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Standardized Testing Teaching Tips

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Standardized Testing Teaching Tips

Standardized tests can be very stressful for children. Here, therefore, are some tips for parents and children that may help.

Before the Test...for Parents and Children

1. Have children study every night during the year so they will understand the material as their teacher is presenting it. Clear up any confusion as they go. This will make them confident in their knowledge and lead to a review for the test rather than to learning new information.

2. The night before the test, do something that is fun to help keep them calm. All their heavy studying should be complete by then!

3. Of course, they should get a good night's sleep, eat a healthy breakfast, and leave for school with a positive attitude and confidence in themselves. Parents, that's where you can help immensely! Wish your children luck, give them a high five, let them know you believe in them...whatever it takes to lessen the pressure.

4. Pupils should ask their teacher if guessing will hurt their score. Sometimes, students are penalized for guessing.

5. Both children and parents, remember... no one is expected to make 100%! All that children can do is their best. Encourage them to do so.

During the Test...for Children

1. Read to understand each question carefully. Then read ALL the choices you are given.

2. Monitor your time. If you get stuck on a question, do not spend too much time on it. Concentrate on answering the questions you know for sure and then go back to the others if there is more time. REMEMBER: If you do this, put your answer in the right space on the bubble sheet! You should already know if guessing will hurt you.

3. If you get nervous, shut your eyes, take a deep breath, and let it out slowly.

I hope these suggestions are useful. GOOD LUCK!!
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BONUS : Start Your Child's Education Early

Studies have shown that the most important period of a child’s life is their first five years. Children are capable of learning from a very early age, so it is ideal to expose them to a nurturing and educational environment during those years. By providing an environment that is fun-filled, safe and stimulating, you can ensure that your child gets off to a great start.

While adults typically think of play-time as a form of entertainment, it can actually teach your child a great deal about themselves and the world around them. Believe it or not, playing peek-a-boo is actually beneficial for your child. The earlier a child develops these skills, the more significant the long term impact will be.

Self-esteem, confidence, coordination, problem-solving skills, and social skills, are but a few examples of the benefits that can be gained through play. Self esteem can be enhanced by responding affectionately to your child’s actions. Whether they coo, gurgle, burp, cry or smile, giving your child a positive reaction and providing lots of enthusiasm will have incredible benefits.

Physical coordination can be developed by changing your child’s position, and allowing him/her the opportunity to move about. Encourage movement and mobility at an early age by placing toys and objects a short distance away from your child. Giving your child different toys with different shapes, textures and colors will encourage interaction and help develop physical coordination. There are many toys on the market specifically designed to stimulate creative thought and action.

Playing hide-and-seek can help your child develop problem solving skills. By placing a toy behind your back and encouraging your baby to find it, you will give your child an early appreciation for cause and effect. Also by giving a baby a rattle, the baby will comprehend they can make noise by themselves if they shake it. An understanding of cause and effect will put your child on the right path to a lifetime of learning.

As your child grows older, consider giving your child some household duties or chores. A child as young as two can start to learn the meaning of responsibility. Use the word “special” frequently and give them age-appropriate tasks such as handing out napkins at the dinner table. Be sure to encourage your child through positive affirmation of his/her actions.

The following are other general tips to enhance the developmental stages of your young child’s life:

• Go to the library with your child to pick out a book, and then read it together.
• Encourage your child to explore arts and crafts to develop their creative side.
• The internet is a great educational tool for children. There are some great sites out there!
• Watch TV with your child and talk about what they see on screen.
• Buy them educational toys.
• Allow your child the opportunity to interact with other children regularly.

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