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Keep Your Marriage Spanking New

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Keep Your Marriage Spanking New

Have you ever noticed that after your honeymoon period is over, the magic that exists between you and your husband or wife suddenly dims and slowly wavers? Everything between the two of you falls into a regular routine of eating, sleeping, and sometimes, awkward moments can be experienced.

This can be increased when you have your own children, a good number of your attention will be focused on them. Your romance suddenly falls right on the back seat. That is why there are people who divorce their partners just after a year or two of being together under the same roof.

Maybe you should go back to the basics of your relationship, and try to gather back all the things that you need for you to keep your marriage as good as when you were proclaimed newlyweds. First is love. It is the most essential part of a relationship. Let this love bind you once again.

Have your full and endless support for each other. Though some differences may arise on some things that needs a decision, it will be very rewarding if you will support whoever is tasked to make that decision. Respect each other's decision. Be there always for him/her, in achievements and in failure. That support, for sure, will be appreciated.

Have proper communication between the two of you. If your husband or wife committed something that annoys you, talk to him/her. Explain what you feel, and let him/her explain also. Discuss everything—problems, rules—and other things that needs to be discussed. Do not let these problems linger and cause more rift between the two of you.

Show your care for your spouse everyday of your life. Happy couples do show how much they care for each other. Take him/her out for a dinner, or you can serve your spouse whenever they feel tired. Small things can produce large results

Relight the torch that has made your relationship burning. Rediscover what you felt for your life when you weren't married yet. Looking at your marriage in a new light can make it feel new once again.
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BONUS : Keeping Your Marriage And Its Blanket Of Love

There is no secret to a perfect marriage. If marriage could give you a glimpse of heaven, it could give you as much of hell. There is even a famous saying where the perfect marriage can only be found between a deaf and a blind couple, because the deaf husband cannot hear the nagging of his wife, while the blind wife cannot see the shortcomings of her husband.

Of course, there are also those couples who are lucky enough to be soul mates. Being truly and deeply in love with each other is more than what most people could ask for in a relationship. But even love is not enough to sustain a relationship. There are other factors that come into play.

Why then do people get married? Is it to have a family? Is it to have someone to grow old with? Is it for wealth and security? All of these count, but thereÂ’s a bigger reason. Marriage is when you give so much of yourself and yet, you feel whole.

Something as special as marriage should be nurtured forever. So what do couples need to keep it? Trust, love, respect, compassion, and patience are all important. But even the best marriages can run into trouble. This is because couples tend to take the simplest things for granted. Would you like to know some of these things? Then read on.

Proven tips for a happy marriage:

Point 1: Be independent.

Just because you marry, it doesnÂ’t mean you must embrace everything about your partner. Sometimes, you forget about how different you two are because youÂ’ve been together for so long. DonÂ’t lose your uniqueness because itÂ’s the same thing that attracted both you and your partner in the first place. Try to take on different interests and encourage your partner to do so too.

Point 2: Never be angry at the same time.

When youÂ’re angry, you hear nothing else and you donÂ’t care about anything else. If you find that both you and your partner are angry, try to have some space. Calm down. Then talk. Be sensitive to each otherÂ’s ups and downs. Talk through the problem and hear each other out. Abandon the whole world rather than each other. And never go to sleep without settling the argument. Most importantly, never yell at each other unless the house is on fire.

Point 3: If you have to disagree, do it lovingly.

There will be lots of times when you and your spouse wonÂ’t agree at all in some aspects. DonÂ’t make your point sound like a criticism to your partner. It doesnÂ’t matter who is wrong or right. Always bear in mind that an argument doesnÂ’t need a winner or a loser.

Point 4: Never bring up mistakes of the past.

Whenever something goes wrong, do not rub past issues in. DonÂ’t dwell over the past such that you become blind with the wonderful things ahead of your relationship.

Point 5: At least once every day, try to say one thoughtful or complimentary thing to your partner.

When a couple always spends time with each other, they often forget about courtesy. “Take the trash out. Do the laundry.” Isn’t there something missing in those phrases? Perhaps putting “Please” before each sentence would make it sound so much better. Never take each other for granted.

Showing constantly that you both like each other will help keep your relationship fresh. Even something as simple as complementing on your spouseÂ’s looks or buying little unexpected gifts can help. Look for the things that would make your partner feel appreciated.

How do you live by the guidelines stated earlier? Lower your pride. But donÂ’t get me wrong. Pride is a good thing. It keeps your head high in public. It's not a bad thing to have pride in someone or something. But in private, when you're with your partner, keep the pride level down; because it becomes a wall your partner would have to overcome.

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