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A Simple Trick For Avoiding Power Struggles With Your Child

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A Simple Trick For Avoiding Power Struggles With Your Child

Avoid power struggles by telling your child what YOU are going to do rather than demanding, ordering or yelling at them about what THEY should and shouldn't be doing.

Here's how to invite a power struggle:

"Sam, pick up those blocks this instant!"

Sam, with his blossoming need for autonomy, naturally bristles at being ordered around. He takes a defiant stand by saying NO. You decide to force compliance by using some form of intimidation. He calls your bluff, and next thing you know you've locked horns like rutting rams ... stuck together with no graceful exit for either of you. It's what happens when a parent tries to control his child's body and/or choices.

Thankfully, there is another way:

"Sam, it's clean up time now. If there are any toys still left on the floor when this timer goes off in 5 minutes, I'll be picking them up myself and putting them away on a high shelf in the garage for awhile."

This statement leaves Sam with nothing to argue with, and there's no need for you to attempt intimidation tactics to force compliance. You're okay with whatever he chooses. In fact, if you're like me, you kinda hope he chooses to let you do it, because you wouldn't mind seeing a few less toys around the house!

You control your own body and choices. He controls his.

Power struggle averted.

Copyright 2006 Karen Alonge
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BONUS : A Solid Foundation

The early years of a child's life are some of the most critical in shaping who that child will become and what kind of life that child will enjoy. In essence, the first years of anyone's life are the foundation for everything else. Just like a house is built upon a foundation, so a child grows and blossoms on the foundation of their earliest years.

Regardless of what life looks like for a young child, a foundation is being built. It can be a poor foundation that leads to hardship and pain later, or it can be a solid foundation that leads to success and happiness.

If you are parenting a young child, there are many things you can and should be doing to create the best possible foundation for your child. It might sound too obvious, but the most important thing that parents can do for their children is to love them well. Loving your child can mean many things. One way every parent can love their child is by putting the needs of your child above your own needs and sacrificing things you care about or love to do in order to create a solid foundation for your child. Being a parent means that you may not get to enjoy a night out with friends every week or that you may have to spend your free time doing something other than your favorite hobby.

Providing a great foundation for your child and loving them well also means spending time with them. There is no way to substitute time spent enjoying your child and teaching them new things. Even the best day care situation in the world cannot replace parent-child time. Rearrange your schedule if you have to and commit yourself to prioritizing your child in your schedule. These early years are the foundation not only for your child's life, but also for your parent-child relationship. Nothing could be more important than focusing on that.

Parents love their children well when they show interest in the growth and learning of their child. Take the time to teach your child new things. Be the one that helps them learn to walk or potty train or say their first word. Build a foundation and a trust with your child where they know that you care about them more than anyone else does. Commit to helping your child learn to read. Make time for storytime before your child goes to bed.

Building a strong foundation for your child is not rocket science. It is simply choosing to be unselfish and to do all you can to make your child's life full of fun, safety and love. Do not forget that these early years are the foundation for everything else that will happen in your child's life. Do your part everyday to ensure that your child's foundation is better than okay.

"La Méthode en 10 Jours pour en Finir avec les Crises"
de Daniel LAMBERT

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