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Tips To Relieve Your Child S Adhd Symptoms

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Tips To Relieve Your Child's Adhd Symptoms

When you think of your child having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, do you automatically think of a lifetime of your child popping pills?

Medication isn't always the answer to treating ADHD, a neurobehavioral disorder that causes problems with attention, impulsivity and overactivity, according to the National Resource Center on AD/HD. In fact, experts say that using medication to treat the chronic disorder that affects between 3 percent and 7 percent of school-age children is not necessary in all cases.

However, what is necessary - whether your child is on medication or not - is using other elements to control the effects of ADHD. The following tips can help your child become more successful in aspects of life, such as school and peer relationships, that are impaired by the condition:

* Create a daily schedule. Since organization is often a problem for children with ADHD, the National Institute of Mental Health recommends keeping your child on a routine. Post the schedule in your child's room or other area in the house and try to make schedule changes far in advance.

* Provide a supplement. Some experts recommend ADHD sufferers take a supplement specifically designed to help relieve symptoms of the disorder, such as Focus from "The Spray" line of sublingual sprays, which is made with natural ingredients.

Clinical studies show that Focus is effective in reducing lapses in attention, poor concentration and the tendency to be easily distracted. This spray was developed by doctors and meets all Food and Drug Administration guidelines for good manufacturing practices.
* Help break down large assignments. Break projects or big tasks into smaller steps. This will make the assignments more manageable for your child.

* Encourage peer activities. To help your child alleviate pent-up hyperactivity and develop social skills, get your child involved in extracurricular activities, such as sports.
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BONUS : Tired Of The Mess? Tips To Keep Your Child's Room Neat

Wanting your child to be organized and stay safe is an innate desire for parents. But sometimes, your kids don’t see it that way. All your kids want to do is play, play and play some more! If you’re having a hard time keeping your child’s room clean and organized, read on for some tips to help you achieve your goal.

Make the room efficient. Make use of small drawers and cabinets where you can put your child’s belongings. Utilize anything that fits the design or budget. The easier it to access, the better chance that it will be used.

For toddlers, hanging their clothes on small hangers on a low hung rod can help them choose their outfit and help them to feel like they are making their own decisions. These feelings help them to start to “like” how things work, and as they grow they will “like” having their clothes hung.

Organizing a baby’s room is mostly for the benefit of the parent. Grouping the essential things you need in one area will help you find things quicker and make the job of caring for your baby much easier and safer. For example, put all the items you need for changing your baby on or near your changing table. You never want to leave your baby on the table to move across the room to pick up something that’s out of place, and having to pick him up to do that is quite a pain as well. Likewise, arrange baby’s bath basics together including towels and washcloths. Keep them within easy reach when you are bathing your baby. After all, you cannot leave your baby in her tub while you look for the baby shampoo.

Place shelves at reaching height for your child in his or her room. Shelves can be used to put toys on and when your child wants to play, she can easily reach them without having to drag out all the other toys.

Place a limit on the toys that are used at one time. Teach your child to play with one toy at a time. Then before she can play with another toy, she must put the first one away. If it’s on a shelf that’s at a level where she can easily access it, this job should be an easy one, she just may have to be reminded that the first toy has to be put back before the second one can be taken out.

Make organizing and keeping the room clean fun. Make using special containers for toys with small pieces a fun part of playing with that toy. For example, use an old shoebox as a toy car garage. Another example of making organization fun would be to place a basketball hoop on top of your little boy’s laundry hamper. He’ll be able to practice some basketball moves every time he changes his clothes.

Teach your child how to clean his room. Ask your child to join you when you are cleaning his room. Point out that there is a place for everything and keeping the room clean is as easy as putting every item back in it’s place. As long as you don’t let the room get too out of hand, cleaning will be easy. Eventually, you can transition to sitting on the bed and telling your child what needs to be done. Then later, he will know what to do without you being there.

Keeping a child’s room clean can truly be a daunting task, but cleaning as you go and keeping organized makes it a lot easier. Follow the tips above and start to get in a habit, it takes practice and some time before you see results but it’s well worth the effort.

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