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How To Plan A Stag Night

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How To Plan A Stag Night

If you have been honoured with the duty of being the best man, one of the most important considerations is the orchestrating of the stag night. Obviously the last thing you would want as the best man is to be overseeing a stag night that turns into a disaster, so here I shall provide a timetable countdown for planning a stag night in a basic step by step process, that will make you the toast of the town:

1 Year before the stag weekend:
Most people will normally have a year or mores notice about being the best man for a wedding, and although you may be tempted to think that you have ages of time to get things planned, you ought to really start now. At this stage you ought to have a discussion with the groom and start drawing up a list of people that you would like to invite on the event.

8 to 9 months before the stag weekend:
You ought to now have your list of possible people coming on the event, and ought to have a discussion with the groom about possible destinations you may like to go to, and activities you may like to do during the weekend.

6 to 8 months before the stag weekend:
You now ought to have a rough idea of where you wish to go - overseas or in the UK, and a general idea of the activities for the weekend - i.e. motorised sport, shooting activities, outdoor pursuits etc. Start by contacting a few specialist stag night organisers to obtain some specialist advice - there are heaps out there - just search for the term "stag weekend". When looking at stag night companies specifically look for ABTA association, to ensure the companies legitimacy.

6 months before the stag weekend:
Obtain a deposit from each of the member of the stag night - most companies will require a deposit to hold a booking for your stag night.

4 to 5 months before the stag weekend:
You ought to now have all you deposits in from the group and have settled on what you are doing for the stag night. Reserving your place early will ensure that you get the activities you want and the best value accommodation. At this stage send out the details of the stag night to all parties of the group, along with details of when you will require the remainder of the payment from the group.

2 months before the stag weekend:
Usually most stag companies will require the full balance for the weekend 1 to 2 months before the event. You ought to have the full balance for the stag night and ready to pay the company you are booking with. On receipt of the balance you will be sent all the final details for the stag night.

1 month before the stag weekend:
Send out the full details to all members of the stag night. You ought to try and coordinate transport between any driver in the group.

1 week before the stag weekend:
Send out a final notice to all the group and remind them to bring any special requirements for example specific clothing for activities etc.

The day of the stag weekend:
A final ring round to the main drivers of the group to ensure they are fully prepared. Ensure you have everything to stitch up the groom and have a superb time!
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BONUS : How to Save a Marriage

You probably never thought it would happen, but you found yourself having an affair. You never meant for it to happen, but it did. And now you are wondering how to save a marriage after breaking your vows. You love your spouse and you know it is going to be devastating to her (or him). But many couples do get past this. And the first place to start is admitting to it. If you don’t and she finds out from someone else, it will definitely be much worse.

Before you do tell your spouse about the affair, you need to first be honest with yourself as to why it occurred. Sometimes the real reason isn’t so obvious. Your spouse is certainly going to want to know why, and part of knowing how to save a marriage is determining why you (and your marriage) were vulnerable in the first place.

When you talk to your spouse, the more prepared you are to truthfully answer this question of “why”, the more able you will be to address the underlying issues. If you don’t answer it honestly, or if your spouse senses in any way that you are not, then that will only make things worse. So really take the time to try to understand the real reasons first. Honesty and openness in this situation will go a long way when it comes to how to save a marriage.

Something else you need to consider before talking to your spouse, is that if you wait for the perfect time, it will never come. On the other hand, you also want to choose a time when she is not harried, or when you are not likely to be interrupted. Also, do not tell her when others are within ear shot. This is very inconsiderate and disrespectful, and definitely not a good plan with regards to how to save a marriage! Do this privately, when the two of you are alone.

When you do finally have this conversation, you need to be straightforward. And, if you really want to do what’s best in terms of how to save a marriage after this kind of betrayal, you need to take fully responsibility for your actions. Don’t in any way try to downplay just how serious an affair is. By owning up to what you did, you at least show that you care.

Last of all, when it comes to how to save a marriage, particularly after something as serious as an affair, you must make every effort to try to understand the impact this may have on your spouse. You have broken your vows and shattered trust. She is likely going to be angry and hurt for awhile, and may withdraw from you or even need some time apart from you. The more accepting and supportive you are of her needs, the better. You will need to show her that you are truly sorry in order to start rebuilding the relationship.

When it comes to how to save a marriage after an affair, there is no easy answer. But if you use the above as a guide, you at least have a chance. There will be much work ahead, but many marriages do survive, and some become stronger as a result.

"Sauver Son Couple en 60 Jours"
d'Antoinette BOILEAU

"Comment Éviter et Surmonter les Crises de Couple ?"
de Camille ROCHET

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