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Starting Your Homeschool

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Starting Your Homeschool

For some reason you've decided to homeschool.

Is it because you don't like or agree with the curriculum of the public schools? Or maybe you don't want your child to be exposed to peer pressure before you've taught your child right and wrong?

Possibly it's because you'd like for your child to attend private school but you just don't have the finances to afford it.

Another possibility is that your child is a special needs child, maybe slower than normal, and you don't trust the public schools to give him/her the special attention that you know they will need.

Whatever the reason, you've decided that you, as a parent, can do a better job of attending to and nurturing your child's educational growth and learning than other alternatives available to you.

If you're new to this, you'll find that the biggest problem that you'll encounter is that there's almost no way to generalize the home school concept, because each case is different. There is no right and wrong. In fact - probably one of the unstated reasons you've chosen to do home schooling and one of the main benefits is that you get to pretty much create your own set of right and wrong rules.

You set the curriculum. And depending on what state you live in, you choose the instructional materials, the books, the hours, and so on.

And on the negative side, when you run into difficulties with your students (i.e., your kids) you and your family will have to resolve them yourself, with little or no help from the state.

No matter what your approach there are two things you are going to have to do:

1. You're going to have to educate yourself about home schooling. This means renting or buying home school educational dvds. You should also make it a point to read books written by ordinary people who have gone through the very things you're about to so you can avoid making their mistakes with your kids.

2. There is no nationwide agreement on what a home school accreditation program should look like or include. Each state, municipality, and school district is different. Unavoidably, you're going to have to become familiar with and abide by the statues governing homeschooling in your particular state.

Aside from those two things, I think the basic thing you can give your home school child is a loving and supporting "classroom" environment .
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BONUS : Statistics On Children Hit By Cars

In the early 1970s, almost 9 out of 10 children living within one mile of school mainly used “active transportation” to get to school. However, that figure has drastically changed. As of 2001, only 63% of children used that same mode to travel the same distance to school. This decline has been attributed to several factors, such as traffic danger, neighborhood crime, and the distance to school.

The results have been astounding. Automobile usage to and from schools has roughly tripled from 1969 to 2001. In fact, during the school year, the quantity of vehicles on the road between 7:15 AM-8:15 AM increases 30%. Furthermore, during the school year, 20-25% of morning traffic is comprised of parents who are driving their children to various schools.

Interestingly, while the volume of traffic has skyrocketed during recent decades, the rate of child pedestrian traffic deaths has actually decreased! The number of deaths per 1000,000 children was slightly less than 1.5 children, in 1995. By 2002, the figure had dropped slightly over 0.5 children. Similarly, that rate of child pedestrian traffic injuries also decreased during the same period. In fact, the figure was nearly halved during that time! Another interesting statistic is that the pedestrian injury and death rate among children aged 14-years-old and younger, dropped about 50% from 1987-2000, while the same injury and date rate for bicyclists dropped 60%. Some experts have attributed these figures to the corresponding decrease in bicycling and walking among children. Also, these promising figures do not reduce or nullify the need to slow down traffic to improve street safety for kids!

Some other fascinating statistics involving children being hit by cars include:
• A 1999 national study revealed that about two-thirds of drivers broke posted speed limits in school zones, within 30 minutes proceeding and proceeding school hours.
• A national study revealed that numerous motorists at intersections in school zones and housing neighborhoods disobeyed stop signs. This fact further stresses the need to slow down traffic to augment street safety for kids!
• Parents of students hit zero percent of children who are hit by vehicles nearby schools. Yes, zero percent!

Numerous statistics reveal an array of outstanding vehicles that have been manufactured. Nonetheless the figures with the most validity slow down traffic to advance street safety for kids!

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