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Wedding Ceremony

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Wedding Ceremony

One of the most important steps in your wedding planning strategy is choosing a ceremony and reception venue. To a certain degree who you are defines the location of your wedding reception and the location of your wedding ceremony. The place should be an environment you find appealing and comfortable. Remember, this is your day and the most important thing is for you and your groom to have an unbelievable experience.

You should not worry about tradition, or what your friends and your family like. If you and your groom pay for everything, you need to be much less concerned with what other people think of your location. If your parents pay for it, your decision should be much more democratic.

Most importantly, you’ll want to create an environment that will be unique and memorable for you and your guests. It sounds simple, but it is easier said than done. To be successful, you must be very clear about what you are looking for in a venue. Are you looking for an intimate environment, do you want to get married on a sandy beach, in a five star hotel or in your parents house you grew up in?

Even though churches are the most common wedding ceremony locations, it is OK to look elsewhere. There is an endless list of possibilities for wedding ceremony locations. You may decide to have your ceremony held at a hotel ballroom, a beautiful house, a club house, a botanical garden, a romantic beach, a park, and the list goes on-and-on.

It may be beneficial to have the wedding ceremony and the reception in the same physical location. It can not only simplify, but also serve as a money saving idea.

Remember, if you select a popular location there will be many other couples interested, so you should schedule as early as possible. The sooner you start your search the more options you will have.

You should have the following list at hand when considering a wedding reception/ceremony venue:
Cost – The cost of the venue and amount of deposit required are crucial details.
Food Cost – How much is food per person.

Capacity – You should make sure the facility could accommodate the number of guest you are inviting.
Cancellation Policy – How much time in advance you have to cancel in case you change your mind? Music – What are the rules and regulations about noise and music?

Access – Do they have handicap access? Is there public transportation available?
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BONUS : Wedding Favor Ideas – Finding The One You Love

Wedding favor ideas can be as elusive as the perfect man – you can spend forever looking for the right one amongst a whole range that just don’t seem quite right! Traditional wedding favor ideas might seem a little too predictable, or just not quite what you had imagined. So how can you think up wedding favor ideas that are just right for you?

First of all, don’t write off all traditional wedding favor ideas too quickly – they have earned their traditional wedding favors ideas status by proving ever popular. Perhaps the perfect wedding favor idea for you and your spouse might be a traditional one, but with a personal twist of your own.

Instead of the traditional candle wedding favor idea, you might choose a novelty shaped candle that represents something personal to you. Gardeners might enjoy the wedding favor idea of a candle flower in a pot, while animal lovers might like a dog or cat shaped candle.

You will want your favors to be as unique and special as your wedding day, and what better way to find wedding favor ideas than the ones you create yourself. Make your own wedding favors ideas can be difficult to come up with, but the trick is to create something that is representative of you.

Think of make your own wedding favors ideas that speak to your own talents, or those of your spouse – card makers might create a commemorate booklet, while musicians could produce a CD, or even write a special song. The best make your own wedding favors ideas are those that will remind your guests of something special about you and your new spouse.

If all else fails, a good way to come up with new wedding favors ideas is to look at what others have used in the past – tried and tested wedding favor ideas are often the best! Think about weddings you have attended in the past – what did you, as a guest, love and hate about particular wedding favor ideas?

Just remember to find the wedding favor ideas that are meaningful to you. Because your guests will love your favor, so long as it reminds them of you and your special day.

Looking for wedding favor ideas isn’t easy, but worth it to get it right.

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