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Tips For Protecting Your Child From An Online Predator

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Tips For Protecting Your Child From An Online Predator

Pedophiles don't look like the picture that many people have in their mind about them, they don't look like the dirty old man hanging out by the arcade, or in an alley. Quite often they are people in authority, a camp counselor, the person sitting next to you in church, or an engineer. the point is that they will make sure they don't look like a threat at all. there is no sure way to tell who they might be, so don't start a witch hunt yet. Remember these are common traits, but do not assume that someone that exhibits these Traits prove that they are a pedophile, however, these traits along with questionable behavior should be an alert that something may be wrong.

Here are some traits that will help you identify possible problems.

They often prefer the company of children over that of adults.
Many times they will date or even marry single mothers with children of their preferred age.
They will usually appear to be respectable citizens, and often have a good standing in their community.
The pedophile will often (but not always) be well educated, or religious.
Often their home will have video games, toys, computers, books, a pool, swing sets, even if they have no children, anything to keep children coming to their home.
"Grooms" children with quality time, video games, parties, candy, toys, gifts, money.
They will often be family men with no criminal record, keep in mind that pedophilia is one of the most under reported crimes today.
Pedophiles will go to great lengths to gain access to children, even going so far as joining church groups, or being a coach, or coaches assistant.
95% of child molesters are male.
They will often describe children in pure or angelic terms, heavenly, devine, pure, or other words that may well describe children but are exaggerated.
they may also have hobbies that are child-like such as collecting expensive popular toys or video games.
Pedophiles will often befriend children, building their self esteem, referring to them as special or mature.

Things that may be an indication of trouble;

Your child immediately closes their chat session when you arrive.
Changes in your Childs grades or attitude.
Spending large amounts of time online.
Mysterious gifts.
Calls from strangers.
Hiding the computer screen from your view.
The presence of pornography.

What to do if there is an indication of trouble?
Consider having a discussion with your child.
Move the computer out of the Childs room.
Look at what is on your Childs computer.
use caller id.
and if there is an alarming situation that arises, call your local law enforcement agency, or the FBI, or the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
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BONUS : Tips For Selecting A Good Day Care

Selecting a daycare is one of the most important decisions youÂ’ll make before returning to the workforce.

Why? The center you choose will ultimately be responsible for your childÂ’s well being and safety the 5-9 hours a day they are left in the care of the center.

Whether you are looking for a home child care provider or an official daycare center, there are several things you should keep in mind before signing your children up for care.

Location – first and foremost, you have to decide where you would like to have your child cared for. This could be in a center close to your home, your job, or you may even prefer care in your home. Once you have decided on location you can start investigating the available centers or providers in that area.

Ask for References – Ask your friends and other family members with children for references about good daycare centers. These are often the most reliable source of information about daycare.

Interview Daycare Staff – Never place your child in a daycare center without first meeting the staff. Make a point to meet the director and the caregivers that will be looking over your little one. Feel free to ask them questions about their standards, disciplinary procedures, sleep and even feeding routines. You should be looking for staff members that are enthusiastic, dedicated, warm and caring. Their love of children should be evident in everything that they do. If you are not comfortable with the staff, look somewhere else.

Check References – As we mentioned you should check with your family and friends for references to a decent day care center. You should also ask the center for a list of references you can call to confirm their qualifications. One thing you might also inquire about is staff turn over. The higher the rate of turn over the more likely there is to be trouble.

Remember that a good day care center will have a clean environment, a good reputation, solid rules and a curriculum that includes lots of playtime, physical activity, learning activities and even quiet time.

When determining whether a daycare is good or not, also keep in mind staff ratios. Generally for babies the ratio should be one caregiver for every three children when there are six infants and one for every four if there are eight.

For toddlers aged 12-24 months the ratio is usually 1:3 for six children, 1:5 for ten and 1:4 for 12.

Check to see if the ratio falls within recommended guidelines but is also acceptable to you.

You should also make sure that the daycare facility is operating using a valid non-expired license. You can check to see if a license is valid by calling your local social services department.

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