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Bristol Stag Nights Your Ultimate Booze Escapade

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Bristol Stag Nights – Your Ultimate Booze Escapade

If you are looking for a short and fun booze-filled weekend, then Bristol may be the ideal destination for such your escapade. Street lined with booze clubs, lap dancing clubs and even a pub cruise ship, you and your lads are bound for a pretty exciting stag night as you crawl from pub to pub for a good liver whipping. Additionally, if you engage a tour operator such as Chillisauce to get you to the best destinations in town, your stag night in Bristol will almost certainly be awesome!

Start your night with a cruise on the Margaret or the Countess for an authentic cruise Bristol style. Absolutely perfect for warm summer nights, you will be treated either to an open canopy cruise on the Margaret or experience a taste of elegant old Victorian flavour at the Countess. The cruise boats stop at 3 pubs out of the 15 available, giving you the opportunity to savour the beer at multiple pubs.

Other interesting stag night activities in Bristol include the party bus, the Bavarian Bierkelle or a nightclub with drinking pods. The wide variety of options in store for you will definitely make your Bristol stag nights unforgettable. For a taste of German oversized beers, authentic German sausages or even dances on the tables, a night out in the Bavarian Bierkeller would be perfect. What’s more, with a free flow of booze lined up, you’d better be sure that your stomach is up for it!

With a bunch of lads around, it’s always fun to go for a pub crawl throughout your stag nights at Bristol. The best place for this would be along the quay side where lots of pubs line the streets, each within a few hundred metres from one another. It’s so easy to drink the night away in Bristol!

Finally, VIP clubs are aplenty, with pre-arranged entry arrangements already made if you engage a fully bonded tour operator such as Chillisauce for this. Most importantly, you will be exempted from queuing up like the rest of the locals, which means that you’ll waste no time partying. Chillisauce has already done the homework for you, so we’ll only take you to the best places that Bristol has to offer. We ensure that your stag night will be something to remember!
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BONUS : Buying An Engagement Ring

So you think you want to take your relationship to the next level? Are you considering marriage? If you answered, "yes" to both questions then you should be getting ready to make another important decision … the engagement ring.

Traditionally, the engagement ring is a diamond ring. There are many styles of diamond rings to choose from (not to mention the cut, color, clarity, karat and shape). All of this can seem overwhelming to even the most love struck suitor. If you can follow a few basic rules; do a little detective work and ask some questions then you can take most of the headache out of this decision and be well on the way to the perfect diamond.

Cost is probably the first thing to consider when purchasing an engagement ring. Most etiquette states that the groom to be should spend two months salary. Although this is not a hard and fast rule it can be a good starting point.

Making sure the ring is the correct size for you fiancé-to-be is also crucial. What could be more embarrassing than popping the question and then finding out the ring is way too small for the finger. A good way to avoid this dilemma is to take a ring out of her jewelry box and have the size checked. If you aren't sure this will work or your significant other doesn't wear rings then you could stop by a jewelry store in the mall and have her fingers sized. To avoid giving away the possible surprise be sure to have more than just the ring finger on the left hand sized, though.

When considering the type of diamond you may want to do a little detective work. Ask friends (hers not yours) what they think she likes. Perhaps she has already had this kind of conversation with her friends in the past. If not then maybe one of her friends would be willing to ask a few "innocent" questions and get back to you. Also, family can be a good source of information as well. Just a little effort to this regard can pay off big dividends in selecting an engagement ring. Besides you who would know what she likes best … her friends and family, of course.

It is important to remember that selecting the ring is one of the most important decisions in the engagement process, but don't let it overwhelm you. If you consider the size and cost of the ring, do a little research and ask a few questions then you are well on your way to making the perfect decision for the perfect engagement ring. Now you are ready.

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