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Marriage Of Hearts

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Marriage Of Hearts

Marriage is one of the oldest customs known to us. It is difficult to answer about why a couple would like to marry, if they can live together even otherwise. But marriages are considered a proper union worldwide in most cultures and religions.

If one looks at a married couple, one can plot a graph of happiness in marriage and the years of married life. With most of the couples, one may find that the happiness decreases as the years pass. There may be many reasons for this, and every study will bring out newer results. Let us think about how a married couple can have a marriage of hearts that will have happiness forever like we find in books of fiction.

How does one define a marriage of hearts? One way of saying would be, that both the partners are very emotionally attached to each other. They care for their partner. Their thoughts become one, their views become one and they live with each other in all the senses. There are no compromises. Look around yourself and you will find the neighborhood full of marriages where compromise is a way of life. What true joy can a marriage full of compromises can give?

True togetherness comes with the marriage of hearts. How to make one's marriage a marriage of hearts? The first step should be absolute openness about everything. To begin with, tell your partner about everything that you feel about him/her and about yourself. All of us do self talk, Isn't it? We talk to ourselves. During this kind of talk, we are very open, because we don't worry about the reactions. Let your talk with your partner become something like self talk. Openness gives two benefits. One - your partner knows very precisely about your views, your likes and your dislikes. So there is no tension to think about what is going on in each other's mind. The second benefit is faith. When you tell everything very openly, you are sending the message of faith. I have full faith in you. I feel totally open with you. I want to hide nothing from you.

How to react to your partner's openness? Once your partner begins telling everything very openly, you will get many shocks. You never knew that he/she was thinking like this for some issue! What to do? First - appreciate the openness. If you are shocked with few thoughts, put yourself in his/her shoes in find out if you also don't have opinions that may shock the other party? One must always think of two issues. 1) Who is the person who is holding the views that I don't like? 2) Are the views more important or the person? Also think if you are always the best judge of views. Should you be deciding what is right and what is wrong? Do you change your opinions from time to time?

With the openness of thoughts, there will be no possibility of any conflict about suppressing your personality to keep the marriage alive. As both of you open up, discussions will improve in quality. And slowly both of you will begin understanding each other very well. As you come to know more about the true thoughts of your spouse, you will make efforts to see that he/she is not hurt by you unknowingly.

Respect the other person and his/her views and desires at all the times. If you feel bad about anything, tell. Don't be quiet. Let the other partner know that you want her/him to change in certain areas. Request for change. In most of the relationships, people are unaware of the thoughts of their partner for a very long time. Both the parties suppress themselves to continue the facade of sharing and love. Such marriages may outwardly look successful, but give no happiness in life. Happiness and marriage of hearts comes only with openness and confidence about the relationship.

Talk this out with your spouse and if you feel that you should become more open with each other and proceed towards true sharing in every sense, please do. One compromises in every relationship in life. Should marriage also be one such relationship?
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BONUS : Marriage Proposals – Will You Ah, Um… Marry Me?

So you met the love of you life and would like to make your marriage proposal. This is an exciting moment in your life. Have you thought up a few marriage proposals? OK, so you have made up a hundred marriage proposals and haven’t mind up you mind. Stop worrying, she’s just waiting for your marriage proposal. She has been hinting around now for a while, she’s ready to say YES to your marriage proposal. Here are some tried and true, serious and silly Marriage proposals especially for you …

Practice Makes Perfect – Marriage Proposals.

Now you’re ready to make your marriage proposal, you need some practice. Pick out some your marriage proposals and tape yourself to hear how you sound. Practice makes perfect so practice your marriage proposal over and over .Besides rehearsing in from of the mirror, try out your marriage proposal in front of your dog or cat. It’s like if your dog doesn’t go for you marriage proposal and wag his tail, better make up a new marriage proposal. Overall, cats are more picky, but a dog will even go for crummy marriage proposal if you toss in a dog bone.

Chinese Restaurant - Marriage Proposals

Take your fiancé to a Chinese restaurant and have the waiter give her a “rigged” fortune cookie for desert in which your ask her to marry you. Have your diamond engagement ring ready to go when she says yes!

Camping Trip - Marriage Proposals

Do you have a favorite camping site? What’s more romantic than making your marriage proposal where the two of you had lots of fun. Just You can make a game of the marriage proposals by playing twenty questions in your sleeping bag together. Another cool marriage proposals is to write in the sand or carve it into a tree.

Beach Party - Marriage Proposal

Throw a beach party and tuck the engagement ring into your swim trunks. You can hide the engagement ring in her beach bag. Better yet, make a sand castle, pop the question and tell her “You see this sand castle? Someday, I’m going to build you a real castle because you are my queen (then look at her with those sad puppy dog eyes or yours…

Elegant Theater Date - Marriage Proposals

There are a few versions of Elegant Theater Date Marriage proposals. The usual plot is you take her to her favorite movie, out to dinner and make your marriage proposal over dessert. You just pop the question and she says YES!. A cool option, you make your ,marriage proposal in the lobby with a HUGE bag of popcorn in your hand.

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