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Advice To Parents On Childhood Measles Part I

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Advice To Parents On Childhood Measles Part I

Copyright 2006 Peter Nisbet

Measles is caused by a virus of the influenza family. The initial measles symptoms are a bit like a bad cold or flu, but with a rash! The vast majority of parents do not know what measles really is, other than being a childhood illness. They know it has a rash and is infectious, but thatÂ’s about it. They have probably never seen it and donÂ’t know anyone who has had it. Most doctors would not recognise measles symptoms until the rash appeared, never having come across it. This is due to the measles vaccination program which was superseded by the MMR vaccine.

I have even heard of parents arranging measles parties, where young children are sent to visit others who have measles in order that they catch it. This is going back to the immediate post World War 2 era when immunity was gained by catching the disease. I was brought up in the 1950s and early 1960s and remember mumps parties and German measles parties so that children would be immune to these diseases as adults, but not measles parties.

The reason for this is that mumps can damage the male reproductive system ( and, not so well known, the ovaries as well) if contracted after puberty, and German measles is very dangerous to the developing fetus. In children, however, they are relatively mild diseases. Painful and uncomfortable, perhaps, but not what you would call killer diseases. German measles is not a type of measles. The word ‘German’ probably comes from a Latin word, germanus, meaning ‘similar’ since the symptoms are similar to those of measles.

Measles kill, so we never had measles parties. In fact back in the 1940s and 1950s it was a major killer. In England alone 5,677 children died in the 1940s. Nobody wanted their kids to catch measles back in these days. I have read that measles parties were common then, but I never came across one. We were always told to keep away from anyone who had measles – at least until they went back to school. Some never went back.

Since the measles vaccine, which became available in 1963, and MMR which was licensed in the USA in 1971 (1972 in the UK), the disease has become uncommon in developed countries, and parents have become blasé about it. This is the only reason I can think of for them concluding that measles parties are better for their children than the vaccine. If it does not kill, it can have some very nasty side effects. It is without a doubt the most dangerous children’s rash-producing disease.

Measles is still one of the major causes of death in children worldwide (over 600,000 have been reported) and it is almost as contagious as smallpox. Children have around a 99% chance of contracting the disease if they come into contacted with an infected person. The main cause of death in around 60% of measles cases is pneumonia.

If it does not kill your children they have a high chance of hearing problems, and worse, a much higher than average chance of contracting meningitis or encephalitis. The chances of this are only 1 in a 1000, but you donÂ’t want your son or daughter to be that one. I know, because my son was that one. He contracted meningitis and encaphilitis shortly after receiving a measles vaccination, but I still prompted my daughter to allow her son to have the MMR vaccine. The disease is far more dangerous than the vaccine. He had it and all was well. My son's story is on my website.

In part two of this article, I will explain the symptoms and in what order they can be expected, to help parents who are unsure what they should do or when to call a doctor.
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BONUS : Am I Hurting My Child By Staying Home?

It's something many stay at home moms fear, that they are hurting their child socially by not putting them in daycare or doing a million activities with them from the time they are born. But it's not something you need to worry too much about, so long as your children do get some social time.

Infants, of course, don't really play with each other, so that early in the game there is little to worry about. But as they grow into toddlers, they definitely need to be around other children, even if they don't interact much until they are 2 years old or so.

One thing to remember is that activities don't have to be formal. You don't have to pay for art classes, gymnastics, etc. Just take the kids to the park. Most times there will be other children there for them to interact with if they like. Or they can just run around and play on the playground equipment.

Especially if there are cousins or neighborhood children of similar ages around, it can be very helpful to get the kids together just casually. Whether you do this by having all the kids play out front, in one family's back yard or have quick get-togethers, this is a great way to ensure that your child does get some social time.

Of course, if your child has spent a lot of time with just you, it can be hard to get them to pay any attention to the other children. You may have to work harder in this case.

One thing just about all children love to do is color. Go to your local home improvement store and buy a piece of whiteboard. A 4-5 foot long piece will probably run $5 or so. This is big enough that several children can color on it at one time. Get the washable crayons rather than markers and let the kids go at it. They may not be playing together as such, but they're certainly aware of one another and will have to take turns using the different colors. There will be arguments over colors and who colors where, but that just encourages interaction and it is up to you and the other parents to keep it friendly.

You should also take a look at what your child enjoys doing with you that could be done with other children. From playing catch to board games, there are many ways to get young children interested in playing with each other. If your child learns to do something with you, they may be more interested in other kids when they realize that they can do that activity with them as well.

Being a stay at home parent does not mean you are depriving your children socially, but it can mean you have to put some thought into the matter. You can't just stay home all day; you need to take your children out to play where they will encounter other children. You don't have to spend a lot of money on this, just some time.

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