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Tips To Help Keep Children Safe From Internet Dangers

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Tips To Help Keep Children Safe From Internet Dangers

Parents don't have to be computer experts to keep their children safe online.

According to the University of New Hampshire's Crimes Against Children Research Center, the first step is to realize that one out of every five youths who use the Internet receives an online sexual approach of solicitation during a one-year period.

Even scarier, in 15 percent of such cases, the solicitor attempts to meet the child in person. And, only 25 percent of those children who encounter a sexual solicitation tell a parent.

Worse yet, if asked, more than 29 percent of Internet-using children will freely give out their home address, e-mail address and other personal information online.

The Internet Keep Safe Coalition and the GEICO Educational Foundation have teamed up with the University of New Hampshire's Crimes Against Children Research Center to let parents know how to help keep children safe online:

1. Keep the computer in a common room in the house and position the monitor so it's available for public viewing.

2. Establish rules for using the Internet and teach your child important safety guidelines.

3. Use blocking software or filtering programs, but don't rely on them as your only line of defense.

4. Predators often use chat rooms to contact children. Teach children that people online are not always who they say they are.

5. Frequently check your computer's Internet history to see what sites your child is visiting.

6. Monitor your child's e-mail account. Let him or her know you're checking it and why. Talk with your child about potential online dangers.

7. Spend time with your children when they're online. Have them show you their favorite sites.

8. If you see anything suspicious or think that your child may be a victim of Internet exploitation, contact your local FBI office or law enforcement agency.

9. Tell your children to protect their personal information. Children should never give their real name, address, phone number, the name of their school or a picture of themselves to anyone they meet online. Never let your child meet in person with anyone they've met on the Internet.

10. Teach children to tell a parent, teacher or trusted adult if they feel uncomfortable about anything they've seen online.
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BONUS : Tips To Help Kids Concentrate In Class

All of us want our children to succeed in school. But for many kids and teens, concentration in this always-pressured, starved-for-time era can be difficult. Here are some tips for helping your son or daughter improve concentration and do better in the classroom:

* Take time for breakfast. Children who have breakfast and enough to eat during the rest of the day will be better able to concentrate in school, according to Head Start, the national child development program run by the Department of Health and Human Services.

* Introduce them to music. Playing instruments has shown to increase focus and concentration in other areas.

* Provide a supplement. One product is Focus, from the "Spray" line of sublingual sprays. Developed by doctors, Focus is a combination of homeopathic remedies that can improve concentration, support memory and help overcome apathy. It acts gently, causes no side effects and meets all FDA guidelines for good manufacturing practices.

Seventeen-year-old Bianca attributes her first-ever "100" on an algebra exam to Focus. "It worked so well at improving my concentration while studying and taking tests, my algebra grade went from D to B," she says. "My mom is very excited about my improvements, and my 16-year-old sister is now using the spray, too."

* Send them to bed on time. Studies show that children and most teenagers concentrate best after about nine hours of sleep.

* Give them space. Your kids will be better able to concentrate on homework if they have a clear, uncluttered workspace. And turn off the TV; they won't learn if they're squeezing their homework in during commercials.

* Get them organized. The National PTA suggests helping older students organize their assignments by recording them on calendars or planners, along with due dates and dates turned in.

* Discourage "cramming." It increases anxiety and interferes with clear thinking, according to the Department of Education. Kids do better on tests if they spread out studying over several days or weeks and can relate the information to what they already know.

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