop’s cost a bit on the high end at approximately $800.00. There are many other graphics editing programs available, however, with price points ranging from about $50.00 to $100.00. Any of these will help you get started in editing and designing your wedding graphics without breaking your bank account.

Once you learn the ins & outs of your chosen application and have gathered some wedding graphics that you’re pleased with, you’re ready to get started. If you’re designing a web site about your wedding, it can be done without any knowledge of HTML (the computer language that web pages are written in) by choosing a web host that includes page design features. There are many of these on the Internet and once you’ve found one, designing your web site is as easy as uploading your graphics to your new host and designing the page using their tools. For invitations, flyers, thank you notes and other printable items, all you need to do is visit your nearest office supply or computer electronics store and pick up a set of the appropriate printable material for your printer. You’ll be making your own items with the beautiful wedding graphics you’ve chosen in no time.

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