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Recommended Vaccines For Children

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Recommended Vaccines For Children

We all know that in order to prevent serious illnesses from affecting our children we must take them to the doctor at predetermined periods for vaccination. Parents need to know when it is the most indicated moment for such a shot and against which disease is their child protected.

In this article parents can find information regarding the immunization schedule for children aged 0-6 years and the diseases their children will be protected from.

At birth your child will receive the first shot of the HBV vaccine. HBV refers to hepatitis B virus which infects the liver and during adulthood can cause liver cancer and death. The vaccine against this virus consists of 3 shots. The first shot is given at birth, the second between 1 and 2 months and the third between 6 to 18 months. It is important not to skip any of the 2 or 3 shot or else the previous vaccination will be ineffective.

Another important vaccine is the DTaP vaccine good against: diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis. Diphtheria attacks the heart and the throat causing heart failure and death. Tetanus causes muscle spasms and finally death. Pertussis is responsible for severe coughing and can lead to pneumonia, convulsions and brain lesions.
The DTaP vaccine must be taken in 5 shots: the first during month 2, the second in month 4, then month 6, month 15 and between year 4 and 6.

At month 2, month 4 and month 6 your child will be given the Hib vaccine which will keep him safe from Haemophilus influenza type b. Hib can cause pneumonia, meninigitis and throat infections that can lead to choking. Sometimes the Hib vaccine can be given together with the HBV vaccine in the same shot.

Another vaccine given at month 2, 4, 6 and 12 is the PCV (the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine). PCV will protect your child against severe ear infections and meningitis.

The IPV (inactivated poliovirus vaccine) is made for preventing polio, a serious illness that can cause muscle pain and paralysis of one or both legs or arms. It can lead to death. The vaccine is given in 4 shots, at 2, 4, 10 months and the last shot between 4 and 6 years.

The vaccine against influenza can be given to our little ones after month 6 and must be given every year to protect him from getting the flu.

The MMR vaccine is against Measles, Mumps and Rubella, and is given in 2 shots at month 12 and between 4 and 6 years.

The Varicella vaccine is made against chickenpox and can be given to children after they are 12 months old. This vaccine can also be given at any time to those who have never been vaccinated against chickenpox.

And finally, the MPSV4 vaccine created for preventing meningitis caused by 4 strains of the bacteria called Meningitidis. The symptoms of this type...(read the full article at the link below)
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BONUS : Redefining The Notion Of " Super Mom"-all You Need Is Love

Every day as I watch my three children grow, I reflect on my most important career choice-the day I became a mom. Like other women, I've struggled to balance work, life, home and family, but the good news is there is a solution.

First is to forget trying to be a "Super Mom." These are moms who try to be all things to all people and come up short in the process. Today's moms have learned to prioritize, focusing not only on our families but on taking care of ourselves. Our lives come in seasons, and I find that when I'm stretched too thin, I'm not effective at anything. Taking time for myself is a win-win for everybody.

As moms, once we have our priorities in line, we can then be more productive in all areas of our lives. For me, these include my faith, my family and then of being of service through volunteer work. I think we can have it all, just not all at once.

To find out more about how moms balance their busy lives, Sharpie, a trusted mom tool, surveyed moms and found that 95 percent of us agree that taking time for ourselves makes us a better mother. Still, 44 percent said that spending time with their family is the best stress relief.

The survey also identified a new breed of mothers-"Signature Moms." These are moms who have their own way of parenting and expressing love to their children-whether it's by volunteering at school, attending extracurricular games and activities or taking a much-deserved mom break.

To celebrate today's Signature Moms and help set priorities, here are some simple things moms can do to keep love at the forefront of their family relationships. These "10 easy ways to say I love you" have helped me daily, and I hope they will do the same for you.

1. Slip a handmade valentine or a simple note into your child's lunch box.

2. Take a walk together in the woods or your favorite park.

3. Jot down a line from your favorite poem. Share it with family members.

4. Kiss your kids good night, but also every chance you get.

5. Read a chapter book together.

6. Make it a priority to have family dinnertime together-no matter how busy the schedule.

7. Turn off the TV. Have a pizza night and watch a movie together.

8. Have a picnic in the park after the soccer game, instead of stopping for a fast meal on the way home.

9. Have each family member write down one reason why they appreciate each other. Write your reasons on a tag and use ribbon to attach them to a batch of your favorite cookies. Let every family member find his/her own special cookies.

10. Help your kids write a letter to a family member who lives far away. Write the first few lines of a story and instruct the recipient to write the next, and then return the letter. Your story can continue indefinitely.

"La Méthode en 10 Jours pour en Finir avec les Crises"
de Daniel LAMBERT

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