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Should You Buy A Vibrating Chair For Your Baby

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Should You Buy A Vibrating Chair For Your Baby?

Many people say parenting is the toughest, and most important, job in the world. I agree. A baby is definitely a bundle of joy, but there are times when two hands just aren’t enough and you need some help in soothing and keeping your baby happy. Thankfully, now there are a number of items that make life easier for parents. Vibrating chairs are one such godsend.

I am all for attachment parenting and do believe that we have too much equipment for babies these days. Entire households seem to be focused on items that allow a parent to get away with little or no physical contact with their little ones. But, at the other end of the spectrum, we have parents (especially Mothers) who are so tired they are ready to drop. There has to be a happy middle path between the two.

One mother stated things very well:

“When my second baby came along, I was totally enthralled with attachment parenting. I would carry her around myself and she even slept with us. By the time she was 6 months old, she had made up her mind to be carried around ALL day. And she was such an alert baby that she hardly slept at all. So, much as I hated having to use a piece of equipment to take care of my long-awaited baby, I succumbed due to sheer, bone-deep exhaustion.”

“I selected a vibrating chair after a lot of research. I had read a whole lot of reviews - some chairs were too ‘bouncy’, and many were battery-hogs. I finally went for a beautiful, blue vibrating chair that also converts to a toddler chair. And it was a surprise: the moment I turned it on and adjusted the position, her eyes sort of half-closed, and in a moment, she was sleeping quietly and peacefully! Because she was getting bigger, I was finding it difficult to carry her around, especially when I had to cook, and do my laundry. I could now safely leave her in her vibrating chair while I carried on with my work. I selected a type of chair that has a strap in the front, much like car seats do. This keeps her safe and I don’t have to worry about her opening the buckle, or wriggling out. I think what makes this product useful is that it’s a rocker, a sleeper, and an extra hand - all rolled into one.”

The main reason why babies like vibrating chairs is that it gives them an indescribable feeling of safety and familiarity. Babies like movement. This is mostly because they have been moving about in a swimming pool until they came out into the world- a very noisy swimming pool at that! Everything that the mother says and does creates a vibration; such as the sound of her voice, her heartbeat, even her breathing. When the baby comes out, he or she enters a silent, stationary world where things are not very familiar. Recreating that familiar world by moving, rocking or vibrating, calms the baby.

The biggest downside to a vibrating chair is the number of batteries it uses – especially if you’re using the chair every day. Consider using rechargeable batteries. They’ll cost you less money and are a better choice for the environment.

A vibrating baby chair can never take the place of the love and warmth of a baby’s parents, but it can help on those days nothing else seems to calm or soothe your baby or when Mom needs some time to cook a meal or take a well deserved break.
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BONUS : Shyness In Children

What is shyness?

Liz wanted to enter the mess hall. All the other kids were already seated in groups, munching their lunch, chatting happily. Liz was afraid that people would look at her, so she hung outside, trying to muster the courage to enter. But her heart raced inside her rib cage, her palms sweated and she felt a warm blush cover her face. So she left.

Shyness during childhood years.

Shy children like Liz suffer from 'approach avoidance conflict. It means that they do want to approach others, but at the same time, are too afraid to do so. As a result, the shy child may have bad approach skills, lower social skills and feel that everything they say is dull or stupid. Hence, shy children may have low results in tests that require face-to-face interactions, and may be perceived as less intelligent than they are due to their fear of talking. Thus, a vicious cycle may begin that only enhances the low-self esteem of the shy child. During later childhood and adolescence shyness becomes increasingly associated with loneliness, depression, social anxiety, and low self-worth.

The shy ones may feel tiny in relation to others, or wish to disappear all together.

Mitch's switching into objects in "The Two Tuba Switch" is a way to stretch shyness a bit to make a point.

Shyness - nature or nurture? Both.

Shyness runs in families. About one fifth of the babies are born with a tendency for shyness.

Shyness may be caused by any single or repeated incidents that makes us feel uncomfortable or unworthy (new day in preschool /school, peer mockery, bullying, etc).

Modern age factors.

Increased crime which forces children off the streets, smaller families, increasing use of computers, video games, and TV as a form of non-human means for fun and play. These changes which may also be a convenient for a shy person may also enhance his shyness.

How to improve matters in a nutshell?

Parents must be supportive of their child's temperament helping them feel better about themselves. At the same time, they must not be over protective by helping the child engage in successful social activity. Mutual activities such as reading together Children's educational books about shy children and how they cope is another good way.

Parents must never ever, let their own childhood memories and frustrations interfere and get in the way! Love your children for what they are.

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de Daniel LAMBERT

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