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The Not So Perfect Parent Or Lose The Guilt

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The Not So Perfect Parent Or (lose The Guilt)

All of us have that guilty feeling from time to time and yet it is the most wasted emotion of all. We can't take back words or actions, no matter how hard we wish.

If you are a parent, this guilt seems to be present even more. This useless feeling is a universal phenomenon.

Why does this "guilt trip" seem to be an expanding epidemic?

I believe the answer to that is (1) More women work away from home (2)Single-parenting is on the rise and (3) There are so many books written on how to be a "good" parent. The first two things I have mentioned will sometimes keep you away from the time you would be spending with your child. I firmly believe in quality, not quantity.

Now don't get me wrong. There are many excellent books that have been written regarding child-rearing. I'm sure they are helpful. The point I am driving at is this; there seems to be a lot of pressure to be a "good parent." We certainly should all keep trying but also, keep in mind that you have your own inner voice that tells you what is best for you and your child. What works for Johnny may not necessarily work for Mary. If in doubt, follow your heart!

Guess What? When you are not perfect, you are letting your children know that you are human. You are also teaching them to forgive, as you forgive them.

Worried about being perfect? Think about the person who reared you? Were they perfect? Do you love them today?

Children can tell if they are truly loved. It is not measured by how many hours are spent with them or if you were tired that day and lost your cool. It is certainly not measured by how much money you can spend on them.

Your child already knows that you are not perfect. He or she also knows how much you love them. You can't fool a child. They are spirits like you and I. They are the most honest people on this earth. (Remember how they informed Aunt Edna that she had a hair growing from her chin?)Believe me, they are honest and will forgive your mistakes.
Please forgive yourself. No one has ever been a perfect parent...not ever. If you love yourself, you forgive yourself.

As Oscar Wilde, an Irish playwright and poet wrote: (1843-1900)

"To love oneself is the beginning
of a lifelong romance"

If you love yourself and forgive yourself, that is another lesson your child will pick up from you. It's a win, win situation!

So, relax. Bask in the fullness of your reciprocal love with your

Some day he/she may be telling a story...."remember when Mom did.........."
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BONUS : The Perks Of Home Schooling—for Free!

The fact is, you can actually design your homeschooling program in order for it to come free. By ‘free’, we mean that you won’t be spending an extra buck aside from the regular crayons and pieces of paper that a regular school kid would need at the start of a school year.

The key to getting homeschooling ‘free’ is taking advantage of the resources around you.

The most obvious obstacle in beginning to homeschool your child is the need to create your own homeschooling curriculum. You may opt to purchase your own books to go over possible material, hire a professional to assist you in the creation of this curriculum, or better yet, go online and find a suitable free home schooling curriculum. Online home schooling support sites actually have various options for home schooling curriculum for you to choose from. Because these are all online, you are not likely to spend on transportation, professional fees, and even purchase of books you may not use when you decide you don’t want them in your curriculum.

Carrying on with a homeschooling program does not have to be expensive either. If you prefer buying books, you can contact local book dealers. Dealers of book sets have various discounts for home schooling parents like you. The benefits of getting your own book sets include the convenience of having these books in the comfort of your home. The costs of purchasing the books will be well worth it because your succeeding children can make use of these same books when they reach the same educational level.

Otherwise, you can opt to take advantage of something closer to home—your town or city library. Your library will likely carry a huge wealth of books (some may no longer be sold in your regular bookstores!) that you can borrow when you need them.

Your regular school field trip can easily be replaced with the fraction of the cost. You can opt to see sites within the proximity of your home. Your city and your state may offer you a rich array of cultural and historical sites to visit. You can also opt to tie in education with whatever family trips and vacations you’d be making. Taking a trip to Lourdes? Build a lesson around the family trip so that you can use this time and the money you spend in homeschooling your child as well.

With some careful thought and innovativeness, you can easily make home schooling free—both financially and effort-wise. Don’t be afraid to ask around and look for ideas online from other homeschooling parents.

"La Méthode en 10 Jours pour en Finir avec les Crises"
de Daniel LAMBERT

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