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Romance And Happy Marriage Myths

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Romance And Happy Marriage Myths

The institution of marriage is surrounded by a number of myths, stories and advice freely offered by people on a daily basis.

Unfortunately, many people listen to and believe these pieces of so-called wisdom to the point where it doesn’t help their marriage and it only hinders its growth.

Many of the myths regarding relationships are incredibly damaging and it is unfortunate that they are such common beliefs. Once you understand why certain bits of advice or information can be regarded as myths, you can break through what could be blocking the growth of your marriage.

In fact, you may actually learn to appreciate your spouse and your role in your marriage even more.

Sensationalist television, magazines and talk radio have been key players when it comes to fueling any belief that there is a battle between the sexes happening.

While there are definitively some physical and psychological differences, they are not enough to earn the term ‘battle’ as a description.

When you allow yourself to consider any kind of battle between the sexes, you risk grouping all men or all women into a certain category and that leads to stereotyping.

Once you recognize that your partner is a unique individual with a number of positive attributes, you can shed the thought that there should be any type of conflict between the two of you.

Any thought of battle or conflict only leads to lack of communication, misunderstandings and discourages growth in any relationship.

Nice guys finish last is one of the worst possible sayings floating around today.

Whoever thought of that and actually uttered those words must have been feeling truly low and full of self-pity because there simply cannot be any other explanation. Nice guys never finish last.

They may have a longer and harder road sometimes, but it isn’t often that you see the bullies and jerks finishing first. If they aren’t, who is? It’s the nice guys, but they are so nice and gracious you don’t hear them bragging about it.

It is also important to note that the word ‘nice’ doesn’t mean ‘weak’ or ‘ effeminate’ in any way. Nice means socially or conventionally correct; refined or virtuous and not at all negative in any way.

Nice is not another word for push over or spineless. Nice is as close to a ‘perfect’ man as you can come and they always end up first in line.

Romance is all you need in order to save your relationship is a wonderfully optimistic thought, but not quite accurate.

If simple romance were enough to save a marriage, it would be running wonderfully rampant throughout the world today. Unfortunately, it takes more than simple romance.

If you truly feel love for your spouse and you are expressing it through romance, then it will save your marriage. If you are trying to use romance to buy some time or to placate your spouse, then you are only buying time or placating your spouse.

Your time as a married couple is most likely limited and should be attended to immediately by a professional.
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BONUS : Russian Bride

Russian brides are the most popular type of mail order bride. However, when going into this type of market, there are most scams than honest deals. Many people turn to the Internet to find love. There are millions of online dating consultants and plenty of mail orders. However, how do you know that you are being scammed? Look for the following signs. If you can recognize any of them to your situation than you are most likely being scammed!

Well first, you should be caution with anyone online dating or brides. When you put your profile on site, you should let yourself go and place a picture online. Most of the time people only search pictures so if you’re serious, add a pic. If someone responses to your profile and claims to be in love at first sight, stand back.

There is no such thing, even if they do have a legitimate feeling about you, it’s not love! No one can fall in love to a profile. Next, think about the Russian’s picture. Did it look professional? If so, then don’t keep an interest because most Russian’s who are there for love or marriage, don’t get professional pics done. You should look at their income and guess their personality. If the picture contradicts, your impression of the woman, than it’s not the person or it’s a scam. You do have a possibility of getting an honest profile and done by professionals, but it won’t be model quality.

Once you get to know someone (a couple of responses), you should ask her to take a picture of herself in front of a landmark like the Kremlin or in her garden or something that will look like the Russian environment. You can possible trap the person early one by asking for more pictures. If the person is using pictures of someone else, she/he may forget what they sent you to begin with and then you can call them out if there are discrepancies.

Look at the letters; do they look like they are mass-produced? Is your name only placed in a couple places all the time? Also, pay attention to content. If you are never asked about your life, family, the city you live in and so on, then they aren’t interested in meeting you. Also, make your letters personally like your dog died or you took the long way home today and if you get no response to that than the letters are mass produced and it’s a scam. There are so many more things that you can pick out of the conversations or letters that will tell you it’s a scam. You shouldn’t allow yourself to be blind and specially look for some of these tips.

When it comes to Russian Brides, you must be careful and try to find any signs of a scam. It can be hard to judge someone whom you’ve become accustomed to lean on, but it must be done to protect your privacy, feelings, and bank account.

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