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Team Sports For Your Special Needs Child

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Team Sports For Your Special Needs Child?

Although all kids are different, I will share with you my views on sports and kids with special needs.

If your child is having difficulties socially in school, you may be tempted to sign him or her up for basketball or soccer with the other kids.

You know your child better than anyone. Just be sure that you’re setting your child up for a positive, rather than a negative experience.

The things I have heard from Coaches about kids on their team would make you spit nails.
“Oh, he’s an awful player. He’s got some kind of disorder or something.”
“I hope he doesn’t sign up next year.”

And, the parents in the stands are just as bad.
“What is wrong with that kid?!”
“Put him on the bench.”

And, that was all heard in reference to kids in the regular 3rd – 6th grade classes. I know. It made me sick, too.

Now, I’m not at all saying that team sports should be avoided. Just make sure you know who will be coaching your child, and make sure that he or she is someone who you want in charge of your child’s self-esteem for the next few months.

There ARE wonderful coaches. Coaches who understand the impact they have upon children and make sure that it is positive. And, of course, there are special camps and organization with coaches trained in encouraging and training special needs kids.

However, if team sports are not your child’s strong suit and he or she gets very stressed or has that “lost” look while participating, then here are some alternatives:

Camping as a family
Going on Long Walks with You
Bike Riding (go on bike trails if you are concerned about safety)
Playing Tag
Going to the Park (just being a kid!)
Karate (again, make sure the people in charge of the facility are warm, loving, patient people, before signing on the dotted line)

Each of these activities will help strengthen your child physically and give him or her the benefits of self-confidence as well.

Yes, all kids need to be physically active, but at what cost? Surely not at the cost of feeling like they aren’t good enough. Don’t feel pressured into pushing your child into a team sport that may do more harm than good.
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BONUS : The Abc's Of Home Schools

There is no doubt as to how technology revolutionized the way people live today. Many things that were unthinkable in the past are now parts of reality. One of the things that proved difficult in the days gone by is the system of homes schools. Before, studying at home was a luxury that only the elite, rich people can afford. Hiring private tutors were the only possible means of doing education at home. But now with a more standardized system of education coupled with the many possibilities afforded by technology, learning from homes schools is very possible indeed.

The most crucial and critical part when engaging in homes schools is the decision to study at home. For many people, home education is education may rather be the only option especially for those who have physical disabilities or security issues. However, the option of studying at home is now extended to most anyone. Nevertheless, the decision to gain education from homes schools is a very difficult one to make, something that is to be taken seriously. The advantages of learning from regular schools with regular classmates and teachers are quite obvious. Bur for some, such benefits have to be given up for certain reasons. Before delving into home education one should first carefully think if it is the appropriate thing for one’s situation. It is important to weigh all pros and cons of studying at home before making the final choice whether to pursue it or not.

Once the decision to engage in homes study, it is then important to prepare one’s self for this endeavor. First the home where the education will take place should be carefully arranged and organized in a way that would make it conducive for studying and learning. Afterwards it is important to make the proper arrangements with the school that would be providing the education system at home. Not all schools are open for home education and it is thus important to source out different educational institutions in one’s area.

When the arrangements with the school has been made, it is then important to identify with that school to keep the student’s mind focused. A home student should feel as close as possible as to how a regular student would feel in the campus. This can be done by obtaining materials that are associated with schools, such as ID cards, school colors and emblems and the like. It is then also important to set up a schedule that should be followed by the home student strictly. It is usually beneficial to set the schedule in accordance to the schedule of the partner school, this way the home student would be synchronized with his or her peers. The record keeping system should also be prepared as this is very important in observing the home student’s progress.

Part of the preparation for homes schools is learning and understanding the laws that govern this type of education. Each state have their own detailed information for homes schools and it is necessary to learn these details. It is also important to choose a good curriculum for the home student to follow. It is best to consult partner schools regarding the current curriculum trends in one’s area, to ensure that the home student learns enough at least to get by.

Home schooling is a unique educational experience. It can be difficult for many, but if prepared very well, it can be a valuable mode of learning which can be comparable to regular schooling.

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