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Leash Training 101 Try Using Food Instead Of A Clicker

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Leash Training 101: Try Using Food Instead Of A Clicker

Though clicker training garners results with leash training, not everyone is comfortable with it. Personally, I do not use a clicker when training my dogs. I prefer to keep the rewards mixed. A rub, praise, toy or food can be intermixed as rewards when you get the response you want.

Food is great for luring a dog into behavior, but once the dog has the concept, humans have a hard time of getting rid of the treats. Be unpredictable in your rewards, make a game of it.

Always impress upon the dog that the fun stuff comes when the leash is slack. Learn how to use your voice and facial expressions so that your dog wants to be near you. These are training tools that you never leave at home. Practice different pitches and sounds to see which attract your dog's interest.

Many trainers have concerns about using treats, but they must remember the significance of raising the criteria. This means asking the dog to do more before giving it a reward. Your dog may learn to walk beautifully by your side as long as you keep clicking and treating, but what happens when your pocket is empty? Try to make him do a bit more during each walk – go a bit farther between treats or ignore bigger distractions.

Despite its age, your adult dog will need the same considerations as a puppy during leash training. When the leash goes taut, help the dog understand why you stopped by using your voice to get his attention. If he is too busy barking or pulling forward something it finds particularly enticing, use treats or a toy to distract it from its mission.

Have these special rewards ready before hitting the known problem area and work to keep your dog's attention. This will help your dog learn to ignore the bothersome barking dog or that tempting squirrel nest.

Understandably, we all would like instant results, but dog training seldom works that way. It may take weeks or even months to persuade the dog that pulling is no longer effective. Owners can become discouraged, concluding that they are doing something wrong or their dog is hopeless.

So in the end, even if the results are slow in coming, keep in mind that even 2 steps without pulling is progress, and you must praise, praise, and praise some more! Soon it will be 3 steps, then 4 steps, and so on.

The change won't happy overnight, in a week, or even a month – it's going to take time, fairness and consistency, which means practice almost every day, perhaps for months. Overall, it's a relatively small investment to achieve years of benefit.

Leash training is a deceptively difficult aspect of training. Dogs learn to pull much more readily than they learn not to. For those who do dedicate the time and effort needed to train leash manners, the results are worth it.

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BONUS : Loose-Leash Training: The Most Effective Way To Train Your Dog (Part 1)

Dogs like to explore scents, sounds and sights, and tend to pursue those interests with enthusiasm – even when that means towing a human behind! While your pup is young and small, leash pulling might not bother you, but the habit will grow as your dog matures.

If adults of your pup's breed are large and powerful, you'd better fix its pulling habit early. Even if the breed is small, habitual pulling against the collar concentrates uncomfortable pressure on the dog's throat. This causes gasping and wheezing, and can even collapse a dog's airway and cause permanent damage.

The good news is, teaching your dog to walk nicely on a loose leash isn't difficult – if you know a few tricks. Old-style training for loose-leash walking was based on jerking the dog's collar with varying degrees of force. But yanking a dog around by the neck can hurt it, and can also injure your shoulders, elbows, neck or back.

Fortunately, you can teach polite leash manners without having to jerk the leash. A number of gentle, positive techniques for teaching loose-leash walking have been proven to work when consistently applied.

Starting Out Right

Believe it or not, most dogs pull on the leash because their owners inadvertently train them to. When trying to control their dogs, many people keep the leash short and tight. Without realizing it, they're teaching the dog to pull by habituating him to constant tension on the collar.

Instead of discouraging pulling, the taut lead makes tightness the standard for how a leash works. Therefore, keeping a tight leash won't teach a dog to walk on a loose leash. Instead of letting your pup form bad habits, direct its behavior toward good habits.

Important Tip: About Leashes & Long Lines

Several types of leashes can be used for training loose-leash walking:

- 6 foot leash: This can be used either shortened or full-length, and is long enough to tie to your belt for hands-free walking.

- 4 foot leash: This is similar to the 6 foot leash but less versatile

- 10 to 30 foot long line: Your dog can learn to walk without pulling on any length lead. The long line allows safe control while giving the dog freedom to explore.

- Retractable lead: These are handy, but they're operated by the dog pulling. Retractable leads directly reinforce (reward) pulling on the leash. This counters what you're trying to teach.


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