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Advice On How To Successfully Get Your Children To Bed

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Advice On How To Successfully Get Your Children To Bed

Many parents find trying to get their child to bed at night to be one big struggle. The child may play up, whinge and even cry. When in bed, the child may then repeatedly keep getting out of bed and coming downstairs. This article gives advice on how to successfully get your child into bed at night, without all of this fuss.

Some children even though they know that they are tired, do not want to miss out on any of the action or excitement. They want to spend as much time with mom and dad as possible. They can even see the fact that they have to go to bed before their parents as unjust and even cruel. These types of children will want to disrupt and even avoid going to bed at all cost.

I myself have two young children and have been through this experience myself. My daughter especially needs her sleep and can be very moody in the mornings, if she has not had a particular amount of hours of it. As a parent it can become very frustrating as well as upsetting when you see your child crying because they do not want to go to bed. Comments like, please dad just one more program on the television, were far too regular, and at times I felt like backing down.

I have now learnt via reading many books on parenting, how to best deal with this situation. Each child now has a set time when they have to be in bed by. This is a time that they have both agreed to!

They get changed into their pyjamas around half an hour before this time, and then can either spend that period of time playing with their toys or watching the television. If they want to play, we ensure that the games are relaxing ones and not too energetic.

If there is a program that is on later than their agreed bedtimes, I agree to video it for them, this way they know that they are not missing out etc.

I have agreed that I will read them a story at bedtime. This is something they both love and helps them to wind down and relax. They are also given a drink to go to bed with, therefore there is no need for them to keep coming downstairs. This drink is always a juice and should not be fizzy.

I have explained to each child the importance of sleep and that it should be something to enjoy and not to see as some sort of punishment. I have even gone as far as saying that I would love to go to bed at the time that they do, unfortunately their mother does not allow it.

I have tried to make their bedrooms their own little palace. A place that they want to spend time, a place which they find fun, relaxing and comfortable.

My son likes to hear music and therefore we play a tape of his favourite songs in his room. The volume is set quite low and this certainly helps him to get to sleep quite quickly.

These tips have helped to make our childrens bedtimes a pleasant experience, where it once was quite fraught. The children themselves are now into a routine, a routine they are happy with. I hope this advice proves useful to you as well. Good luck.
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BONUS : Advice To Parents On Childhood Measles Part I

Copyright 2006 Peter Nisbet

Measles is caused by a virus of the influenza family. The initial measles symptoms are a bit like a bad cold or flu, but with a rash! The vast majority of parents do not know what measles really is, other than being a childhood illness. They know it has a rash and is infectious, but that’s about it. They have probably never seen it and don’t know anyone who has had it. Most doctors would not recognise measles symptoms until the rash appeared, never having come across it. This is due to the measles vaccination program which was superseded by the MMR vaccine.

I have even heard of parents arranging measles parties, where young children are sent to visit others who have measles in order that they catch it. This is going back to the immediate post World War 2 era when immunity was gained by catching the disease. I was brought up in the 1950s and early 1960s and remember mumps parties and German measles parties so that children would be immune to these diseases as adults, but not measles parties.

The reason for this is that mumps can damage the male reproductive system ( and, not so well known, the ovaries as well) if contracted after puberty, and German measles is very dangerous to the developing fetus. In children, however, they are relatively mild diseases. Painful and uncomfortable, perhaps, but not what you would call killer diseases. German measles is not a type of measles. The word ‘German’ probably comes from a Latin word, germanus, meaning ‘similar’ since the symptoms are similar to those of measles.

Measles kill, so we never had measles parties. In fact back in the 1940s and 1950s it was a major killer. In England alone 5,677 children died in the 1940s. Nobody wanted their kids to catch measles back in these days. I have read that measles parties were common then, but I never came across one. We were always told to keep away from anyone who had measles – at least until they went back to school. Some never went back.

Since the measles vaccine, which became available in 1963, and MMR which was licensed in the USA in 1971 (1972 in the UK), the disease has become uncommon in developed countries, and parents have become blasé about it. This is the only reason I can think of for them concluding that measles parties are better for their children than the vaccine. If it does not kill, it can have some very nasty side effects. It is without a doubt the most dangerous children’s rash-producing disease.

Measles is still one of the major causes of death in children worldwide (over 600,000 have been reported) and it is almost as contagious as smallpox. Children have around a 99% chance of contracting the disease if they come into contacted with an infected person. The main cause of death in around 60% of measles cases is pneumonia.

If it does not kill your children they have a high chance of hearing problems, and worse, a much higher than average chance of contracting meningitis or encephalitis. The chances of this are only 1 in a 1000, but you don’t want your son or daughter to be that one. I know, because my son was that one. He contracted meningitis and encaphilitis shortly after receiving a measles vaccination, but I still prompted my daughter to allow her son to have the MMR vaccine. The disease is far more dangerous than the vaccine. He had it and all was well. My son's story is on my website.

In part two of this article, I will explain the symptoms and in what order they can be expected, to help parents who are unsure what they should do or when to call a doctor.

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