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Safety Guide For Buying Kids Furniture

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Safety Guide For Buying Kids Furniture

Your little one is precious, so safety is the first thing to keep in mind when shopping for furniture. Follow the guide below to ensure that you make all the safety considerations before making the purchase.

1. General Guidelines

- Read the label and check if the product meets the US Consumer Safety Commission standard for the particular furniture type or model - products especially for babies and young kids require this rating

- Consult the US Consumer Safety Commission website for any furniture recall to know what to avoid when buying a specific furniture

- Look at the furniture construction. Make sure it is sturdy, durable and rated to carry your child’s weight, size or age

- Avoid furniture with rough or sharp edges. This is an obvious hazard to your child. If you cannot avoid such, buy corner or edge guards from Home Depot and install it before letting your child use the piece of furniture

2. Prevent Furniture From Tipping Over

- Anchor furniture to the wall or floor to ensure that they do not tip over on the kid. Children are very adventurous and they always want to climb, conquer and test furniture, so avoid having one of the 10,000 children brought annually to the hospital for furniture tip over injury

- Place heavy items like TV’s or heavy books at the lower part of bookcases or display cabinets. This also ensures the furniture will not have a tendency to tip over

- Keep your kid’s stuff low and within their reach. Avoid placing them on top of bookcases or display cabinets. No matter where his or her favorite teddy is, your child will climb to get it. So discourage that

3. Toy Chests, Closets

- When buying toy chests, avoid buying the ones with a vertically opening lid. Such an opening has a danger of having the lid fall onto your child when he or she reaches inside to get a toy. If you cannot avoid buying a vertically opening toy chest, make sure that it has a hinge that locks into position and prevents a free falling lid. Test it yourself before buying

- Place a lock or door guard on swing-out or pullout closets to avoid being accidentally pulled open by your infant

- Choose painted finishes for closets and avoid top pressed laminates. Laminate adhesive can wear out over time and due to humidity. When the laminate lifts, it can be a splinter hazard to your child

4. Bunk Bed Safety

- As your child outgrows his crib, the next logical sleeping furniture is a bunk bed. It is perfect when sharing the room with other siblings or when optimizing bedroom space by locating storage or the study area, under the elevated bed. However, there are still reported cases of injuries or hospitalizations due to defective bunk beds. Entrapment, falling and suffocation are the most common cases. Follow the advice below to avoid them

- Make sure the space between the guardrail and the mattress or bed frame is wide enough to allow your child to slip through. Death by strangulation has occurred on children whose head get stuck in such spaces

- Check the durability of the way the guardrail is attached. Make sure it can resist your child’s weight so it cannot dislodge and let your child fall while sleeping

- When lodging the bunk bed against a wall, make sure that there is no gap between the bed or bed frame and the wall. Reported deaths have occurred when kids rolled off the bed’s wall side and got stuck in between the wall and the side of the bed. If there is a remote possibility that this can happen, install a second durable guardrail

- If using a double bunk bed, an unsecured mattress foundation can dislodge when the kid in the lower bed kicks upwards to the upper bunk. Avoid this by securing the upper bed mattress foundation by placing additional cross ties underneath the foundation

- Make sure that the size of the mattress fits the structure of the bunk bed structures. A mattress that is too short will have a gap with the frame. Your child can fall or be strangled on such an opening
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BONUS : Saving For Your Childs College Education

Paying for college is one of the largest expenses a parent will face in their lifetime, other than paying for a house. Because of this, care needs to be taken as well as special planning and allocations of finances in order to take the burden away from this expense. Starting early is the best option, even when your child is a toddler is not too soon. Consider the following timeline for saving for your child’s college education.

When college is 15 years or more away, then you should open and education IRA that will allow you to save conservatively for your child’s college. Also, since there is a lot of time before your child will need the money this is the time to invest in aggressive funds or stocks. As the time for college nears, you will want to save money in conservative ways, but now is ok to be aggressive if you wish.

When college is 10-15 years away for your child, then there are some additional things you can do. First, consider prepaid tuition plans that allow you to pay for college over a period of time before your child ever reaches the first day of school. The problem with this is you take the decision away from your child of which college they want to attend. Also, talk to your accountant about different savings plans your state offers for college savings. More than likely, there are some plans that will help you meet your savings needs or receive tax breaks. Also, make sure your portfolio is more secure and stabilized. Try to get your investments in order and start saving more conservatively.
At the five to 10 year mark, you will need to start moving your money into different accounts or bonds. For example, bonds are a good option as well as fixed income. If you are unsure, talk to a financial planner to help you make the decision.
When there are only five more years until your child enters college, make sure your investments are safe and secure and not in any aggressive funds. This is the time to guard the money rather than risk it on aggressive markets.

If you realize that even though you have been saving for more than 15 years, you will not have enough money to pay for your child’s tuition, you can consider different student loans that do not need to be paid back while the child is enrolled in school and that have low interest rates. There are loans available for the parent as well as the child, so whatever works for your family is the best option.

Also, once your child is actively enrolled in college there are different tax breaks that you can file on your tax return that will help out significantly.When it comes to paying for college, starting early and making a plan is the best way to go about it.

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