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Baby Names Book Review Roundup

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Baby Names - Book Review Roundup

Best Baby Name Book In The Whole World

This book lists over 13,00 names and offers up meanings and lists. However, these are some basic baby name book requirements and certainly aren't enough to earn a "Best" title. Unfortunately, this is where the book falls. Not quite great, but not necessarily bad. It doesn't have a huge number of names, it doesn't offer oodles of extras, and some of its meanings are even a bit questionable. There are better books out there.

The Baby Name Wizard

This unusual baby name book really stands out from the crowd. Not simply a huge list of names, The Baby Name Wizard gives detailed information about each baby name in its database. Graphs, lists, and all kinds of fun information are invluded. The only downside to this addicting book is its rather slim list of actual baby names. It doesn't rank up there with the 50,001 name books, although perhaps you may appreciate the more limited scope. Aside from this, The Baby Name Wizard comes highly recommended.

Cool Names For Babies

This is a fun book that will inject some enjoyment back into your baby naming process. It's full of left-of-center baby names that will stimulate your thinking and probably lead you down some baby name paths you wouldn't have thought of. Not all is perfect, of course. Cool Names for Babies lacks a user friendly index and makes it difficult to find a specific name. The coolness of these names is likely to change as time passes since it is (naturally) focused on trends.

Baby Names: A New Generation

This book, as you may glean from its title, is focused on the ever-changing popularity of certain baby names. Want to make sure you aren't given your child a name that will seem old fashioned? Then this is the book for you. Its forward thinking and pleasing layout will help remove some of the tedium of selecting the perfect name for your child.
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BONUS : Baby Names – Gifting The Cornerstone Of Identity

The role of parent necessitates the making of many momentous decisions for a beloved person who does not yet have the capability to choose for his or herself. Parenthood is perhaps the most blessed and joyous responsibility of all, as it is fuelled by love and hope for all that may be possible in the future. As parents, we try to give our children the very best of everything, from food and clothing, to education and other opportunities that might expand the worldview of those we love best. But some would argue that the gifts we give our children begin in a way that is at once both smaller and larger, a way that is both subtle and far-reaching. One of the first gifts we give our child is the name we bequeath to them.

Children learn very early to associate their given name with themselves. It is how their parents address them, how they learn to distinguish themselves from others as they proceed into the world. The name we bestow upon our newborn baby is so much more than a collection of alphabet characters – it becomes representative of everything we are.

A baby’s name is a combination of letters and sounds that join together to create the single word we will use to evoke all that we hope our child will become. We have all had the experience of enjoying certain words more than others, of finding that certain sounds resound harshly in our ears. Language is the dividing line between our animal counterparts and ourselves, and is a powerful tool, and so it is important to bear in mind when choosing a name for your baby.

We also invest names with individual meanings, we personalise them to our own situation. They can remind us of relatives or friends, and the characteristics that these loved ones displayed. They can have unconscious or inexplicable connotations, and speak to us positively or negatively with the echo of old associations long since pushed from our awareness.

A child’s name should be chosen with great care. A name should be a thing of empowerment, as it carries within the precious burden of identity. A child’s experience of his or her name comes largely from parental suggestion, so be sure to choose a name for your baby that is filled with characteristics you admire. Whether or not you believe in such things as numerology or the Kabalarian philosophy, your child’s name will undoubtedly be a force in their life. Think deeply, and choose well.

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