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Before You Say I Do

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Before You Say I Do

One out of every two marriages ends in divorce. Millions of Americans are filing for divorce. As the divorce rate continues to escalate in America, dating relationships are becoming more popular.

Social scientists have led us in the wrong direction, as they embrace incorrect solutions to a momentous problem. They are sending forth a message that is misleading pertaining to dating relationships. This message by social scientists will continue to mislead individuals who sincerely want to establish healthy dating relationships, with the hope of embracing an everlasting marriage. In this article, we will explore the truth behind the soaring divorce rate. In our search for a remedy, we are spending billions of dollars annually chasing illusionary solutions.

In the previous article, “The Art of Selection”, we explored how the selection process is retarded when selecting our dating partners. One’s selfish soul perverts the meaning of dating that may lead to marriage by focusing on imagination and desires. Take a step further; let us look at imaginary pleasures and security. Trapped in the fairy tale syndrome, we pursue dating and love relationships in an effort to receive immediate and future gratification from our dating partners. The selfish soul commits acts that weaken the foundation of a healthy relationship from the very start. The potential dating partner commits blameworthy acts to make a good impression. He/she gives a misleading representation of oneself, being overly kind, spending extravagantly, being conscious of one’s physical appearance, always appearing truthful, having late night telephone marathons, and displaying a disposition of caring and commonality of interests are commonplace when painting a handsome picture of deception. In one’s effort to insure the acquisition of his/her desires, he/she resorts to deception to consummate personal relationships that eventually end in disaster. This activity is the beginning of the breakdown in the marriage union before a potential marriage couple says, “I do”.

Before marriage and during the courtship, the relationship seems magical. Every day is a heartwarming experience. It feels so surreal and no one likes to be aroused from a dream. This state of elation takes total control of us, blocking out any semblance of rational thought. Helplessly hypnotized, we become a servant to an oppressive master, our own desires. We absorb this form of deception similar to a sponge that absorbs water that eventually transforms into tears.

Allowing our desires to be the criteria to make decisions exposes us to the most destructive form of a relationship. It becomes impossible to be fair, just, equitable, impartial, unprejudiced, unbiased, objective or dispassionate with others or ourselves. If the family structure is the foundation of society, then we must rethink our strategy when approaching a serious relationship.

As the dawn of reality rushes in and the dusk of deception slowly fades away, reflecting the light of reason, it becomes apparent we are in an undesirable dating relationship. It is no surprise that our mate’s disposition changes. He/she goes from being overly kind to being overly aggressive, mentally and physically. Sexual passion dissipates, extravagant spending dissolves, the truth becomes lies, commonality of interest changes to two strangers passing by one another in the night, and the list of deceptions continues to unfold.
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BONUS : Bridal Set A Gift For A Lifetime

Being a bride is the most memorable occasion in a woman’s life. On the special day, every bride wants to look her best and takes care that everything about her is perfect. The glow on the bride’s face is natural and comes from the happiness within. It all starts with those nice smelling bathing salts, the herbal treatments, the beautifully created wedding dress, the coiffured tresses, the enhancement of the facial features with the required make up, and finally the perfect jewelry to adorn the feminity of the bride, completes the bridal

The perfection of her look depends on finding the bridal set perfect bridal jewelry. The bride may find a perfect necklace to wear but may not find the matching earrings or the right bangles or bracelet or even ring to go with it. A bridal set resolves this problem and saves a lot of time. Bridal sets are jewelry made with the intention of putting together everything for that special occasion. A bridal set comprises of a necklace, earrings, bangles/bracelets, and a ring that match and go well together. All a bride needs to do is select the bridal set that goes with her look on the wedding day.

These bridal sets come in a variety of metals, like gold, silver, white gold, and platinum. There are plain precious metal bridal sets and there are bridal sets set with precious stones, like diamonds, rubies, emeralds, sapphires etc. The choice of the type of bridal set depends on the expense and the affordability of the bride.

If you are the bride, you will have to take utmost care in selecting the bridal set. First thing is the set of course, but don’t buy it just because you love the jewelry set. The bridal set by itself may be beautiful, but you must see if it matches your dress. Even a most expensive and beautiful wedding gown can look bad if worn with the wrong bridal set. You don’t want any such thing to mar the occasion. Look into all factors when selecting the bridal set, like the style, quality and affordability.

Bridal sets look good because they were meant to be used together. All major jewelers stock several styles of bridal sets to suit all budgets. You can even use your bridal set after the wedding day. When going out on those romantic dinners, you can wear just your earrings or you can choose to wear just the bracelet at times, or even the necklace. Just because it is a bridal set, you don’t have to keep it aside like you do the wedding dress. How would it feel wearing that jewelry on your first anniversary and reliving the special moments.

Make sure the bridal set does not completely overshadow the wedding gown. The bridal set should fit in the theme of the wedding. If the wedding dress is made up of a certain type of crystals, then your bridal set cannot be of pearls. Keep in mind the overall look when buying jewelry for the big day. Once that is taken care of, all you need to do is experience the feeling of satisfaction and thrill with the numerous compliments coming your way.

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