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A New Teaching Method For Autistic Children

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A New Teaching Method For Autistic Children

With the prevalence of autism in the United States, one company is hoping its unique reading system will be a boon to parents seeking new ways to help their autistic children develop reading skills.

About 1.5 million people are diagnosed with autism in the United States - a sharp rise from only 1 in 10,000 in the 1970s.

Dr. Temple Grandin, an associate professor at Colorado State University and author of two books on autism, has done significant research into the teaching of autistic children and lectures on the subject around the world.

"Many people with autism are visual thinkers," said Grandin, who herself was an autistic child. "I think in pictures. I do not think in language. All my thoughts are like videotapes running in my imagination."

Therein lies the concept behind the Readent learning system developed by SFK Media Specially For Kids Corp. The program uses "Reading Movies," interactive film adaptations of classic children's stories in DVD format. As the actors speak, the words appear simultaneously on the screen as text, providing the autistic viewer with written words along with the visual pictures needed to grasp language concepts and build vocabulary.

"The Readent system incorporates all the modern research for teaching reading to autistic children, including the observations of experts such as Dr. Grandin and other cognitive scientists," said Len Anthony Smith, chief executive officer of SFK Media. "Its interactive wordplay dictionary and comprehension quizzes and games seem to work wonders for autistic learners."

Grandin provides the following tips for teaching children with autism.

* Avoid long strings of verbal instructions. People with autism have problems remembering the sequence. Instead, write the instructions down on a piece of paper.

* Use concrete visual methods to teach number concepts, such as a set of blocks that have a different length and color for the numbers one through 10, or wooden "fruit" cut into quarters and halves to teach fractions.

* Many autistic children have problems with motor control in their hands, therefore neat writing is sometimes hard. To reduce frustration, let your child type on the computer.

* Keep the keyboard close to the screen. Some children have difficulty remembering something on a computer screen if they have to look up after they hit a key on the keyboard.

* Non-verbal children will find it easier to associate words with pictures if they see the printed word on a flashcard. Some individuals do not understand line drawings, so it's best to work with real objects and photos first.
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BONUS : A Parent's Dream: Successful Sleepovers For Children; Tips From Parenting Expert Penny Warner To Help Make Sleepover Season Simple

The sleepover season is here, with children spending nights away from home at friends' houses, family vacations and camp. Sleepovers are considered a rite of passage for kids, but common fears such as making new friends, missing Mom and Dad or experiencing bed-wetting can make kids hesitant about spending the night away from home. To ensure that your child is ready and confident to enjoy their next sleepover, GOODNITESÂź disposable underpants teamed up with childhood expert Penny Warner, who offers some great advice and tips to help make nights away from home stress-free.

If you're hosting a sleepover:

Go Over Guidelines

Let your guests know they should treat your home just as they would treat their own. Develop a list of rules to make sure the sleepover goes smoothly.

Provide Yummy Snacks

• Set up a make-your-own-minipizza station with toppings for the kids to choose. If the sleepover is for a birthday, celebrate with a decorate-your-own-birthday-cupcake station.

Make It Memorable

• Give kids memories of the sleepover by letting them decorate his or her own picture frames or scrapbooks. If you don't own a Polaroid camera, take digital photos and offer to e-mail them to the parents to print and place in the frames.

If sending your kids away to camp or to a sleepover:

Pack An Overnight Sack

• Be sure to include:

-Comfy pajamas, pillow, sleeping bag and toiletries

-Glow sticks or flashlight-in case your child is afraid of the dark

-Fun items-cards, activity books, craft supplies, board games.

Prepare For Homesickness

• Let your child know that you will miss them, but overemphasizing this may make him or her nervous. Let your child know it is alright to miss home and he or she can always talk about his or her feelings.

Talk To Camp Counselors

• If your child experiences bedwetting (and 5 to 7 million kids in the U.S. do!), let his or her counselor know that your child is capable of taking care of the situation. Pack GOODNITESÂź disposable underpants so he or she wakes up with confidence. They disappear under pajamas so other campers don't have to know.

Warner recommends that parents share their sleepover tips and tools with each other. In fact, GOODNITESÂź Brand is searching for parents who have planned an enjoyable sleepover for their child. Whether it's a special snack they make or a secret they have for getting kids to settle down before bedtime-parents can provide Dream Sleepover tips that work. Winners will be judged on the creativity of their ideas and one lucky family will win the ultimate Dream Sleepover package valued at $5,000.

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