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The Truth About Video Game Violence

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The Truth About Video Game Violence

At the time of this writing, I am a 31 year old man who loves to play video games. I got on board the video game movement shortly after its inception.

I missed the boat on the old black and white Ping systems, but caught pace quickly after the introduction of the Atari 2600. So I’ve been gaming on and off for the past 20+ years.

Do I think there is any measure of truth to the suggestion that violence in video games is bad for little kids?

The short answer: Of course!

It doesn’t take a Harvard graduate to know that 8 year olds should not be spending their days carrying out acts of extreme digital violence. And anyone with a brain that checks in for duty would think twice about letting their kids play a game that depicts extremely vivid scenes of mayhem and killing, right?

As obvious as this would seem, some people clearly don’t get it.

But let’s stop right here so I can tell you what this article is NOT about. It’s absolutely, positively, without a doubt not about censoring video games or imposing laws that require game producers to make all of their content ‘family friendly’.

I’m an adult. I made that clear in the first line of this article.

If I want to turn on my game console and immerse myself in a three hour digital shoot-out that involves axe-wielding zombies, armored assault bots, and all manner of destruction and gore, that’s my right.

I ate my vegetables, went to bed on time, and watched my language for nearly 18 years. My days of behaving in a way that suits the moral agenda of others are over.

Having said all that let me get back to my original train of thought. Extremely violent video games are not suitable for young children.

And that’s why the video game industry has adopted the ESRB (Entertainment Software Ratings Board) ratings system. This system functions in much the same way as the ratings system used by the film industry.

A rightfully concerned parent need only flip a game case over to check the rating and determine whether or not it is appropriate for their child.

The ESRB rating system consists of two user-friendly parts. These are the actual rating, and a brief description of the content.

Standard ratings used by the ESRB are:

EC: Early Childhood

E: Everyone

T: Teen

M: Mature 17+

AO: Adults Only 18+

Many retailers have guidelines in place that require employees to check the ID of individuals purchasing games with higher ratings.

The content descriptions set forth by the ESRB serve to explain the ratings. Examples of content descriptions are Blood and Gore, Language, Nudity, Mature Humor, etc.

So there is frankly little excuse for the children of America getting their hands on inappropriate video game content, as long as their parents are at least somewhat interested in the types of games they are playing. It’s clear enough that young people are best left unexposed to certain types of content, so instead of pointing a finger at the game producers and trying to shrug off the responsibility of being parents/caregivers, I’d like to see more people use the ratings system correctly and eliminate potential problems before they start.
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BONUS : The Ugly Side Of Home Schooling: Disadvantages You Must Consider

It has always been accepted that parents have an inherent right to determine how to raise and educate their children. These days, the latter decision is made more complex for the simpler dichotomous decision of private versus public schooling is given a third rival: homeschooling. Homeschooling holds an obvious advantage over the other two, that of the fact that as a parent, you are given an opportunity to be completely hands-on with your child’s education, from schedule, to curriculum, and to the sort of development you want imbibed in him or her through that education. While these advantages may hold true under any circumstance, it is important for you as a parent to also understand the disadvantages in the system as well. Only then can you be certain that you are indeed making the right and educated decision in choosing homeschooling over the other two.

The first obvious disadvantage is the amount of investment you have to make as a parent. Why? Homeschooling leaves the responsibility of educating your child completely on you. This means you’re going to have to research and collate a curriculum for your child, as well as determine on your own supplemental activities that will enhance this learning experience. Moreover, this means having to invest greater time in your child than a normal working parent would. Homeschooling may require either parent to stay home and be the teacher, or may put greater stress on parents who both work for a living.

This also means doing away with the expertise of an accredited teacher. Trained teachers are equipped with the knowledge to teach a wide range of topics as well as strategies in order to stimulate greater learning and active participation. As a parent without this training, you may find it necessary to do much more research, especially as you determine what you want to teach your child.

The classroom setting provides inherent benefits of socialization to your child. Homeschooling obviously takes away this opportunity for your child to interact with other children in the learning environment. Although your child may have siblings to interact with, this may translate to your child as not being exposed to a wider gamut of ideas and perspectives. A classroom with children from different backgrounds and personal beliefs provides your child with ideas that may stimulate his mind to think and criticize.

Visit and talk to people who have undergone homeschooling. This may help you get to know more about these disadvantages, and perhaps, help you learn how to appropriately respond to them to make homeschooling work for you.

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