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Recognizing A Baby S Sleep Patterns

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Recognizing A Baby’s Sleep Patterns

It’s true, the number one milestone most parents seek look forward to is the day (or night) their newborn starts sleeping through the night.

You don’t have to suffer endless night after night without sleep however, even with a newborn.

Baby’s actually follow certain sleep patterns, and if you get to know what these patterns are you’ll start sleeping more soundly and better the times you do have a chance to get some sleep!

Baby’s don’t actually sleep at the same intervals adults do. They actually sleep very unsoundly. Their sleep is full of interruptions because their sleep cycle is not yet fully developed, thus they wake more often during the night.

Generally grown adults spend about six hours every night in deep sleep. This is the really restful phase of sleep you require to feel fresh and new in the morning. Usually time permitting another 2 hours are spent in light sleep.

Baby’s generally have twice as many light sleep cycles as adults though, and their deep sleep cycles are much shorter than adults.

Baby’s also have to LEARN how to fall back asleep, it is not a skill that comes naturally. Whereas adults might zonk out the moment their head hits the pillow, a baby will actually lie there looking for something to soothe them back to sleep.

Newborn’s actually sleep a lot, approximately 16 to 18 hours every day, but they don’t enjoy this sleep all at the same time.

Most baby’s will sleep in increments of only two to three hour intervals. Sometimes their internal sleep clocks are also confused from being in the womb, and they mistakenly believe that night is day and day is night. This means that they’ll spend more of their time sleeping during the day than at night!

Here’s the good news, your baby’s sleep patterns will eventually changes, usually by about the time they are 12 weeks old. They will start sleeping about 14-16 hours per day, and many of those hours will be spent sleeping at night.

What can you do in the meantime to feel more refreshed?

- Sleep when your baby sleeps. No matter what time of day, take a nap whenever your baby does catch some zzz’s.

- Open the blinds and keep things bright during the day. This will help change your baby’s clock around so they spend more of their time sleeping at night and not during the day.

- Sleep near your baby at night. This will help comfort them and allow them to sleep more easily. There are many co-sleeper products available that allow you to sleep with your baby safely at night. Consider trying one until your baby is about 12 weeks old, when they are old enough to start sleeping on their own.

- You can teach your baby to be a good sleeper with a little time and a little patience, armed with a little bit of knowledge about their sleep patterns!
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BONUS : Recommended Vaccines For Children

We all know that in order to prevent serious illnesses from affecting our children we must take them to the doctor at predetermined periods for vaccination. Parents need to know when it is the most indicated moment for such a shot and against which disease is their child protected.

In this article parents can find information regarding the immunization schedule for children aged 0-6 years and the diseases their children will be protected from.

At birth your child will receive the first shot of the HBV vaccine. HBV refers to hepatitis B virus which infects the liver and during adulthood can cause liver cancer and death. The vaccine against this virus consists of 3 shots. The first shot is given at birth, the second between 1 and 2 months and the third between 6 to 18 months. It is important not to skip any of the 2 or 3 shot or else the previous vaccination will be ineffective.

Another important vaccine is the DTaP vaccine good against: diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis. Diphtheria attacks the heart and the throat causing heart failure and death. Tetanus causes muscle spasms and finally death. Pertussis is responsible for severe coughing and can lead to pneumonia, convulsions and brain lesions.
The DTaP vaccine must be taken in 5 shots: the first during month 2, the second in month 4, then month 6, month 15 and between year 4 and 6.

At month 2, month 4 and month 6 your child will be given the Hib vaccine which will keep him safe from Haemophilus influenza type b. Hib can cause pneumonia, meninigitis and throat infections that can lead to choking. Sometimes the Hib vaccine can be given together with the HBV vaccine in the same shot.

Another vaccine given at month 2, 4, 6 and 12 is the PCV (the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine). PCV will protect your child against severe ear infections and meningitis.

The IPV (inactivated poliovirus vaccine) is made for preventing polio, a serious illness that can cause muscle pain and paralysis of one or both legs or arms. It can lead to death. The vaccine is given in 4 shots, at 2, 4, 10 months and the last shot between 4 and 6 years.

The vaccine against influenza can be given to our little ones after month 6 and must be given every year to protect him from getting the flu.

The MMR vaccine is against Measles, Mumps and Rubella, and is given in 2 shots at month 12 and between 4 and 6 years.

The Varicella vaccine is made against chickenpox and can be given to children after they are 12 months old. This vaccine can also be given at any time to those who have never been vaccinated against chickenpox.

And finally, the MPSV4 vaccine created for preventing meningitis caused by 4 strains of the bacteria called Meningitidis. The symptoms of this type...(read the full article at the link below)

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