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Teach Your Child The Alphabet

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Teach Your Child The Alphabet

One of the first steps in becoming a successful reader is to learn to recognize the letters of the alphabet. The alphabetic principle teaches that spoken language is represented by written words that are made up of varying combinations of letters, and that these letters and combinations of them make up all of the sounds in spoken language. Attaching sounds to these letters and learning to write them paves the way to successful reading and writing.

Learning to say their ABCs is a great start for any preschooler, but it is just as important for your child to learn the sounds of the letters. Preschoolers, who know the sounds of the letters of the alphabet, have an easier time learning to read.

In order to read, every child must know the sounds of the letters as well as the shapes and order. More than that he must be able to recall them quickly. When he sees the letter he should be able to say the letter or vocalize its sound without hesitation. This should happen whether he hears the letters in order or not.

While the alphabet song can be a fun way to start learning the ABCs it is not enough because children also need to be able to identify each individual letter. In fact, this skill is much more important than knowing where it falls in the alphabet as it is the key in learning to read.

Research shows it is important for young children to be able to:

- Recognize and name letters
- Recognize beginning letters in familiar words (especially their own name)
- Recognize both capital and lowercase letters
- Relate letters to the specific sounds they represent

Knowledge of the alphabet is the foundation to your child's literacy development and you shouldn't assume your child will learn this skill in kindergarten. Waiting until kindergarten to learn the ABCs will put your child behind many other students and may cause added stress.

Children who can read independently "translate" alphabet shapes accurately back into sounds. If we want our children to be able to read independently, we needed to teach them:

- The shapes of the alphabet letters;
- The various sounds of each letter;
- The sounds made by combined letters.

You can start teaching the alphabet when your child is young. My son mastered his letters by his second birthday and I helped him do that without flashcards and without whining! He loves working with his "letters" and even now as he approaches his fourth birthday requests a particular game or activity. He doesn't know he's learning-he just thinks he's having fun with his Mommy.

There are many ways that you can help your preschooler learn the sounds and names of the letters of the alphabet.

You don't need expensive tools and programs and in fact many of those can be counterproductive as they make learning work. My greatest success was simply to work on letters in context with the world whenever he seemed open to the opportunity. The alphabet became simply a part of our daily life including errands and play time.
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BONUS : Teach Your Children About Money

I firmly believe that if we'd been taught more about investing and basic money management in high school (and younger!) my generation wouldn't have some of the financial troubles that they do. I was lucky enough to have parents who taught me those lessons at home, but many of my friends weren't so lucky. I don't think much has changed for our own children. The schools just don't have the time or resources to focus on basic money skills so it's up to us as parents to educate our children.
We have to teach by example. If our children see us spending money on credit cards they think that the little plastic card is all you need to get your heart’s desire. We need to show them that the little plastic card produces a bill each month that must be paid. Pay it in full so they can learn the habit early.

Some people are hesitant (or refuse) to involve their children in their financial affairs. Up to a certain age I would agree. But at some point you need to involve your children at least a little bit so they can learn the process of money management and it will help keep you accountable for your actions. Having to explain your frivolous purchases to your children can quickly alter your own habits.

Your ultimate goal is for your children to be better off than you are. If you don’t teach them about how to manage money they could easily become worse off in their adult years. Don’t burden them with ignorance. If you don’t feel qualified to show them proper money handling skills then enlist the help of qualified professionals or family members who are skilled with money. The goal is not perfection. It’s basic education and hopefully preventing the already catastrophic credit card debt from spilling over into the next generation.

My favorite example of teaching money management within the home was setup by the Dilley family. They had sextuplets several years ago and learned a way to teach their children good behavior and money management at the same time. The kids earn Dilley Dollars for doing their chores and good behavior. The dollars are redeemable for video game time or can be converted to real money (50 cents real money for every Dilley Dollar) which can spent on real things. The kids are taught to save some of it and they learn to appreciate what it takes to make money in this world.

Whatever system you come up with, stick with it. Make your children accountable for their own spending habits and be accountable to them for your decisions. Admit your mistakes and do your best to lead them down the right financial path. Stick with the consequences of poor judgment. Of course you are the parent and make the final decisions, but the more you can involve them in the money processes of your household the better off they’ll be when they step into the real world on their own.

"La Méthode en 10 Jours pour en Finir avec les Crises"
de Daniel LAMBERT

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