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Tax Checklist If You Are Getting Married

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Tax Checklist If You Are Getting Married

It may not be high on the list of wedding planning activities, but there are a few simple steps that can help keep tax issues from interrupting your newly wedded bliss. If you recently married, check out your new tax situation. You might save money or even prevent the problem of a missing refund check.

The first things to handle are changes of name and address. Later, as tax season approaches, consider whether or not you'll itemize deductions, which tax return form is right for you and what filing status you'll use.

No one should delay the cake cutting or honeymoon because of taxes. But here are some helpful hints for later:

Use Your Correct Name

You must provide correct names and identification numbers to claim personal exemptions on your tax return. If you changed your name upon marrying, let the Social Security Administration know and update your Social Security card so the number matches your new name. Use Form SS-5, Application for a Social Security Card.

Change of Address

If you or your spouse has a new address, notify the U.S. Postal Service so that it will be able to forward any tax refunds or IRS correspondence. The Postal Service will also pass your new address on to IRS for updating. You may also notify to notify the IRS directly by filing Form 8822.

Refund Checks

Each year, the Postal Service returns thousands of tax refund checks as undeliverable, usually because the addressee has moved. Notifying both the Postal Service and the IRS of an address change in a timely manner can help ensure the proper delivery of any refund checks. To check the status of a tax refund, go to the IRS web site and use the "Where’s My Refund?" service.

Changing Filing Status

Your marital status on December 31 determines whether you are considered married for that year. Married persons may file their federal income tax return either jointly or separately in any given year. Choosing the right filing status may save you money.

A joint return (Married Filing Jointly) allows spouses to combine their income and to deduct combined deductions and expenses on a single tax return. Both spouses must sign the return and both are held responsible for the contents.

With separate returns (Married Filing Separately), each spouse signs, files and is responsible for his or her own tax return. Each is taxed on his or her own income, and can take only his or her individual deductions and credits. If one spouse itemizes deductions, the other must also.

Which filing status should you select? It depends entirely on your specific situation. You should consider sitting down with a tax professional to make a determination.
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BONUS : Ten Top Tips For Las Vegas Marriage Requirements

So you've decided to get married in Las Vegas. Great! But what do you actually have to do in order to get a Las Vegas marriage license? Here are ten top tips explaining Las Vegas marriage requirements.

1. Las Vegas Marriage requirements are the same for U.S. and non U.S. citizens.

2. Non U.S. citizens should check with the officials in their own country for any specific documents they may need so their marriage is acknowledged in their country.

3. The happy couple must be a male and female.

4. Marriage license applicants should be at least 18 years of age. Minor applicants aged 16 or 17 must have the consent of a parent or legal guardian. Minors must have an original or certified copy of the birth certificate that lists the name of the parent. Legal guardians must present proof of guardianship. A parent or guardian must have proof of identity.

5. Licenses cost $55. Once a license is issued, there are no blood tests and no waiting time. You can get married straight away.

6. Applicants must have proof of identity such as a driver's license, original or certified copy of a birth certificate or passport when applying for a license as your age may be checked.

7. You will need your social security number in order to apply for a license if you're a U.S. citizen.

8. Divorced applicants must know the month, day, year, city and state of their divorce. The divorce must be finalised. The divorce must be filed with the courts in the state or country granted. You don't have to bring the divorce decree though.

9. In order to be legally wed, the ceremony must be performed in the state of Nevada within one year from the date the license was issued. The person performing the ceremony must be authorised or licensed to perform wedding ceremonies in Nevada.

10. For more detailed information on applying for a Las Vegas marriage license, visit

Marriage Bureau, Las Vegas, Nevada 200 S. 3rd Street, 1st floor Las Vegas, NV 89155-1603 (702) 455-4415

Hours for the Marriage Bureau Office only:
Monday through Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 (Midnight)
Friday 8:00 a.m. to Sunday 12:00 (Midnight)

The hours for performing civil ceremonies are: 8:00 a.m to 10:00 p.m, daily, including holidays and weekends.

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d'Antoinette BOILEAU

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de Camille ROCHET

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