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A Mother S Reasons For Choosing Montessori

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A Mother's Reasons For Choosing Montessori

This is the time of year when the parents of many preschoolers must decide where their child will attend school in the fall. I wanted to take this opportunity to share my experience with Montessori preschool education.

My son is completing his second year in a Montessori preschool program and attended from the age of 3 1/2.

I chose Montessori for several reasons. First, my son is a bright, inquisitive child who already had a sound grounding in recognition of his alphabet, numbers, shapes, and colors before he started preschool. I was worried that he might be bored in a more traditional preschool. Montessori’s highly individual program means he is always challenged and interested. In addition, my son is a very active child and the Montessori program gives him lots of opportunity for free play outdoors and indoors as well as more freedom to move about, stand, or even lie on the ground while working on his lessons in the classroom.

In my opinion one of Montessori’s great advantages is the fact that the child drives the educational experience. My son’s interests and abilities determine his unique educational program and so his lessons may overlap but are not identical to those of his classmates. This makes him an eager and motivated student.

The education program offered by Montessori also includes many advantages. My son’s experience includes the arts, math and science, language, and life skills. He regularly impresses our friends and family with his knowledge of science, sign language, and other areas not traditionally included in preschool programs.

I also like the fact that his classroom includes a wider range of ages so he has friends who are both younger and older. In addition, he really enjoys having regular contact with the elementary-age students who serve as both role models and friends.

Finally, as a parent, I cannot stress enough the benefits that a program like Montessori offers in terms of life skills. All students are expected to be responsible for their own personal hygiene as well as maintenance and cleaning of the classroom and food areas. While support is offered by adults and older children, even young children can learn to clean up after themselves. It has certainly had an impact on my son’s willingness and ability to help out at home.

Recently I compared preschool experiences with a friend whose child is completing her second year in what most people consider to be the top preschool program in our community. We compared our children’s skills to the checklist provided by our school district of 60 skills (including cognitive skills, listening and sequencing skills, language skills, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, and social/emotional skills) that will help children transition into kindergarten. My son has all 60 skills while her daughter lacked skills in each of the areas.

I recommend every parent at least consider Montessori for their child as it is a child-centered learning approach that can provide an excellent foundation for a child’s future growth and learning.
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BONUS : A Mother's Wishlist: Peace, Plenty And Understanding

I recently celebrated my fifth Mother's Day. My family spent the day together doing simple fun things. I was perfectly content with my day and the gift my son made for me himself but later that evening as I watched the news (actual several news shows at once as my husband controlled the remote) I listened to several interviews with mothers in various walks of life and I started to wonder what our world would be like if mothers, all mothers, were given more power to control the world. I was no longer content. I know I have a wishlist and I despair of seeing my wishes come true.

Peace has to top any mother's wishlist. My son is only 5 but I have already suffered through sending beloved nephews off to war and war zones. I cannot imagine sending my child to war. No mother wants to. I imagine if mothers made world policy then we would see much less war. I don't believe there are many people who desire war but if the women who actually gave life also had the final say in when it would be spent I think there would be a lot less war.

Plenty for all has to quickly follow the wish for peace as it the unequal division of the world's wealth that so often causes problems in the world. When there is little hope to achieve or a constant struggle to maintain the basic necessities of life then people will be driven to extremes. Our world has a tremendous bounty of food and water and other resources. Modern technology has created tremendous advances in health care. Yet there are mothers who cannot provide food, shelter, clothing, care, or protection for their children.

Understanding would likely resolve the conflicts with the first two wishes. Mothers of all races and creeds share far more in terms of priority and experience than they differ in ideology and culture. No matter where, when or what we worship our prayers contain similar wishes, hopes, and fears for our children and that is an essentially human bond that could serve as a foundation for others. How much conflict and war in our world has simply been caused by not understanding? How much peace would we achieve by finding ways to bridge over those misunderstandings with common wishes? I think with better understanding would also come more tolerance for those differences that now separate us.

I will stop with these three wishes as three is a magical number. Perhaps if enough mothers share my wishes then they will indeed come true. I can only hope that my future Mothers Days will see more peace, plenty and understanding and less war, want, and intolerance.

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de Daniel LAMBERT

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