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Use Unique Wedding Favors To Capture Your Personality

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Use Unique Wedding Favors To Capture Your Personality

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Unique Wedding Favors to Capture Your Personality
A theme is very important in the process to make your
wedding distinctive from the rest.  You’ve purchased invitations to your bridal
shower and now you need to pick out your bridal shower favors.  Adorable
purse bottle stoppers are perfect wine wedding favors for any bridal
shower.  Whether you are on a budget and need

cheap bridal shower favors or you’re looking for something more elegant,
there is a wide variety of unique wedding favors to fit your personal
style.  If you are having a dinner for your bridal shower, scented gown sachet
place card holders
make a wonderful setting for your table.
To make your wedding stand out, you want to choose the most
unique wedding favors.  Beautiful butterfly, dragonfly or garden
spring wedding favors are perfect for a spring wedding.  Calla lily
spring wedding favors are beautiful if you are going for a more elegant look
for your spring wedding.  Flower seed packets are a great way to let your guests
know of the love that is forever growing in your hearts. 
If you are going for more of a tropical or nautical theme,
beach wedding favors are the way to go to accent your summer wedding. 
Whimsical flip flop candles or note pads, Adirondack chair personalized
wedding favors or beach photo glass coasters will set your reception apart
from the rest.  Shells, fish, sailboats or palm trees are a few of the different
beach theme unique wedding favors that you may choose from for your
beach wedding favors.  Adorable beach themed place card holders can
also set your table for your summer wedding.
If you are having more of an elegant wedding in the winter,
summer or spring, crystal or silver wedding favors or for more of a
personal touch,

personalized wedding favors will make your event stand out from the
rest.  Stylish wine bottle stoppers come in many forms such as shells, hearts or
snowflakes for perfect silver wedding favors for your
chic wedding.  Silver photo frames in many shapes are a fashionable touch to
your table for the place card holders for any reception.  Silver bells
chime in a wonderful event to show the love that is new and exciting in your
There are many candle wedding favors to choose from
for a fairytale, elegant or spring themed wedding.  If you are in the need of
something blue, beautiful blue candle wedding favors are perfect to add
for an exceptional touch.  There are even wedding cake candles with many colors
to choose from to match your wedding’s color.  Adorable beach candle wedding
favors in the shape of shells or flips flops are just the thing for any
beach themed wedding in the summer whether you are having it at the beach or
just want to give the feel of the beach at your church wedding.
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BONUS : Valentine’s Day Marriage Proposal Ideas

If you’re ready to propose to your sweetheart there is no better day than Valentine’s Day; this day is devoted to lovers and romance. A Valentine’s Day proposal is every woman’s dream and will surely get you an enthusiastic “yes”! Here are some ideas to help you create a romantic Valentine’s Day proposal:

• Cook her a romantic dinner for two. Tie the engagement ring, using ribbon, to the stem of a glass of champagne or sparkling cider.

• Take her out for dinner at your favorite restaurant and arrange with the waiter to display the ring in a box as one of the choices on the dessert tray, or write "Will you marry me?" in chocolate sauce on the rim of her dessert plate. Remember to make your reservations early in the month because restaurants are very busy on this night and you will need the staff to help with your special arrangements.

• Rent a limousine. Propose to her in the limo on the way to or from your special evening. Be sure to bring champagne or sparkling cider to celebrate.

• Rent your favorite romantic movie. Make it special with homemade popcorn and her favorite movie treat. Tell her you want your own happy ending by proposing as the credits roll at the end.

• Give her three roses: Tell her one represents the past, one represents the present and the last one (with the ring tied to it) represents the future. It is estimated that 110 million roses will be sold for Valentine’s Day so be sure to order your roses early for the prettiest petals.

• Turn out all the lights in your apartment or home. Make a trail with candlelight leading her to your engagement ring.

• Send her on a treasure hunt. Provide clues all over town to your favorite spots or just around the house. The last hint should lead her to you, with the diamond engagement ring in hand.

• Create a special book filled with pictures of the two of you. On the last page include a photo of a bride and groom and paste pictures of your faces on the bride and groom with “Will You Marry Me?” written at the bottom.

• Buy 13 days worth of small gifts and wrap them individually. Number each package 1 though 13 and insert a note with each gift. The notes could be 13 reasons why you love her. Tell your sweetheart to start opening the packages on February 1 and on Valentines Day give her gift number 14 in person. Write “Will You Marry Me?” on the last note.

In order to make your Valentine’s Day proposal perfect present your sweetheart with a beautiful diamond engagement ring. And remember, no matter how you say it, your marriage proposal is going to be a special and memorable moment in your relationship.

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