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How Many Salaries Buy An Engagement Ring

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How Many Salaries Buy An Engagement Ring?

A few weeks ago I went to a bachelor party of one of my old time high school buddies, since almost everyone there came from different backgrounds and economical situations it was very interesting to see the group of young men discussing many different issues, from foreign policy to buying engagement rings.

Yes, that is right, one of the main issues of the bachelor party was the dynamics of purchasing a engagement ring. It all started when one of the guys asked the soon to be married bachelor how did he decide on the engagement ring, and if he did it alone or used anyone to help him choose the ring.

This question sparked a very interesting talk between the already married guys, the main issues was not the kind of engagement ring and not the big debate on having a more traditional diamond on the ring or going with the modern no diamond engagement ring, but rather on how much money should be spent on a engagement ring, and more particularly – how many salaries should a young man put into his engagement ring.

Most of us know that there is this unwritten rule that states that an engagement ring cost should be equivalent to two salaries of the future husband. This is was the base of the debate at the bachelor party, and surprisingly enough most of the young men did not think that this is a rule you should abide to.

Today’s reality has many financial burdens on a young man, and this is even worst if you are already talking about a couple. Since most couples live together for some time before deciding to get married, some man find it very hard to deal with payments of the regular daily lives and the financial planning in involved in a wedding proposal and the future costs of a wedding. Add to this the fact that most young man invest a little more in their wedding proposal and do it in a fancy restaurant or on a weekend resort hotel and you got a very stressful financial situation.

The solution is creating a budget for the whole proposal, and trying to keep this budget as close to the real financial ability at the time, or looking for outer financial help on making the marriage proposal of your dreams, and paying for it piece by piece later on, without it causing you financial stress for a few months.

The two month salary rule is not a standard, but getting a fabulous ring that your future wife can show the whole world is, so you should plan this purchase in advance and try to find out financing conditions and standards in the jewelry industry, you will be surprised to learn that some places are very understanding and helpful, and that it might be much easier to upgrade your marriage proposal than what you think.

No matter what you decide to do, I strongly advise you to research the jewelry market online and find out how you can make the most with your hard earned money. Good luck.
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BONUS : How Much Are You Dependent On Your Marriage?

Marriage is the best form of companionship designed by mankind. After marriage a person is assured of at least one friend for life. Marriage gives some assurance that one will have a companion through thick and thin till the end. We cannot call our other friendships and relations so dependable. That is why marriage is important. All this was certainly true, few decades ago. Is it so even now? How far are you dependent on your marriage to derive satisfaction and peace in life?

Now let us examine some personalities. For my first example I will take a man/woman who is career oriented. For whom nothing matters other than the career and achievements in the work place. What kind of married life will such a person have? One can assume that such a person will not be very dependent upon married relationship. Such a person will not undergo an unbearable shock if marriage breaks.

Take another example of a person who has a large group of friends and socially networks very well. Attends all the functions, parties and celebrations thrown by friends. If someone is a typical social animal that thrives in a group of friends and invents reasons for gatherings, will he/she depend on the married life for happiness? Such people are not highly dependent on their married life for happiness. Their attitude is different.

On the other hand, let us take an example of a person who is introvert and likes to remain with and shares more time with family. Such a person is a devoted family person and may get devastated if separated or after the death of spouse.

All of us derive different pleasures with different relationships. Our priorities vary. Our value system varies. Because of these differences in our personalities, marriage may or may not play a very important role in every ones life.

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