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Chewing & Nipping How To Curb Your Puppy From These 2 Annoying Behaviors

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Chewing & Nipping: How To Curb Your Puppy From These 2 Annoying Behaviors

We all love our puppies, especially when they are being cute and well behaved. We also adore them even when they are acting out in bad ways with annoying habits.

These annoying habits, however, are based on our standards of how they should behave. To our puppies, they are only acting like - well - dogs! But in order to keep the household a safe and peaceful place, they must learn to behave in the human world, and it is our job as their owners to make that happen.

With proper training, any puppy can learn to stop unpleasant habits such as the ones discussed below:

Nipping: Nipping during playtime is natural for all puppies, especially when they get excited. But regardless of how adorable your puppy looks or how harmless it may seem, nipping is a bad habit that needs to be stopped right away. Your puppy needs to learn that, even in play, his teeth should not touch human skin. Curbing this behavior now will greatly lessen the odds of your puppy growing up and biting someone in the future.

When your puppy starts to nip, turn his biting habit into focus on his toys instead of your hands. Have toys that are inviting to his mouth like chewy, rubber toys, especially those that come with treats inside, and soft, colorful plush toys that will peak his interest.

You do not have to wait for your puppy to get older before you start to train him. Even puppies as young as 8 weeks can learn to understand that nipping is not allowed. When he starts to bite during play, say “ouch” and back away for a few seconds. If he starts to bite again, walk away, go to a different room and close the door, but do not leave him alone for any longer than one minute.

Leaving him and going to another room with the door shut teaches him that biting hard “makes the fun go away”. He will eventually learn to control the pressure of his nipping. Once he learns to nip gently, raise the bar and say “ouch” to the gentle bites until he completely learns to stop altogether.

Chewing: Another annoying habit that frustrates us dog owners is when these cute little creatures chew on our stuff (especially those brand new shoes). Puppies have an insatiable urge to chew, mainly to soothe their aching gums as they go through their teething stage. It would be cruel to stop your puppy from trying to soothe his pain, but you can redirect his chewing to his toys instead of your shoes, clothes, books, etc.

Always have plenty of toys available for him to chew on. Get him used to chewing on these toys by having them around with him at all times while he’s still young.

Make sure to place these items in a confined area with your puppy so that he doesn’t focus his attention on other stuff around the house. If you see him chewing on something he’s not supposed to, say “no chew” and quickly replace the item with his chew toy. Make sure to praise him when he starts to chew on his toy.
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BONUS : City Dog Housetraining (Part 1): Paper Training Is The First Step

To many people, there is nothing like living in the big city - the lights, the high-rises that glitter in the sun, streets buzzing with the sounds of cars, people throng the sidewalks and stores at all hours...

But can dogs be model citizens in this lifestyle? Can they be properly housetrained not to use the bathroom in your small apartment? Can they be housetrained to go in a specific area laid with papers as you wish? How about outside without making a mess on the sidewalk?

Absolutely! All it takes is a bit of extra work to conquer the unique problems of city dwellers.

Housetraining is really the same whether you live in the country, the suburbs with a yard, or in a high-rise in the city. Your puppy just needs to be educated about where the legal places are to eliminate.

As with suburban dogs, crate training is the best option for training and housetraining your urban dog. From there, though, city folks (as well as others faced with restricted living spaces and lack of yards and parks) often have to be creative.

One common problem, especially with medium and large-sized breeds, is where to put the crate. The good news is that the bathrooms or kitchens of apartments are often so small that they effectively can be used as crates. I'd also like to point out that many companies now make crates that also function as furniture, such as wicker or rattan crates that double as end tables or coffee tables.

Potty On The Papers, Please (change)

A paper training schedule is the same as a regular crate training schedule. The pup sleeps or eats, then goes to the paper area to potty. The pup gets free time with you after he potties and may have to go again after playing. Praise calmly during the act and profusely afterwards so your pup knows exactly what he's doing right.

Once your pup is regularly going on the papers in the potty area, train him next to find the papers from any part of the apartment. That way, your pup doesn't believe he can merely step outside the crate and eliminate.

Say to your pup, “Papers!” in a happy voice, then go to the papers together. Then lay on the praise. He will learn to run back to the papers no matter where they are. Going potty in the paper area now becomes fun and exciting for him, and stress-free for you knowing that your dog will not make a mess in your apartment.


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