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Puppy Training How To Get Your Puppy To Stop Stealing Clothes

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Puppy Training – How To Get Your Puppy To Stop Stealing Clothes

Puppies are like little children in that they need constant discipline and a watchful eye to be sure that they can learn the rules of your house. Some puppies have major behavior problems, while others display the typical scenarios, such as stealing clothes and other small items around the house as if it were a game.

Puppies are notorious for stealing anything that they can get their mouths on and then run away with it. At first this little habit is cute and very comical. However, after a while it needs to be seriously addressed because as the puppy matures into an adult dog, he will think that he is allowed to eat anything in the house, including your expensive shoes and nice furniture.

There are several ways to handle a puppy that is stealing your cloths and other items from around the house. One way to get your puppy to drop something from his mouth immediately is to simply walk out of the room and shut the door behind you. For example, let's say you are in your room and your dog grabs a sock from the corner closet and runs around the room avoiding you at all costs. This is just a game to him, nothing more. So what you need to do is quickly have him lose interest in the game by just leaving the room with the door closed. In less than 10 seconds your puppy will drop the sock and start crying for your presence.

Another way to distract your puppy from stealing clothes and other small items is to distract him by running to the door and shaking your keys so that he understands that you are going to take him outside (dogs quickly associate the jingle of keys to someone leaving the house).

Now take the dog into the yard or the sidewalk for just a few minutes. If you do this enough, eventually your puppy will be able to stop playing his little thief game anytime you shake your keys. It's all about distraction and training your puppy's mind to associate something else of importance whenever he attempts to break the rules.

Last but not least, as I always recommend for most common behavioral problems with dogs, get yourself a small water bottle that you can use to squirt your puppy. Of course you do not want to torture your dog by squirting them in the eye or anything like that, but a little spritz of water can go a long way when trying to get your dog to stop whatever behavioral problem he keeps getting into.

Whenever you see your puppy grabbing something and running around the house with it, give them a quick squirt and a firm "no" command. He will be so surprised and shocked that he will quickly drop anything from his mouth while learning that this is one rule he cannot break.
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BONUS : Puppy Training: The Clicker Is Your Friend, Learn How To Use It

Remember that a dog functions in the here and now. The next second, its mind will be onto something else. You need to let your dog know exactly when its right and exactly when its wrong. If your timing is off, you may inadvertently be training just what you don't want your dog to do!

This is one of the perfect reasons why using a clicker is so valuable when it comes to training your puppy. In fact, it is the preferred method of training by most professional dog trainers. A clicker is a tiny box with a metal tongue that makes a distinct click sound when pressed. This sound marks whatever behavior the animal performed at the precise time of the click, relaying a non-verbal, “Thats it!”

A treat immediately follows the click, reinforcing the behavior and encouraging the animal to do it again. Trainers who prefer not using a clicker generally substitute a short marker word, such as a clear “yes,” in lieu of the click, with all other factors the same.

Compared to corrective, force-type methods, this positive, reward-based approach to training builds a better overall relationship between you and your dog, which ultimately works because the dog wants to, not because it's forced to.

Though the majority of trainers still employ some corrections, most don't use any until the dog thoroughly understands a command, and even then on a limited basis. Novice handlers are hesitant to correct their dog for fear they'll do it wrong or hurt the animal. They feel comfortable with positive methods, though, and thus are more likely to stick with training.

Quick Tip: Play The Name Game

At some point it becomes obvious that your puppy knows its name. However, many dogs become somewhat oblivious to their moniker because owners say it too frequently and too casually. Limit how often you say your dog's name, saving it for times when a reward is forthcoming, assuring a positive association between hearing it and alerting it.

Just as with other basic training, there are games that encourage your dog to look your way upon hearing its name. One similar to the come-and-go game used for “recalls” involves throwing a treat out, allowing your puppy to get it, then calling its name right away. The instant it looks at you, mark the behavior with a click or word, such as “yes,” and immediately throw another treat. Within days it will start to come to you when you just say its name.


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