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The In S And Out S Of Orchestrating A Stag Weekend

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The In's And Out's Of Orchestrating A Stag Weekend

Stag parties come in all shapes and sizes, and it's fair to say that no two stag weekends are ever the same (not that you would want them to be anyway!). That said, there's a common theme among great stag weekends - organisation and planning! The first step in planning is to collect a few ideas for the stag party, do your research and have a chat with the stag and any other key people who'll be attending the stag party for ideas. Have a search on google for "stag weekends" and it ought to bring you up a few sites with possible ideas.

The key things you need to consider when coordinating a stag party are: 1/. Where you'll be going, 2/.The type of accommodation you're after, 3/. The activities you would like to do during the day - e.g. go karting, paintballing, quad bike racing, clay pigeon shooting, 4/. What you would like to do in the night , for example clubs, pubs and restaurants and finally 5/. How you are going to stitch up the groom. Below are some ideas you may like to consider during the stag party coordinating process..........

Stag Party Ideas: Destinations
Well now, what do you fancy? Other than the obligatory drinking and ogling at the local ladies, do you fancy a beach stag party, or a town stag party? UK or abroad? Cultured or are you extra into a happening nightlife? Frequently the number of options can be totally bewildering, so it is a great idea to speak to a professional stag party organiser - there are loads out there but look for ones that don't look like they are run from a bedroom, and are members of the relevant association for example ABTA to ensure they are reputable. Some of the main companies are, and, so have a look at those website and give one of their specialists a call.

Stag Party Ideas: Accommodation
First things first, are you searching for five star luxury, or ready to rough it in extra budget-friendly accommodation? Some hostels welcome stag weekends these days, going out of their way to provide destination information, 24 hour bars, no curfews and some great value dorm and private rooms. Check out the free groups booking service for ideas on hostels and budget hotels in the UK. Alternatively you may wish to splash it up a bit and treat yourselves to a night or two somewhere plush - have a wide variety of stag party ideas for you with 4* & 5* accommodation in all Britain's significant stag party destinations.

Stag Party Activities:
No stag party is complete without some activities during the day. There is a significant amount out there and you ought to have a look at some of the stag party organiser websites mentioned above to gain some inspiration. It is recommend that you do something where all the group can compete together and get so know each other, so things like go karting, paintballing, clay pigeon shooting, and quad bike racing are ideal.

Stay Party Stitch Up's
Perhaps the most fun element of the stag party for all but the groom...the stag stitch up! Whether you're coordinating on shaving his eyebrows, to stripping him naked, locking him in a box and sending him first class to Siberia - the possibilities are endless and you'll have a great time dreaming them up!
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BONUS : The Key To The Perfect Bachelorette Party!!!

Planning a Great Celebration for the Bride-to-Be

Bachelors have been hitting the bars for stag parties for years. But why should the guys have all the fun? Throwing a bachelorette party for a bride-to-be is a fun way for the bride and her friends to bond and blow off a little steam before the big day. If you’re planning a bachelorette party, there are many fun and original bachelorette party ideas.

What is a Bachelorette Party?

Bachelorette parties have risen in popularity within the last twenty years or so. While the bridal shower is still a traditional event for brides, a bachelorette party is a more laid back celebration. Like a bachelor party, a bachelorette party usually involves a night out with the gals.

Bachelorette Party Ideas: Locations

Bachelorette parties can take place at the home of the bride-to-be or the home of the person throwing the party for her. A hall or meeting room at a hotel can also be rented for the night. Restaurants often have rooms that can be reserved for private parties. You also might choose to take everyone to an event like a movie or a spa. Many bachelorette parties begin in one location and move on to a different location, like a bar, later in the night.

Bachelorette Party Ideas: Styles

The bachelorette party can be naughty or nice, depending on the bride’s preferences and comfort level. Most bachelorette parties include alcohol and many incorporate sexual themes. However, this is the bride-to-be’s night, and while it can be fun to embarrass her a little, you don’t want her to be horrified at the goings on.

Naughty Bachelorette Party Ideas

Hire a male stripper for the party or go to see a male strip show.

When each guest arrives, she writes down a task that the bride must accomplish before the night is over. When the list is complete it is given to the bride. The task list might include things like “get a man to buy you a drink” or “get a man’s phone number.”

Give goody bags to the guests with inexpensive, naughty gifts inside. Many party supply shops and websites carry party favors specifically intended for bachelorette parties

Nice Bachelorette Party Ideas

Head to a spa. All the ladies can enjoy massages and manicures.

Take a tour at a nearby winery and enjoy some winetasting.

Go dancing.

Head to a microbrewery for a tour and to taste the products.

Responsible Bachelorette Party Ideas

Since most bachelorette parties involve alcohol, its necessary to arrange safe transportation for the party guests. A designated driver is one idea, or someone who would not normally be invited to the party, like a male friend. You could also hire a limousine service to carry guests to various watering holes around town. Some choose to charter a bus for the night’s activities, while others use taxis to get around. Even if the bachelorette party does not involve alcohol, using a bus or limo service is a good way to keep guests together and prevent them from getting lost during the evening.

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