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Unhealthy Air In Schools Building Materials Play A Role

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Unhealthy Air In Schools: Building Materials Play A Role

Many children are being subjected to indoor air quality problems in their schools.

Oftentimes, these problems can be attributed to the materials used in constructing the schools, many of which provide a food source for mold.

Even with the best building design, moisture likely will be present in all schools at some point, so the choice in building materials is critical to reducing or eliminating the amount of damage caused by mold.

A new video produced by the National Concrete Masonry Association titled "Building Smarter Schools: Are You Making an Educated Investment?" calls attention to the issue of mold in school buildings and its cost to communities.

"In our area of Texas, there is an 18-month-old school that is abandoned and full of mold," said Chris Huckabee, chief executive officer of the architecture firm Huckabee & Associates and a frequent lecturer on high-performance school design. "This is obviously not popular with the taxpayers or the school administrators."

The video showcases schools across North America in which masonry construction was the solution to serious mold problems. Huckabee notes that all of the schools that his company has built -more than 1,000 - were built with masonry because mold will not damage it.

"Schools are landmarks in the community and we want them to stand the test of time," said Huckabee, who is featured in the video, along with school architects, a school superintendent and a facilities director for a large school division. All favor the use of concrete masonry in school construction because it is resistant to mold, wind and fire, durable, energy-efficient and easy to maintain.
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BONUS : Using A Private Tutor With Your Child

Your child’s school activity is falling behind other classmates, his/her grades aren’t high anymore, or your child is just not coping with teachers’ requirements. All these represent valid reasons for you to get a private tutor for the child. The private tutor will help your child with difficult homework assignments, will explain him/her different concepts or ideas, and will teach him how to study efficiently for tests.

If you hadn’t had a private tutor for your child before, it would be good to know what to bring to a tutoring session. Your child should bring the textbooks for certain subjects they will be studying, notes from classes, previous tests, assignments, workbook problems, class syllabus etc.

The tutoring activity is not the private tutor’s exclusive responsibility. In order for the tutoring sessions to be successful, you, as a parent, share a great deal of responsibility. You have to keep an eye on the child when he/she is not at school, to make sure he/she is studying enough. Parents, child and private tutor have to collaborate together for achieving best results. Therefore, here are some things you should do as part of your role.

Before the tutoring session you ought to make sure that your child is familiar with the material the private tutor will be working on. You should encourage your child to make a list of questions on things he/she didn’t understand during classes. Also encourage your child to ask questions whenever a problem arises. Instruct your child to share with the private tutor his/her preferred method for studying. Make sure the child is behaving respectfully towards the private tutor. And always supervise your child’s studying activity; make sure he/she is studying thoroughly.

Your child’s most important responsibility is to study. But, apart from this, he/she also has to retain himself/herself from doing some prohibited things. Here are the most common mistakes the tutored children are doing. Children expect and even ask the private tutor to do the homework for them. They start studying for a test when it’s too late and they don’t have enough time to learn. Or they ask for the private tutor’s help in case of a test when is too late. And, the worst mistake of all, they don’t study for the tutoring sessions, therefore the parent’s financial effort and the private tutor’s activity become useless.

In conclusion, the learning process is an effort that requires commitment on behalf of parents, students and private tutors. All these factors have to cooperate and act responsible for best studying results.

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