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Choices In Wedding Reception Music

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Choices In Wedding Reception Music

An important decision you’ll make during the course of creating your perfect wedding is that of wedding reception music. After all, what’s a wedding reception without music? Do you hire a band, hire a DJ, or just throw on some tunes for everyone to dance to? The choice is all up to you from what type of music you want at your reception to how it’s delivered.

One possibility that a number of people opt for is to hire a band to provide their wedding reception music. A lot of working “cover bands” (musicians that specialize in performing spot-on renditions of popular songs) are available to work wedding receptions. The cost for hiring a band varies according to the experience and popularity of the band itself. A band that is highly skilled tends to be highly sought after and therefore more expensive to hire. A live band brings a certain level of excitement to the party atmosphere of a wedding reception and your guests are sure to enjoy the interactivity that comes along with live wedding reception music.

Some couples forgo the band in favor of hiring a DJ for their wedding. The advantages of hiring a DJ as compared to a band are threefold. First of all, a DJ tends to cost much less to hire than an entire band does. In addition to the monetary savings, the DJ will have access to original recordings of popular songs. Your guests can shimmy to Baby Got Back or The Locomotion by the original artists rather than a rendition performed by an unknown singer. Additionally, the DJ will have access to a far greater number of recordings than any band is likely to have in its repertoire. For these reasons many couples enjoy hiring a DJ to supply their wedding reception music.

Another option is to simply supply the wedding reception music yourself. Armed with a computer that is equipped with a CD burner you can create CD’s full of .mp3 files to play at the reception. Because of the .mp3 file compression, nearly ten hours of music can be squeezed onto one CD. You can choose exactly what songs you want, place them on the CD in the order that you like, and just pop it in to play at the reception. This is possibly the most cost effective option as it will cost very little or nothing at all to compile the CD. The downsides are that you’re left with just a group of songs and no live interactivity whatsoever and you must have a specific type of CD player in order to play a disc full of .mp3 files. You will also need to provide a decent sound system unless the reception hall happens to come equipped with one.

There are a number of options available for providing music for your wedding reception. Choosing which one is right for you is merely a matter of deciding what you want and what you can afford.
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BONUS : Choosing A Great Wedding Favor

Wedding favor is a small gift given as gesture of appreciation to wedding guest from the bride and groom. Giving a wedding favor to wedding guest is a tradition in such country. You need the perfect favors for your perfect wedding, because it is your personal thanks statement to your guest for coming.

Wedding favor can create an experience for your guest long after your wedding is over. Unique favors are more than just a souvenir. This favor is their memory about your wedding. So, it is needed to choose the unique and special wedding favor for you guest.

There are many type of wedding favors, like garden wedding favors, Asian favors, beach favors, and other famous type favors. Some favors include a unique and personalized idea, like pens, boxes, candles, vases, or cameras.

Choosing the right favor sometimes is difficult and sometimes is easy. Before you decide what favor you'll buy, you can go to some wedding favor online stores. There are many online stores available in internet. You can visit their website and looking around their favors. Order some examples before you decide to bulk buy the favors. Check whether the favor ordered is good enough.

It is better that you choose a functional favor. You must expect that your favor will be useful for guests. Giving unuseful favor can make your favor goes to trash bin. Give the guest with personalized and useful favor, like camera, candle, pen, or other useful things.

Don't spend too much. Although the favor is your personal statement, but don't spend too much. Some favors cost less than five dollar, others can cost above ten dollars. Choose a favor that fit with your pocket. Save some money for other wedding expenses. Keep find a low cost and unique wedding favor.

Buy at the right amount. After you decide to bulk buy the favors, buy with right amount. You need to estimate the guest number. Don't buy too much. Don't buy too little. Approximate the guest will attend to your wedding and have some extra favors.

Match the season. Yes, match with the season when your wedding ceremony will happen. If your wedding will happen at winter, you can choose winter favor. If your wedding ceremony will happen at summer, you can buy summer theme favors.

Make your own. If you don't satisfy with available favor, you can make your own favor. You can design your own favor and order it to the wedding favor provider. Or you can make by yourself. Look at your own talent. When designing the favor reflect your personality. By making your own favor, you can make a very unique favor.

If you want a cheap, fast, and personalized favor, you can make your own CD favor. You can record your favorite songs and burn it to CD. Create unique cover and label for the CD. Tie it with beautiful ribbon.

So think what favor is fit for you. Choose the favor that reflect your personality, and buy at online stores, or you can make your own favor.

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