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Raising Baby On The Cheap

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Raising Baby On The Cheap

Have you ever read those reports on the cost of raising a child?

The last time I checked, I was told that it would cost the astronomical figure of $430,470 to raise my baby... and that didn't include college tuition!

The people who come up with these figures must not be very creative. Some of the best things you can do for your child are free or very inexpensive. Here are some tips for raising kids on the cheap.

1) Breastfeed

You can save roughly $1,000 in formula costs alone in your baby's first year by breastfeeding. Check out this report:

This figure doesn't include the extra costs you would incur from Doctor visits and medications. Breastfed babies are less likely to need medical care and don't get sick as often as their formula fed peers.

Formula feeding increases a baby's risk of both acute and chronic health problems not only during childhood but well into adulthood. If you're a working and breastfeeding Mother, you're less likely to miss work than if you were formula feeding.

In addition, a breastfed baby can go straight from the breast to an open cup, thus eliminating pacifiers, bottles and sippy cups.

Even baby food is not necessary. The healthiest first foods for baby are fresh fork-mashed avocado, banana, sweet potato and the like. If you're breastfeeding, you may be able to delay the introduction of solids until as late as 8 or 9 months.

2) Use Cloth Diapers

All I am give cloth a chance!

The modern cloth diapers are nothing like Grandma's. The nicer ones are made from high tech materials that wick moisture away from baby, and utilize snaps or velcro to close instead of pins.

They save you a lot of money especially if you save them and use them again for subsequent children. You can buy them cheaply at thrift stores, online auctions, and diaper services (check your phone book for listings). Or ask for cloth diapers as shower gifts.

3) Rethink your Needs

Think about what you REALLY need to raise your baby. A lot of the expensive items sold in baby stores are completely unnecessary and some are even harmful. Most of the people raising children on the planet today do so without cribs, walkers (which Pediatricians recommend against anyway!), playpens, changing tables, swings, "educational" toys, etc.

Many Moms have found that a soft cloth carrier or baby sling was the only gadget they really needed. Baby is happy, stimulated by your activities and entertained. And Mom can get stuff done!

The best toys are simple and classic and require imagination. These are often the least expensive too! And most kids do best with few toys that are rotated. Think back to your own childhood...what were your favorite toys? If you can even remember them, they were probably not loud, flashy electronic battery powered gadgets. Your best childhood memories probably come from activities...playing in Grandma's backyard, going places with Mom and Dad, the simple things.

For the baby stuff you really can't live without...

4) Buy or Obtain Used

Let friends know that you welcome hand-me-downs and you'll be blessed with all sorts of great stuff!

High quality clothing and baby equipment generally doesn't wear out from just one child's use. For safety, check to make sure items haven't been recalled and get the owner's manuals from the manufacturer's websites. (The one exception would be child safety seats. Always buy those new.)

Shop at thrift and consignment shops and online auctions. Some of the very best deals can be found at regional consignment sales. Check local parenting magazines and websites for the locations of these.

Personally, I prefer used clothing because much new clothing has been treated with flame retardants and other scary chemicals that can be absorbed into children's softer skin.

Being a frugal parent minimizes the impact on the environment, saves you money and models a healthy lifestyle to your kids. Teach your kids what really matters in life...people, not things!
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BONUS : Raising Bilingual Children: 10 Tips For Boosting The Minority Language

Your toddler may think that he or she’s a complete superhero -- and when it comes to language acquisition, it’s actually true! In particular, compared to adult language learners. Lena Sandvik in Boston says “I’m amazed that my 15 and 11 year olds have grown up to be completely bilingual. My accent and those silly, grammatical errors still haven’t disappeared, even after 15 years in the country.” As easy as acquiring multiple languages is for small children, the single most important factor in language learning is the quantity of spoken language addressed to the child. So, if you worry that you aren’t providing enough, here are a few tricks to boost your superhero’s inherent powers. 

Other kids: Join (or start) a playgroup for the second language. Children of all ages will learn from each other; there simply are no better language teachers than other kids. An added bonus will be that you will connect with other parents of bilingual
Books: Of course you know how vital those precious one-on-one moments are, but remember that they can be infused with language learning also. Books are the most effective tool for teaching language, and so I advise all parents: “Start reading at birth and never stop!” A good way to add to reading time (and make it really personal) is to create a dialogue, encouraging your child's comments, responses, and elaborations. Talk about what the characters are like and what they might be doing next. 
The right stuff: From books, add video, television and games. There are a multitude of aides towards fluency. In particular, games that use rhyming will make the most of language memory, but “I Spy”, “Bingo” and “Memory” with picture cards will also playfully build vocabulary. 
Sing and dance: Children absolutely love music, but don't rely solely on recorded music; your own singing, even if it is off-key, will still serve to unite melody and words for your child more surely than any professional recording ever could. Melody is also a fantastic memory aid. Think about how much easier children learn their ABCs when they sing them, compared to just reciting them. And, the combination of music with movement and gestures will enliven it all -- as well as provide a nice outlet for squirmy toddlers.
Tap into their interests: Whatever your child’s enthusiasms may be -- whether a love of soccer, dance, or horses -- make an effort to ‘involve’ these passions in the minority language. ”My 3-year old son is a really big “Bob de Bouwer” (Bob the Builder) fan,” says Martijn Fredriks. “So now we always watch it in Dutch, and he’s even started speaking in Dutch when he plays with the Bob the Builder toys.” 
Be creative: The trick is to give the child lots to talk about, so draw out that conversation! Encourage them to make up their own stories, play dress-up and pretend in the second language. Even painting, working with sidewalk chalk, or molding clay usually creates more vocabulary than art! Older children may enjoy calling or using a webcam for calls overseas (one such free service is
Outside the box: Isabella Vellaccio, a mother in Washington DC, who reached beyond the obvious says, “I wanted my son to hear Italian from someone else than just me, and the playgroups were all during my working hours.” Isabella decided to attend the church coffee after the Italian mass on Sundays. “The older Italian parishioners were thrilled to see him learn Italian.” Needless to say, with that much attention, and Italian cookies, he loved it.”
Baby sitter: Find a college student who speaks the language, or for something more consistent, try a nanny or an au-pair.
Visits: The ultimate language boost is to visit the country where it is spoken. Total immersion for a couple of weeks has an amazing effect. And visits from friends or family also provide a valuable boost.
Enthusiasm: While the quantity of spoken language is the most important factor in learning a language, the second most vital ingredient is the amount of positive feedback the child hears. Early on, when a child is struggling to get those first syllables out, resist the urge to correct…it can actually inhibit language skills. 

There is a myriad of ways to ensure that foreign language time is “quality time,” but like any other aspect of parenting: trust your judgment, employ your imagination, and listen very, very well.

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