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The Importance Of Learning And Discovering New Things

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The Importance Of Learning And Discovering New Things

The world of parenting is intriguing and new. Every day you have the opportunity to learn and discover new things. Why is this important?

As much as your children will grow during there lifetime, you grow too. You have the opportunity to learn right along with your children!

You can learn to re-discover the mystery and uniqueness of the world at large. As your children discover the joy of rain drops for the first time, you too have the opportunity to re-discover your sense of awe and joy of a world not fully uncovered.

Why is it important that you learn and discover new things? There are many reasons you should be interested in discovering new things.

Your Children Will Learn From You – The first person children learn from is their mom and dad. When you take an active interest in learning and discovering, your children will too. You have to lead by example. As a parent you have a duty to inspire your children and encourage them to explore the world they live in. The best way to do that is to constantly seek new learning experiences yourself.

Continual Learning and Discovery Activities Promote Bonding – With society constantly going at a faster and faster pace it is hard to find time to bond with your children. However if you take the time to actively participate in learning and discovery, and share those experiences with your children, you’ll help solidify the bond that started when you gave birth to your children.

Learning Helps Sharpen Your Skills – No one is born a parenting expert. Practice makes perfect. Over time the more you learn from others, the better a parent you will become. You should take the time to learn as much as you can as you go along. This will help you sharpen your skills and enable you to be the best parent you can be.

The world will present you with continual opportunities for learning. As a fellow parent I strongly encourage you to take advantage of each and every one that comes your way.

Remember in your quest for knowledge you will not only become a better parent, but you’ll also inspire your children and teach them to love learning!

You should also remember that learning comes in many forms. Don’t get bogged down by a closed mind. Remember to keep an open mind and take into consideration every new experience as a learning experience.

You’ll find your life is much richer because of your efforts, and parenting much more rewarding when you take the time to learn and discover by yourself and with your children.

Learning is fun. Simply by reading this letter you are encouraging your natural learning and discovery ability.

Re-discover the child in you, and start your journey of daily discovery and learning!

Your life and the lives of your children will be much richer and more rewarding for all your learning efforts!
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BONUS : The Importance Of Teaching Your Children Good Anger Management Skills

In this article I write about a parents role in teaching their child good anger management skills. How many times have you been shopping in for example a supermarket and witnessed an over-aggressive parent shouting at their child? This is exactly what not to do, that parent is giving a very bad example to their child in this example.

It is very important that we act as good role models and set good examples for our children. Two bickering parents who are constantly at each others throats or shouting orders at their children to be quiet for example, relays the wrong message to that child. If that child then has problems controlling their own anger, it should hardly come as a shock to their mom or dads.

A calm house is a happy house. Both parents are going to argue and have their differences, however they need to be adult enough to wait to discuss their issues once the kids have gone out or are in bed. I am aware that this is not always easy to carry off, but if both parents are in agreement, it can be achieved.

I am a parent myself and am certainly not a perfect dad. I actually kind of cheat as I have a bribing system in place. I have told my children that all I expect of them is to try their best, as long as they do this, it does not matter what grades they achieve. Two years ago my step-daughter who is now twelve started to play up, especially at school. I was quite shocked when I attended her parents evening to find out that she had not handed in her homework, that she had made little effort in the past couple of terms and that she had been disruptive to other members of her class.

To say I was unhappy with her is an under-statement. I was very angry, however told her that I did not want to speak about it until we arrived home. This was my way of controlling my own anger. When we had arrived home, I stated to her that I was upset about what I had heard and informed her that if she had done well, I would have bought her anything that she wanted, up to a certain amount of money. She was quite shocked by that and stated, even the England football kit. I said that I would have but that she was not having it now. I did however agree that if she did well during the next few terms, that I would.

She has never looked back since, but my bank manager is not happy with the situation. We also have a weekly bribe. If both of my children behave during the week they can choose a toy of their choice on the Saturday, again within reason. If and it often happens they do not deserve the toy, I have no need to become angry as they just do not get the reward. This makes them annoyed. but teaches them a huge lesson.

You may think that I am cheating but it works for us and we live in a very happy, chilled out house.

In conclusion, it is important to act they same way that you want your children to. If you are always angry and aggressive, they are also likely to be.

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