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Can Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Be Prevented

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Can Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Be Prevented?

Sudden Infant Death Syndrom (SIDS) is the sudden death during sleep of an apparently healthy child, under the age of one. A diagnosis of SIDS can only be applied after adequate post mortem investigations reveal no other causes. SIDS could be said to be a sudden death during sleep for no apparent reason.

It is impossible to predict if a child will succumb to SIDS. Medical research has failed to pinpoint a single exact cause but it has indicated various "risk factors" Knowing where the risk are can help you to eliminate them and thereby reduce the risk of SIDS by up to 75%. Use these guidelines to help provide a safe sleep environment for your baby.

*Put your baby to sleep on his back.
The back to sleep campaign is thought to have reduced Sudden Infant deaths by between 50 - 75%. This is fairly new advice. Older mums (like me!) were probably told to put babies to sleep on their stomachs. However, medical opinion is unanimous. Putting baby to sleep on his/her back is the single most important thing you can do to prevent SIDS.

*Use a firm Mattress with a fitted sheet.
Do not put baby to sleep (even for a nap) on soft surfaces such as water beds, sofa cushions, sheepskins or sleeping bags.

*Remove all soft things from the crib/sleep area
Take away fluffy blanket, pillows, soft toys, duvets etc

*Keep baby's face uncovered.
Make sure that baby's face stays uncovered and that blankets cannot shuffle up during the night. It is better to use sleep clothing rather than blankets. If you do use blanket make sure that you place baby at the foot of the crib (with his feet to the bottom) and the blanket firmly tucked under the mattress and no higher than baby’s chest.

Do not smoke
Do not smoke during pregnancy and do not allow others to smoke round your baby.

*Sleep near to your baby.
It is suggested that you should keep baby in the parent’s bedroom until 6 months old. It is NOT intended that you share a bed with your infant. It is hard to follow the SIDS prevention rules in an adult bed. The mattress is usually too soft and the pillows and fluffy bedding provide addition risks.

*If you use a pacifier for sleep or nap times do not reinsert it once baby is asleep

*Do not allow your baby to overheat
The room should be at a temperature that is comfortable for an adult. Do not use too many clothes or blankets.

*Make sure everyone knows these prevention tips.
Some of this advise is new (especially back to sleep) and older carers may not know. It is important that everyone who looks after you baby is aware of the steps to keep your baby safe.
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BONUS : Can You Keep Your Children Safe Online?

Few of us want to dwell on the subject of child abuse. but it is a very real and unfortunate fact of life in today's world. The effects on Children can be devastating, and have a lifelong negative effect. As a parent what would you be willing to do to insure your child's safety? Learning about threats to Your children and how to deal with them is not enough, you need to provide for thier safety. there are two types of programs that will satisfy different needs, both are effective and approach the problem differently.

Key loggers

Software like I am Big Brother (above) is keylogging software, it will record every key stroke entered on the subject computer, and you can see what has been typed including both sides of an instant messaging chat session, what web sites were visited, any emails sent or recieved, what programs were used, and pretty much anything else that has happened on that computer. One huge advantage of this type of software is that it is completely invisible to the user, you know it's there but the person using the computer does not, (this is also useful if you suspect your spouse is having an online or offline affair) installation is simple, and generally will install itself.

Blocking Software

Blocking software is just that, it keeps undesirable websites from showing up. it has a built in list of restricted sites that is updated frequently (often everyday) and blocks sites based on other criteria such as hate speech etc. this type of software is best suited to younger individuals as it's presence is obvious, and will sometimes but not often block access to completely safe sites.

And don't worry about downloading these software titles, both of them are on Secure servers, it's actually safer than using the telephone.

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de Daniel LAMBERT

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