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Seventeen Reasons To Homeschool Your Kids

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Seventeen Reasons To Homeschool Your Kids

Homeschooling was once a rare educational method. Today it is well known and an accepted way to education your kids.

Most parents thinking of homeschooling have a difficult time deciding whether to do it or not. The following is a list 17 reasons why other parents are homeschooling their kids. And, there is one important question you must answer correctly if you expect to succeed in homeschooling. This will be given to you at the end of this article.

- Private school is to expensive
- Their children have problems learning in school or have a hard time getting along with other kids
- They have special health needs
- They are unhappy with the public school curriculum
- They want their kids to have a better education
- They enjoy homeschooling and being with their children
- They don't want their kids to be badly influenced by other kid and learn their bad behaviors
- They want their kids to learn the skills they need to succeed in life
- They want their kids to receive an education that caters to their interests, ability level and aspirations
- They move around, following husbands work, and this is a way to keep the family together
- Their kids would get the individual attention they really needed
- It gives the kids a chance to become who they really are by giving them more freedom to express themselves than public schools would allow.
- The want to see their kid grow and turn into wonderful, capable, loving person.
- They want a way of life that allows the whole family to be together
- They feel they are releasing their kids to strangers to raise them and this is not what they want to do
- Their own educational philosophy greatly differs with the public school education.

So how do you decide whether to homeschool or not. Well, you're going to need a lot of information. You need to learn about,

- academic research
- legal homeschool rulings
- homeschooling practicals
- schooling materials
- how much it will cost
- how to evaluate what you are doing

One more important thing you will need to find out. You need to know what it feels like to homeschool your kids day in and day out.

Finally, the most important question you have to answer if you are planning to homeschool your kids is:

Do you really enjoy being and spending time with your kids? The question is, if you enjoy spending a lot of time with your kids every day. You must like being with your kids most of the time and if you don't then most likely, homeschooling is not for you.
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BONUS : Sharing Books With Children

One of my first memories of childhood is that of my mother reading Dr. Seuss books to me in a big brown recliner in our living room. That memory brings with it sounds and smells and a general feeling of safety and comfort that never fades, even after all these years. Naturally, one of the first memories I have of my own first born child is sitting in a big chair and reading Little Golden Books to him.

Sharing books and reading with my children is as natural as giving them baths and making their breakfast. It’s just something I do everyday, and it’s one of the most pleasurable moments of my day. I love to hold my two year old in my lap while we snuggle up and look through his ever growing library of books. His favorite books change weekly as his interests broaden. Books open up the world to him and his imagination is bubbling over with new ideas every day.

More than just telling a story, books help children better understand their own ideas and feelings and often calm an upset toddler when nothing else will work. They see and hear about other kids like them and others from around the world who are different. We’ve all seen little kids acting out the stories they hear. As a child I spent many afternoons pretending to be the characters from my favorite books. Just recently my son was playing ‘Dr.Dan. The Bandage Man’, a current favorite Little Golden Book.

Although reading with children is so very rewarding for both adult and child, little kids need time to look at books alone. This allows them the opportunity to look at the pictures and develop the habit of ‘reading’ even though they can’t yet read. In my Family Child Care, I have different ‘libraries’ available in different rooms in my home. The kids have labeled these areas ‘libraries’ themselves, and will often rotate the books from room to room and act out ‘going to the library’ daily. Imagine my surprise when I first witnessed a three year old taking the younger kids ‘to the library.’

Because books are a very user-friendly activity and require no prep or cleanup other than returning them to the ‘library’, parents can and should use any opportunity to share books with their young children. Long car or plane trips, waiting rooms, in shopping carts, you name it, you can hand a child a book and make just about any transition or otherwise boring activity exciting. Books and reading can be both a group or individual activity, and many children who are normally shy in a group setting will sit in the reading circle and share story-time while making new friends.

By sharing books with your young child, you are planting a precious memory that will last a lifetime for both parent and child. They in turn will continue the tradition with their own children and remember those special times. A world of experiences and ideas are waiting for you to introduce to them.

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