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Online Marriage Counseling Free

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Online Marriage Counseling Free

When money is tight, many couples who are experiencing marital problems may desperately seek alternative ways to get “professional” help, such as online marriage counseling. Free of charge is very appealing, but there are many things which should be taken into consideration before relying on the vast number of resources you can find online to help your flailing marriage.

When it comes to online marriage counseling, free services ranging from “e-courses” to actual direct email interaction with a therapist may be available depending on the resource. And like anything online, the quality of what you are getting for free (or even for a price) can vary greatly. But if you approach it as a resource similar to purchasing a book on the topic of helping you with marriage problems, then there can be some benefit to be gained.

So let’s look a little further at what you may find in terms of online marriage counseling. Free e-courses, as mentioned above, are often available from various resources. Usually you just sign up for these and they are delivered to your email box. Most of these will be delivered to your email over a period of time. For example, you may receive one “lesson” every few days. This gives you time to digest the information rather than read through the entire course in one sitting. Depending on who wrote them, they may contain some very helpful information and exercises which you can apply to your particular situation. Again, this is similar to using a book as a help guide.

Some sites also offer complete eBooks which you can download to your computer as soon as you sign up. Similar to e-courses, some of these can also give you some good information. DonÂ’t expect them to be as comprehensive or thorough as a book you would purchase at a bookstore. The nature of eBooks is that they are relatively short, usually anywhere from 30 to 100 pages with large font. EBooks and e-courses are often a primary part of any online marriage counseling. Free resources such as these may be better than nothing when finances are tight.

Where things start to get questionable, in terms of ethics, competence and confidentiality are when individuals or companies claim to offer actual “therapy” via email. With the rapidly growing popularity of the Internet as a primary resource for just about everything, it is no surprise that you can find actual online marriage counseling. Free email interaction with a therapist or counselor is offered by some online sources.

Email, by its very nature, has limited confidentiality. And it may be difficult to verify whether or not the therapist is truly competent or is even actually trained or licensed. This is where you really need to be wary. Also, before you engage in any actual free counseling or therapy via the internet, be sure to do your due diligence to determine if the person has the appropriate credentials and qualifications to be helping you.

These are just a few things to consider if you feel you and your spouse need professional help for your marriage and you are considering online marriage counseling. Free services may be very appealing, but you may not be getting what you think. Use it with caution, if at all. The e-courses and eBooks may have some good food for thought, but if your marriage is in a serious crisis, it is better to find a way to see a local therapist with whom you can interact face to face as you work through the issues in your marriage.

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BONUS : Online Relationship Counseling

Considering the popularity of the internet, as well as technology which allows online chat, video, MP3 recordings, etc, it is not surprising that more and more people are seeking online relationship counseling. Whether you are wanting help with dating issues, seeking help to cope with a break up, or having marital problems for which you need some advice, online relationship counseling may be a viable option for you if you are unable to find a therapist locally, or if you just want the ease and convenience of getting counseling right in the comfort of your own home.

More and more mental health professionals are offering their services via the internet. For professionals who choose to only offer online relationship counseling, this can save them the overhead costs of having an office, and also allow them to expand their practice to clients they might not otherwise be able to see in person. Of course, it is imperative that they work within the bounds of their expertise and adhere to any limitations of their license, such as location of their clients as most licenses are specific to a given state.

So how does online relationship counseling work? To some degree, that will depend on the particular professional or group who is offering the service, but many function very similarly to traditional face to face counseling. The main difference being the medium in which the counseling is delivered. Online options usually include email, online chat via typed text or audio with a microphone, or video sessions using a web cam and microphone. The majority also provide counseling via telephone.

While some do offer free online relationship counseling, most do require that you pay for your sessions, just as you would for the same services in person. And while the fees may vary, typically they are going to be about the same amount you would pay to see a therapist in his or her office. One of the advantages in terms of fees when using this medium is that many online therapists have the option of short sessions or consultations, in addition to the traditional 50 minute to one hour sessions that are standard with most mental health professionals.

Before pursuing any type of online relationship counseling, it is important that you have some way of verifying the credentials and training of the therapist you will be working with. The internet is fraught with scams, so be sure the therapist discloses his or her first and last name, the type of degree (e.g., M.A., PsyD, PhD, MD, etc.) and the school from which he or she graduated. Also, they should disclose their licensure status. With this information you can easily verify whether or not the information they provide is accurate or not by contacting the school and licensing board.

Before you start with any particular online therapist you also want to find out the personÂ’s particular areas of experience and expertise. If you are seeking help for marriage problems, for example, then it is best to obtain help from someone who specializes in or at least has experience helping married couples with their issues.

Mental health services which are available via the internet are not limited to relationship counseling. Many professionals can provide help for other issues as well including substance abuse, family therapy, career guidance, as well as specific disorders such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, PTSD and many others.

If you are struggling with issues in your marriage or other relationships, online relationship counseling is definitely an alternative you may want to consider. It is worth looking into if you live in a remote area where qualified professionals are either limited or are too far away, or if you just prefer the convenience the internet can provide.


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